I don't have much time here. Spent much of the day cleaning up from Irma (yeah, we really had a disaster in FL, even if you're reading this while gorging on cheap candy at the MK now!) and have more mosquito bites than most fanbois have worthless pieces of Disney crap.
I saw
@lentesta had started a thread and I posted the following there and will put it here in case people aren't reading both:
lentesta said:
Word on the street is that layoffs in the thousands will be announced for Parks & Resorts in the next few weeks.
That's because the word is accurate. I touched upon Disney's disaster of a summer (overall, not just WDW ... although its summer was quite 'disappointing' according to someone who would know) in my thread this week.
Disney/Iger need to show they are being proactive ahead of the next earnings release and the start of the 2018 fiscal year.
P&R has had issues, mostly domestic as SDL (as I witnessed first hand) is doing great business for a new resort and DLP has shown improved numbers with the 25th Anniversary.
But WDW has just been abysmal. All the upcharges and prices increases and cost cutting mixed in with the desperation discounting has failed to yield the results, Iger, Chappie and Co. had demanded.
And, despite the BS you'll read on Micechat (you almost wonder if their column is being written from inside Cynthia's old office!), DLR has not been able to make up for that. Their Summer of Heros promotion was an utter disaster and despite what Chappie will crow, turning ToT into a GotG monstrosity hasn't moved the needle much, just like Pandora in the swamps.
You add this all together and ... you get lots of cuts to low and mid level management under the guise of cutting fat and duplication and all sorts of corporate buzzwords.
I was actually thinking about you the other day, Len (no, not in the way I think about
@derekburgan but ...) as I was thinking about your recent experience at the All Star Music. A friend is planning an October visit and during what should be a week where rooms are scarce (except for a few moderates and the always available SS and OKW) and ALL the values except AoA are available and many at discounts. This is for a week in mid-October. What has become a peak season for WDW. It sure as hell isn't shaping up to be that.
And I wonder how many people working this week during Irma are going to be told they no longer have jobs headed into the holidays not because Disney is a failing business, not because Disney is doing poorly, but simply because the profits are never enough for Wall Street and Iger only cares what they think.>>>