Day 4, Part 1: DH loves DH!
Whew! After that bag check line yesterday we learned our lesson. Got up early and did some scanning before entering a bag check line. Luckily none were as long as AK's yesterday so we were able to head in quickly!
First up was Toy Story Mania! We basically ran/walked there. Thanks so much for the suggestions to do this first! The wait said 50 minutes, but we ended up only waiting about 15. We got pushed to the FP line because we were a group of two, which helped speed things up!
We both really enjoyed this ride! So much so, we were tempted to pick up FP for later, but the FP was already at like...2p by the time we came out (crazy!) so we passed. We were planning to be back at DHS so we figured we'd catch it again that time.
We jetted to my favorite ride (from memory...and from Disney Paris) Tower of Terror!!! It said 10 mins, but really wasn't even that long. Unfortunately we got a bit of a dud for the ride. It was just a bunch of tiny drops, no real big ones...bummer. Not to worry though...we shall ride again.

DH suggested Rock 'n' Roller Coaster so we went there next. Again, short line... He loved this! I liked the ride, but I have started having issues with some rides lately. I first noticed when we were in Disney Paris and my head slammed against the shoulder harness and gave me a terrible headache. Then, at HersheyPark (close to our home) I got a very intense headache from some of the roller coasters. So apparently I need to be very cautious about rides that go upside-down and are jerky at all. I also need to essentially press my head back against the ride so it doesn't bounce around a ton...makes for some funny ride photos!
Star Tours! DH was super excited to ride this. I was actually on the fence before hand -- not a big Star Wars fan. The darn ride beat us up! DH got quite nauseous from it and as we were leaving the room I ran into one of the arm rests and got a major bruise on my leg (visible in some later photos!). Poor DH was a little disappointed. I actually quite liked the ride and wanted to do it again, but DH didn't think he could stomach it.
Oh well.
Next was Indiana Jones. DH said some woman was breastfeeding a few rows down from us, but I didn't see. Not that either of us really care, but seems you'd want one of those "hooter hider" things for such a public place? By the time it was over our stomachs were growling...