A ride based on a movie.

Samurai Jax

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Original Poster
How about a ride based on a disney movie, what and where should it be?

I think the head less horseman would make a great dark/wild ride at liberty square. :hammer: :fork:


New Member
Liberty Square is one of the smallest areas of the MK. Nothing can be put in there. However, there IS going to be a move based on HM and POTC.



Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Samurai Jax
How about a ride based on a disney movie, what and where should it be?

I think the head less horseman would make a great dark/wild ride at liberty square. :hammer: :fork:

Liberty Square (although small) needs something (I believe that they changed the border of it to include the Country Bear Jamboree or the Diamond Horseshoe Revue). I was thinking more along the lines of expanding behind Liberty Square with a Revolutionary War attraction. Paul Revere could be one of the opening scenes...it wouldn't have to be an E-ticket attraction...more like a PotC attraction.

Also, the Headless Horseman idea would be a cool idea...being chased through the covered bridge!


New Member
Monsters Inc., the door storage area has hanging rollercoaster written all over it. Where would I put it.....MGM/Disney Studios over by the Muppet 3D show to keep congestion on Sunset Blvd. down.


Well-Known Member
To me it seems that disney has been doing it in the reverse order. Take for instance the revival of the Country Bears. Lilo and Stitch, could they have saved the Polynesian? Yet I digress. An Atlantis sub ride would fill the void in the lagoon but, this is another thread. I like the idea of a ride, take for instance,"Mission: Space." where you could choose a difficulty level or fear factor, so it wouldn't become the same old ride. I think Ray Bradbury did a short story on it. Just my .02

Samurai Jax

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Original Poster
The lilo and stitch coaster at fantasy land or tommorrowland,just like the rock n roll coaster at mgm.:fork:

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
I must agree with thr idea of a Monsters Inc type coaster, the only problem may be that there bound to make it "child friendly" and remove all the thrills.

I still think a dark ride based around Atlantis would be a good idea it may even help with further sales of the DVD and video.


Well-Known Member
I agree the monsters inc. coaster sounds really cool! I think it should go in Fantasy land only because it doesn't have any thrills.


Originally posted by Katherine
I agree the monsters inc. coaster sounds really cool! I think it should go in Fantasy land only because it doesn't have any thrills.

I like that idea but I think they should put it in MGM somewhere


New Member
Originally posted by happy snapper

I still think a dark ride based around Atlantis would be a good idea it may even help with further sales of the DVD and video.

My 3 year olds first movie experience was Atlantis. When he first saw it, he liked it OK. When it came out on DVD we bought it and we have watched it every single day since at least once. Unfortunatly by the time it came out on DVD most of the toys and other items with any Atlantis theme had already been removed from the shelves. An Atlantis ride or characters in the theme parks would thrill him to no end. An Atlantis dark ride to replace Snow White would fit the bill quit nicely.


Well-Known Member
Re: Re: A ride based on a movie.

Originally posted by WDWFREAK53

Liberty Square (although small) needs something (I believe that they changed the border of it to include the Country Bear Jamboree or the Diamond Horseshoe Revue). I was thinking more along the lines of expanding behind Liberty Square with a Revolutionary War attraction. Paul Revere could be one of the opening scenes...it wouldn't have to be an E-ticket attraction...more like a PotC attraction.

Also, the Headless Horseman idea would be a cool idea...being chased through the covered bridge!

I was always under the impression that the Country Bear Jamboree was in frontierland as it is not far from Splash Mountain.


Well-Known Member
When I watched Harry Potter the first time I was ticked that it wasn't a Disney because of the potential for great rides based off of it. Then I saw Lord of the Rings, same thing. Last night I watched a Disney Movie that I hadn't seen since I was 10, the Black Cauldren, it reminded me a lot of Lord of the Rings, and would make for a great ride, the shame is Disney came out with it on Video. I remember a time when it was a big thing to rerelease a Disney Classic, with a little Disney Marketing "Rereleased in Theaters for the First Time" Disney could pull a hatrick of not only a hit movie, but also a great ride.


New Member

How about a Peter Pan ride? No, not like the cheesy kiddy ride/ghost train. Bring it right up todate.

A cross between Spiderman (sorry I know it's universal, but it's ace) and Jaws (I know, I know....:lol: ) a 3d water ride!!!!

You fly around Never Never Land as the galant Captain Hook in 3D chasing the evil Peter Pan :drevil: (strange chap, dresses in stockings and hangs around kids.. you can get arrested for that!), then get eaten by the Crock as you drop into the water!

My god I like this idea!.... initial thought to final concept a total of 30 seconds. I should be working for disney... dresses as Goofy :lol:

I'd put in in Epcot.... right in the middle of the lake!... Room for expansion! :lol:


New Member
OK - I'm not creative enough to figure out how it would work but I can't believe I've never seen a Mary Poppins ride/attraction! There was so much fun and fantasy in that movie. Perhaps I missed it? The only thing I've ever seen related to MP is the dress/shoes/umbrella in MGM Backlot tour..


New Member
Re: Re: A ride based on a movie.

Originally posted by WDWFREAK53

Liberty Square (although small) needs something (I believe that they changed the border of it to include the Country Bear Jamboree or the Diamond Horseshoe Revue).

Unless something DRASTIC has happened with their mapping, these two are still part of Frontierland. The buildings are still themed as the clapboard wooden structures synonymous with frontier/western towns of the 1800's. Physically, the closest "land" to CBR aside from Frontierland would be Adventureland thanks to that short cut breezeway that leads you right over towards Jungle Cruise and Aladdin's Flying carpets.


New Member
Originally posted by mwitkus
OK - I'm not creative enough to figure out how it would work but I can't believe I've never seen a Mary Poppins ride/attraction! There was so much fun and fantasy in that movie. Perhaps I missed it? The only thing I've ever seen related to MP is the dress/shoes/umbrella in MGM Backlot tour..

I alway thought that was what the carrosel was all about. Or am I wrong?

maureen ashton

New Member
I agree a Monster Inc. interactive coaster would be great, you the rider get to pick which door you go through a few times throughout the ride so that when you ride it the next time if you pick a different door you get a different ride each time. You could have a screaming door or a laughing door etc. etc. the possibilities are endless. The Disney imagineers could have a great time with this. I don't care which park its in.


New Member
The Monsters Inc. ride I had in mind was a hanging coaster. I can't figure out what the ride vehicles would be, but the theme would be that Randall is chasing you ( you being Sulley or Mike ) and you have to get Boo to her door and send her home. The main building and que would be the scare floor. It would also be an inside ride much like Rockin-Rollercoaster. Oh, with you exiting into a gift shop of course.

maureen ashton

New Member
Absolutely a gift shop, how any good ride should end, that's half the fun of WDW, searching the gift shops for fun stuff to take home. Wish I was there right now.

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