A public grievance, re: accusations on this message board


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
Original Poster
Alrighty, I'm posting this in WDW news since it'll get the most attention... but I'm aware that the admins/mods will undoubtedly move this thread, delete it, or lock it...

...so let it be knows that this thread is not meant to be incindieary in any way, but I will be harsh.

I will not say names... not to be obtuse, but alas, I'm not going to stoop to the levels of those who have stooped to them.

There is a member on these forums who may or may not be an insider. What this person is doing is providing rumors for the News and RUMORS forum. Ultimately, the truth of what is being said will be questioned.

Given the lack of good rumors in recent months, I welcome this person. Even if they are lying, it is giving us something to talk about. And if they are indeed saying the truth, then BRAVO! And thank you.

But the members who have done nothing to contribute to the rumors except attack the poster are a shameful example of the human species (if they are indeed human). If they cannot provide anything other than an attack, they need to stop posting and seriously re-examine themseves. Especially when the prior contributions of those persons are nil.

That is all.

Happy fathers day.

ReDisniey E-Dew

Account Suspended
No worries :)

You pretty much can expect some criticisms when you discuss future possible changes to WDW. You can also expect people to be skeptical when you can't tell them who you are or give them any specific information that could tie you to your position.

I enjoy posting tiny tidbits and I will continue to do so.

Have a great day!


Well-Known Member
Very eloquently put. I could not agree with you more. It seems as though you can't post anything anymore without someone attacking you. Its getting to a point where I want to stop visiting this site because I always end up getting frustrated by all the bickering. Why can't we discuss things like adults instead of arguing like a bunch of children?


Well-Known Member
Yea, I completely agree - very well put.

I couldn't agree more, mkt. It seems there are a handful of people who are just so overly cynical, and voice said cynicism, that it really mucks some threads down.

I really wish the admins would put a sticky thread along these lines at the top of the news and rumors page. No one should be bashed for putting forth rumors. They are nothing official, just rumors. Heck, if my dog told me that they were building a fifth gate, that would be a viable rumor, in my opinion.

Kudos to you, WED Insider, for not reacting negatively to others' cynicism.


New Member
BRAVO!!!:sohappy: I love seeing new rumors and welcome them with open arms even if they are WAY of the beaten path. It does give us something to talk about and I love it. Keep them coming. And a Bah Hum Bug to those who don't like people trying to get our message boards a little spicey.


Account Suspended
I'm confused.. I know people are skeptical but I haven't seen any "go away you suck" comments.

Are there some and I've just missed them?


Well-Known Member
Thank you mkt. Maybe there needs to be a seperation between a News section and a Rumors section, but as it is now it is for BOTH. I think rumors are fun and occasionally they turn into actual news. More often than not, nothing ever comes of them. Either because the news was always false or things change in the company. If you don't like rumors, it's pretty easy to stay away.


Account Suspended
Don't we have a rumor icon to and a news icon we can put before new posts?

We ought to adopt doing that, despite any such disputes or feelings one way or the other. It'd streamline things around here.


Well-Known Member
I'm confused.. I know people are skeptical but I haven't seen any "go away you suck" comments.

Are there some and I've just missed them?

I agree with this. I would think people are allowed to be cynical when the poster states their information as fact and not rumor and they're relatively new to the site (see first post here). Even with the skepticism there I haven't seen anything thats been so overboard that it really warrants the first post on this thread :shrug:


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
Don't we have a rumor icon to and a news icon we can put before new posts?

We ought to adopt doing that, despite any such disputes or feelings one way or the other. It'd streamline things around here.

Yes we do - like these:


But in a case like this it's going to boil down to if you accept the news as fact or not. :shrug:


Well-Known Member
I rarely ever read the "news and rumors" section because it gets so nasty. I want to get my hopes up that the nasty postings will stop but I am skeptical. Time will tell.


Well-Known Member
I have to say that I really haven't found the responses to be that bad. I'll admit I don't read all of them, but I don't see that it's that out of hand. :shrug:

The Mom

Premium Member
Rob, I see your point, and am in agreement. There are too many people who, when they believe a "rumor" is untrue, will come back with "You're full of it!" rather than, "Really? I have a friend in imagineering, and he/she said...." or "I heard it differently. Could you provide more information to back up you position, please?" BUT, this site is considered a source of accurate information, so we DO want to correct, as much as possible, any misinformation being posted.

Unfortunately, it too often turns into a contest where someone can only be right if the other is proven wrong. Unfortunately, in a big corporation such as WDW, there are many half truths floating around; not totally correct, but not completely wrong, either. If a few people could just check their egos at the door, and offer conflicting information without feeling the need to disparage the other poster, things would be a lot more pleasant around here.

I worked for one of RI's largest employers before I retired (RIH) and have personal experience of the amount of "garbage" that people accepted as gospel. I'm sure WDW is even worse.

So, people, just take a few seconds to respond with COURTESY, rather than trying to make yourself look better by putting someone else down.

Thank you. You may resume your bickering until I decide I've had enough.


Well-Known Member
I concur. I actully didn't read said posts after his first ones, because I know those five pages will be full of those type of comments. And I thank ReDisniey E-Dew for his neat little rumors. Because even if they aren't true, they're very entertaining lies, and make my day more interesting!


Well-Known Member
If a few people could just check their egos at the door....

Exactly....Or at the very least recognize that just because they visit the parks everyday...that does not entitle them more prestige for supposed superior knowledge about the goings-on than the rest of us...no matter how closely they stalk the mouse.


I personally find most rumors to be fun for discussion. That is of course...until we discuss it to death...but that's a matter perhaps best to leave out of this discussion. At the end of the day, people need to realize that no matter how "false" a rumor is...it is as valid as any other rumor until proven otherwise by a news release or the lack thereof.

All that said and done...I don't know what prompted mkt to start this thread...


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