A possibile redo with the SSE screens?


Well-Known Member
Nope, but I can't get the new stuff out of my head.

That's shocking. Oh well :wave:

I think many people on this board give the average guest/American too much credit:zipit:

That's the truth :ROFLOL:

And that is probably the reason the narration was "dumbed down" a bit too. I don't mean that negatively, but I think we can all agree that is basically what was done. AGAIN I'm not saying it is bad. I like it more than some, but not as much as the more sophisticated Irons version.


I think many people on this board give the average guest/American too much credit:zipit:
I DON'T :lol:

I'm going to try NOT to offend anyone with what I'm about to say!


(which is why Disney is all for politically correcting rides and movies)

The average American is suffering more and more from either obesity or idiocy (or both). Having worked at an amusement park, its incredible how 1/3 of the guests are to big to ride (in which you blame the ride manufacturer for this problem when the ride was built for the average american just a few years earlier, but average keeps growing), 1/3 can't figure out how to buckle their seatbelt (the simplest action, what happened to click-it or ticket?), and the other 1/3 that has no problem is now NOT considered an average american (according to surveys).

This is why certain countries want us dead :brick:

I love freedom and the people who fought for it but American politics, and the "average american" has me very concerned and never doubting what someone in this country will do (or not do)!

Way off topic but I needed to vent about the "average american guest" :hammer:

Sorry if I offend anyone.



New Member
Not an apologist, I just enjoy myself while I'm here. I enjoyed SSE, and I won't apologize for a great attraction.

Perhaps your expectations are lower than mine. I would call the first half of this attraction great/classic/iconic and would hasten to add the second half appears to be underwhelming/un-inspirational/poorly-executed.

One question, are the various flash animations based on realistic technologies or are they just fanciful futuristic Jetsons crap?


Account Suspended
Newsflash: Guests like the new ending. All around EPCOT, you can hear guests talking about how great the new ending is.

haha yea right buddy

Much like Journey into YOUR imagination the new descent will be met with disappointment by the general public. Par for the course for Team Fitzgerald and his stupid interactive/video projections team.


New Member
Another observation about the "newsflash" that guests "all over Epcot" are talking about their love for the new ending.

If SSE hasn't gotten the face-recognition technology up and running, are you saying that guests are raving over using touch-screens to answer survey questions and then watch a flash animation video?

This sounds highly unlikely. Guests MIGHT talk about it if they saw their faces in the animation...but otherwise this sounds like a load of bull. Either that or the guests in question are a bunch of rubes who never have seen the wonders of touch-screen technology. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Another observation about the "newsflash" that guests "all over Epcot" are talking about their love for the new ending.

If SSE hasn't gotten the face-recognition technology up and running, are you saying that guests are raving over using touch-screens to answer survey questions and then watch a flash animation video?

This sounds highly unlikely. Guests MIGHT talk about it if they saw their faces in the animation...but otherwise this sounds like a load of bull. Either that or the guests in question are a bunch of rubes who never have seen the wonders of touch-screen technology. :rolleyes:

I agree.


I DON'T :lol:

I'm going to try NOT to offend anyone with what I'm about to say!


(which is why Disney is all for politically correcting rides and movies)

The average American is suffering more and more from either obesity or idiocy (or both). Having worked at an amusement park, its incredible how 1/3 of the guests are to big to ride (in which you blame the ride manufacturer for this problem when the ride was built for the average american just a few years earlier, but average keeps growing), 1/3 can't figure out how to buckle their seatbelt (the simplest action, what happened to click-it or ticket?), and the other 1/3 that has no problem is now NOT considered an average american (according to surveys).

This is why certain countries want us dead :brick:

I love freedom and the people who fought for it but American politics, and the "average american" has me very concerned and never doubting what someone in this country will do (or not do)!

Way off topic but I needed to vent about the "average american guest" :hammer:

Sorry if I offend anyone.


:sohappy:Thank God I'm not the only one who's concerned! I thought I was alone in this hell of what we are becoming. Ahhhh, I feel better knowing others are concerned.:sohappy::wave:


There's not reason for a Project Tomorrow flash game to be played on Epcot's flagship attraction. str8fan, find yourself an MP3 of the old narration, and maybe watch a video one what used to be.


New Member
Whatever has happened with the ending it it doesn't have much to live up to. The old ending looked dated and jarring with a mush of fairy lights. The music was nice, as was the SSE model. Only time will tell...


New Member
On over 5 occassions, I've heard guests either talking to other guests or on the phone about how great the new SSE is, and how much fun the ending is. This is also from the feedback that WDI has been getting (I've been eavesdropping.)

Seriously, EPCOT/SSE fans should be happy that guests aren't doing this::snore:

I love SSE...sometimes I feel bad dragging my friends on it because they use to look so bored on the ride..at the end they always said (or lied) that they liked it. Now I have not road the new verison, I do like Judi Dench... but from what I'm reading the ending doesn't seem that amazing as that last ending... Ture all the fiberobitics are cool... but when the ride stops twice on the way down and your stuck there laying on your back looking at the lights it starts to give you a head ach or you get really dizzy. lol I know some ones is going to comment and say don't look into the light then...or DON"T go to the light... buts hard..there so pretty! I think because its something a bit different then other ride endings and give the audience a feel like they are apart of the ride. True its no Horzons ending, but what were people expecting it to tell the future of what their life will be ...has anyone seen it turn out bad lol or it say sorry that future is impossible.:lol:.. sorry I'm digressing. My parents use to use that ride to take an extra nap :snore:while my brother and I (when we were little) would watch it with excitement... that could be the same for other familys... or maybe Mine is just weird... but my point is...I think there trying to keep you awake through the whole thing :lookaroun I know its a crazy Idea...AGAIN I have not been on the new verison ride sooo I really have no opinion soo you can just ingore it if you want :animwink: have a nice day!


New Member
Not an apologist, I just enjoy myself while I'm here. I enjoyed SSE, and I won't apologize for a great attraction.

Nope, but I can't get the new stuff out of my head.

I found it entertaining, the first three times I rode, the screen is all I paid attention to, until I realized that people would want to know about the surroundings. Sure it could be CGI, etc., but I'm not the Imagineer who designed it.

No, most guests probably think the beginning is boring. These are the guests that cannot find the Monorail when they're standing right under it, or ask where the Magic Kingdom is when they are there...

I think many people on this board give the average guest/American too much credit:zipit:

Oh Oh... or the guests that come to DAK and ask were the boat or Monorail is to get to their resort or another park?? (Um... how did you get here then?? LOL):hammer:

Or the guests that ask when is the three o'clock parade is???:p

Or the guests that come to DIsney-MGM Studios (this is the truth) and ask where is : (this usually changes from day to day) Jaws, Shrek 3-D,:lookaroun Living Seas, or It's a small world( they were looking for something for the little kids)

Or the guests and I have seen this actually happen stop by the "stand-by enterence" because the sign said STAND BY ENTERENCE!!:brick:

Sorry if this offends anyone but I have seen these things happen before...please don't be to harsh :hammer:towards me. It's because guests are so distracted by everything around them, many like I do is park their brain with the car and just relax... or at least I just try and go with the flow on this..to many people stress sometimes. I'll probably reget in saying this...:zipit: Sorry again!


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
Newsflash: Guests like the new ending. All around EPCOT, you can hear guests talking about how great the new ending is.
huh. not to stereotype since you have stated you like it as well, but i would make a safe bet that these guest like JIYI as well.

Really? I would be absolutely astonished if people think the new ending is great. How can people be amazed by a little flash animation that you can find all over the web and run it on your PC. You dont need a geosphere and omnimover to view that. If guests are impressed by this we are in real trouble!
yes we are. the corporate giant will definately be satisfied with the "average" guest and be done with it.

*Awaits flaming*

Apart from the SSE model, I don't remember a single part of the old descent...

That being said, I wish the new blue grid thingy went down the entire descent, and I told WDI that. It is awesome! I have no problem with the touchscreens.
i really cant believe you dont recall the older versions. none of it?

see, i have a different view of the blue grid. it looks really cheap to me. it looks like an escher rip off. it looks like some one saw some clipart of background patterns and used that. im still trying to find the parrallel to the blue grid and the descent. it just looks cheap.

IMHO, if you want some flash/touchscreen on the descent and still utilize all the space, im not certain why you cant make the touchscreens interactive with show sets on the way down. there are roughly 3 areas where this could take place. i just think that would make thiings a "meet in the middle" of interactive and show sets.

to be honest, the interactive screens feel like im at a digital doctors office and they are Q&Aing me. it just doesnt add up. i respect your opinion str8, i just feel that this attraction has so much more potential then what it is showing now.
They should just put the old sets up for the descent. That way if you dont want the interactive touchscreen then you dont have to use it.

But there is likely more to come with that space on the descent so Im willing to bet its going to be used.


Grade "A" Funny...
I am seriously hoping that those 5 guests you heard are not typical of all the responses.


I'm going to try NOT to offend anyone with what I'm about to say!


(which is why Disney is all for politically correcting rides and movies)

The average American is suffering more and more from either obesity or idiocy (or both). Having worked at an amusement park, its incredible how 1/3 of the guests are to big to ride (in which you blame the ride manufacturer for this problem when the ride was built for the average american just a few years earlier, but average keeps growing), 1/3 can't figure out how to buckle their seatbelt (the simplest action, what happened to click-it or ticket?), and the other 1/3 that has no problem is now NOT considered an average american (according to surveys).

This is why certain countries want us dead :brick:

Really? I thought it had something to do with thousands of years of religious and cultural differences. :rolleyes:

Do you really believe that there are no idiots in Brazil, Germany, China, Australia or any of the rest of the worlds countries? :rolleyes:

Thanks for the apology at the end of your post, but I think I will be ok without it. If you truly feel the need to say something scathing you shouldn't immediately apologize - it tends to make it appear that you knew better.

......it just doesnt add up. i respect your opinion str8, i just feel that this attraction has so much more potential then what it is showing now.

Im in the "more potential" boat as well. We have until February to see what that potential could or will be.


Well-Known Member
Of course it has more potential, but I challenge you to find any attraction that cannot be perfected.

It is what it is, and barring another 6 month closure real soon, the track and descent will not change dramatically, and I'm okay with that. It's not the end of the world for me and it most definitley isn't SGE, JIYIWF, or Tiki Room UNM. The majority of the ride is absolutely wonderful, and the ending is good enough for me and most of the people I've overheard...I don't make this stuff up.

The EPCOT that I know is about optimism towards the future, not being afraid of change, and if you can dream it, you can do it...that's also what I try to model my life after. Over the past few days, I have read nothing but negativity, pessimism, you name it from EPCOT "fans". This may not be the ideal SSE refurb that you envisioned, but it's what Imagineering, Siemens, and Disney did envision. Sure it's not perfect, nothing on Earth is, but you can make the most out of what you have. The first 2/3 of the attraction are spot-on amazing...after that, go ahead and take your nap, spend "quality time" with someone you love, or lord forbid, actually try to enjoy the touchscreen in front of you for the 5 minutes it takes to get back to Earth and enjoy the pretty music.

This is America, so you are free to judge an attraction from previews and youtube videos, but let's wait till February to damn it/WDI to hell. I truly hope that everything works to perfection when TSM opens next spring when Merf and Co. ride...

SSE is not the worst attraction at WDW, nor is it the best, but it is pretty damn cool. And I feel very fortunate to have had the opportunity to ride it before my experience here ends in January.

Perhaps I'm just weird, but I prefer to look at the bright side of things, especially when experiencing new attractions. I can't imagine how dreadful it must be to go through life looking for things to go wrong.

"Like a grand and miraculous Spaceship"..."so are the days of our lives"...


Well-Known Member
Of course it has more potential, but I challenge you to find any attraction that cannot be perfected.

It is what it is, and barring another 6 month closure real soon, the track and descent will not change dramatically, and I'm okay with that. It's not the end of the world for me and it most definitley isn't SGE, JIYIWF, or Tiki Room UNM. The majority of the ride is absolutely wonderful, and the ending is good enough for me and most of the people I've overheard...I don't make this stuff up.

The EPCOT that I know is about optimism towards the future, not being afraid of change, and if you can dream it, you can do it...that's also what I try to model my life after. Over the past few days, I have read nothing but negativity, pessimism, you name it from EPCOT "fans". This may not be the ideal SSE refurb that you envisioned, but it's what Imagineering, Siemens, and Disney did envision. Sure it's not perfect, nothing on Earth is, but you can make the most out of what you have. The first 2/3 of the attraction are spot-on amazing...after that, go ahead and take your nap, spend "quality time" with someone you love, or lord forbid, actually try to enjoy the touchscreen in front of you for the 5 minutes it takes to get back to Earth and enjoy the pretty music.

This is America, so you are free to judge an attraction from previews and youtube videos, but let's wait till February to damn it/WDI to hell. I truly hope that everything works to perfection when TSM opens next spring when Merf and Co. ride...

SSE is not the worst attraction at WDW, nor is it the best, but it is pretty damn cool.

Yes to all of that! Very much agree on those thoughts.

If you guys have (and boy, you guys REALLY have made this clear.) choosen to disown SSE, I better not see any of you ridin' it! More room for me...


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