A new Space Mountain for WDW


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Original Poster
Hey guys, ok, so we all know that Disneyland in Cali is set to get a new Space Mountain (I'll try to mask my jealousy) in time for the 50th anniversary of the park, but how long will it be before the WDW version gets a royal makeover as well?? Apparently the DL version is in pretty bad shape trackwise and the WDW version seems to be alright, but with Fed-Ex dropping sponsorship, isn't it certainly plausable that a new sponser will pick it up (despite the miserable economy) and want (and pay for) a revamp? They say that Intamin and the imagineers are hard at work on something amazing for DL Space Mountain, will WDW get one?? Here's to hoping! :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
disneyland paris has a really neat space mountain with a linear motor system like the rock n roller coaster not a traditional belt system. but i dont think well ever see a new WDW space mountain just because its one of the classic rides just line haunted mansion, or pirates, they will probably never change and i think thats a good thing.


New Member
I think that Disney won't change it, and i wouldn't really want them to, i think it's fine how it is now, i just got back from disney on monday and i rode space mountain more than once everyday it's a classic so i think they wont change it


DL is getting a new Space for one reason: the track is in horrible shape (I posted some photos on another thread). They don't want to do it, they have to. It is also a coincidence that the 50th is coming up, so they can pass it off as a something special for the anniversary.

WDW's track is not in bad shape, so there is no real reason for them to do anything to it. Therefore, don't look for it to happen.

As for DL's, they are getting new track, but with 85 percent the same layout. No loops like Paris, and no launch. It does look like they will be replacing the three lift hills with LSM lifts, but used like the ones on Screamin, not launching, just lifting. It is the same as the one being done for Hong Kong, they just told Intamin to whip up 2 sets of track.

That said, they are adding some new "show" to the ride, so that will definately enhance the experience.


I LOVE Space Mountain in WDW, but sometimes I wonder if they should change the track because it does get a bit rough sometimes.......I love that about it, but I also know some people who don't


Well-Known Member
If it ain't broke - don't fix it.
With Fed Ex pulling out there is certainly room for some theming changes but I feel that the ride should be left alone.

Hank Scorpio

New Member
I am sure I heard somewhere that they are rehabbing WDW's Space Mountain anyway, but all they are doing is replacing each section of the track with a new section - rather then completley redesigning the ride.

So the ride will be exactly the same - just it's less likely to breakdown or be the cause of an accident. Might make it smoother as well I guess - ?


Well-Known Member

No new Space Mountain for WDW, although personally I would like one like the one in DL Paris, the reasons for the update at DL in Cali, like mentioned before, is the tracks are falling apart. Disney saw the perfect opportunity to economize, because they were building the tracks for the Hong Kong version of Space Mountain and asked for two sets of the Hong Kong Space Mountain track be built instead of one, furthermore they cover up the whole thing by saying that its an update for 50th Anniversary:brick: (smart sound business moves:lookaroun ) . But hey I look foward to the day when WDW has a Space Mountain like the one in Paris. :hammer:

Sir Hiss527

New Member
Originally posted by Mickeyman819
I serioulsly doubt that disney will totally redo Space mountain. I think that SM is fine right now. why change it???

Because it feels like your going to get your head cut off... :lol:. But anyways I hope in the near future we can have a SM like DP, now dont get me wrong or anything SM is a great ride, but really need a change.


Active Member
I agree that it shouldn't be changed. I like it just the way it is. It's not too fast, but quick enough and with enough turns to make it really exciting.

If it ever does, i would rather not see a launched coaster like paris. i'd prefer the traditional lift-hill coaster for space mtn.


Well-Known Member
i wouldent like to see the ride changed but if they were to open a coaster or any ride based on the jules verne novel it would be great. 20,000 leagues just created this huge void that has yet to be filled


New Member
I agree it shouldn't be change, i mean the whole launch thing is cool but i like it the way it is, it's already alot of fun, but in the future im sure they will replace the track, and maybe reroute it a litte bit but nothing big

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