A long time ago (ok, not too long..) in a land 1,164 miles from Chicago and 1,007 miles from Philly

Aloha everyone!

For those of you who don’t know me my name’s Rachel (19). Blackhawks fanatic, volleyball player, and Disney enthusiast! I am constantly on the boards creeping on everyone else’s trip reports because I love to reminisce and also hear about how magical other people’s trips are. I did start a TR last summer when my 3 best friends and I took a trip in June ’12, but unfortunately with college and stuff I have not finished it :( If you would like you can read the first half of it here http://forums.wdwmagic.com/threads/...e-a-bobby-pin-”-june-2012-trip-report.840226/

So my very latest trip took place back in January. January 2nd-8th to be exact :) I went with my best friend, aka my mommy! Here is a picture of us from the lovely Brookfield Zoo in Chicago during my spring break.

IMG_3329 by LeCellierLover, on Flickr

So if I didn’t finish my last TR you’re all probably wondering “Why the heck is she starting another one, especially if it’s all the way back from January?!” Well.. it’s because chances are I won’t be taking a trip to the World this summer (I’ve been going every summer since Kindergarden! :eek: ) because I want to buy a car to bring with me to school in the fall, so that’s pretty costly.. :( and it seems like everyone I know is going to the World this summer, so I just want to reminisce all of the good times. :) AND my Blackhawks are down 3-2 in the series against the Detroit Fairy Wings, and even though I’m very hopeful and confident in my boys, I need something to do to keep my mind off of that series for a little bit ;)

Enough chit-chat.. Are we ready?! Alright then, ON WITH THE SHOW! :D


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Rachellll I love your TRs!

Looks like you and your momma had an excellent trip! That tour sounds like a blast - and how fun/weird to see Aurora doing laps!

Looking forward to the rest :)
Ahh Kenz thank you! I love all your TRs so I'm glad you're enjoying mine! :)
It was very cool! I thought I was seeing things when I saw her walk by, but it was so cute cause she still almost had the persona of Aurora haha!
Thanks for reading!

Oh, I'm jealous that you got to see Aurora (she's my favorite princess) in the utilidors. When we took the tour we didn't get to see any characters down there. I do agree that people should take this tour if at all possible. I was worried that it might ruin some of the magic for me but it didn't. I still look up to see the lightning rods (our guide told us that Disney was very concerned with guest safety so they went overboard on the rods). These are the good things you learn when you do KttK.
It was definitely the highlight of the tour, very cool! I was also afraid of the "magic loss", but none of that here! :) OMG how could I forget about those lightening rods?! When we walked through Adventureland by POTC we counted like 10 just in one small area I couldn't believe it!


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Sorry a minor interruption in this TR..
I forgot to post these pictures from dinner at Teppan Edo the other night, ooppsies!

The menu

Our view!

Mommy and me! :)


Well-Known Member
Wow Keys To The Kingdom sounded really awesome! Definitely need to do that one next time I visit. It's too bad they discontinued the Segway tours because I really liked that and wanted to do one of those again.

This isn't even to the halfway point of your trip yet is it? Seems like you've done so much already!


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So after our dinner I texted my friend Chelsea and she said that her and her parents were just getting out of Be Our Guest. I teased her about already eating but she had been traveling all morning and basically just wanted to go in for the atmosphere (and a sip of soup) haha!
She told me that they had gotten in line for Little Mermaid and I could meet them there. My mom decided to sit this one out and just let me enjoy. Meanwhile, she sat by Gaston’s tavern and called my dad. I was a little leery to get in line because the wait time said 60 minutes, and I usually never wait in long lines, I don’t know why but that’s just not how my family and I do things. I got in line anyways figuring the great company would pass the time and it did! The wait was only about 20/25 minutes also, if that! But Chelsea and I got to catch up and talk about our exciting winter breaks!

Snapchatzz for dayzz because WE’RE TOGETHER IN DISNEY WORLD!

Singin’ along in our clam-o-bile! :)

After Little Mermaid it was time to go take a spin on Dumbo! This time around we were given a pager and told we HAD to wait in the kiddie area unlike the previous day when we had the option to skip it. It’s not fair having to sit there while all the “real” kids get to play :( It was ok this time though because me and Chels of course had more gabbin’ to do!

Next we had to make a stop into the big top shop because I (along with Chelsea’s mom) helped persuade her to get a pair of sparkly Minnie ears too! :D

Time for da teacups with our sparkly ears!

I’m pretty sure I won ;)

After our spin on Buzz we headed over to Big Thunder because her parents had gotten Fastpasses earlier in the day so they let Chelsea and I use them (we cracked up the whole ride it was so much fun!) while our parents sat and gabbed.
Then as we were walking back towards Pecos Bills looking for a coffee for Chels we realized that the MSEP was beginning so we decided to pop a squat and enjoy, it was awesome! I LOVE both MSEP and Spectromagic :)
We decided to head towards Fantasyland to get a spot for the fireworks by the carousel. Once they began I started laughing because since some fireworks come from the castle and others come from way behind the park we had to keep turning our heads left and right and left and right and Chelsea said “I wish I could see myself doing this right now..” I guess it was a you had to be there moment, but I was cracking up! It was such a magical moment being in Disney with a good friend. I love the Wishes music it gets me (like everyone else) every time! We both started to get tears in our eyes and were just so happy to be in the happiest place on earth! :)

So after Wishes ended we made a b-line for Enchanted Tales with Belle because I had been raving about it so I needed to make sure that Chelsea and her family saw it too! We had to wait about 30-40 minutes this time around. They loved it! Although they didn’t get the full effect because the wardrobe wasn’t working and I think she’s a big part of the magic :(

Once we made our way to the front we decided to head out because it was just about 12am (park closing). Not before taking a picture in front of the castle though because how many times do you get to see someone from home (well my college home) in Disney?! :D

So we had been in Magic Kingdom since 8:00 that morning and left at 12am (talk about an almost monstrous all-nighter ;) ). I have never before been in a park for 16 hours straight! In the summer months, aka when we usually go, we never stay in a park all day! It’s usually up early, back to the hotel around noon to escape the heat, then back to the parks at night. Because of the cooler weather we did not get exhausted as quick so we were able to stay at the parks later which was great! I had an amazing day that started off with a behind the scenes tour of the Magic Kingdom and ended with frolicking through the park with one of my best friends :D


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Wow Keys To The Kingdom sounded really awesome! Definitely need to do that one next time I visit. It's too bad they discontinued the Segway tours because I really liked that and wanted to do one of those again.

This isn't even to the halfway point of your trip yet is it? Seems like you've done so much already!
Yes you must definitely do it, it's awesome! Ugh I know I was so mad when they did that! :( I had done it twice (once with my mom and the other time with my brother) and both times we booked the 7:45am tour so we were the only 2 guests with our tour guide, it was so much fun and it felt like we were getting a private tour of WS haha!
And this was about the halfway point, but I would like to think we got a lot in! That or I'm just going too into depth with what we did haha! :)


Well-Known Member
Wow that's crazy! I'm very jealous of that luck :P ours was last minute so we had the latest session with a full party. Still fun though. So much fun to ride those things. And those earpieces make everything even cooler lol. I didn't realize you get to have those on the walking tours too. Makes sense though you've still got to hear your guide.

If I ever ended up doing the CP I thought giving those Segway tours would be a pretty rad job. Not anymore though...the rare instance of Disney crushing a hope or dream :P

I think everyone should go this in depth on their TRs! I'm always bummed to read one that's like 3 posts with no pictures for a 7 day trip


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Wow that's crazy! I'm very jealous of that luck :p ours was last minute so we had the latest session with a full party. Still fun though. So much fun to ride those things. And those earpieces make everything even cooler lol. I didn't realize you get to have those on the walking tours too. Makes sense though you've still got to hear your guide.

If I ever ended up doing the CP I thought giving those Segway tours would be a pretty rad job. Not anymore though...the rare instance of Disney crushing a hope or dream :p

I think everyone should go this in depth on their TRs! I'm always bummed to read one that's like 3 posts with no pictures for a 7 day trip
Yeah the ear pieces definitely helped because when our guide was in the front of the group and we were in the back we could still hear! That's funny because all of the segway tours I've been on we didn't need ear pieces so I didn't even know that they used them, but that makes sense haha!
Aw that stinks! Yeah that is very rare since when does Disney crush dreams?! Hahah
Well I'm glad you're enjoying! :)


Active Member
I'm so jealous of the Keys to the Kingdom tour! I want to do it soo badly. But I'd rather do it alone because I don't want others talking to me while I'm absorbing everything!!
Also, when do you plan on doing the CP?? I was looking to do it Summer 2014! Everyone I've spoken to loves it.


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January 6th, Day 5- Around the World we go!
Ok, *CORRECTION* today was Sunday, January 6th. I could have sworn that our KTTK Tour took place on Friday the 4th, but since my pictures are getting sparse that must mean that it took place on Saturday the 5th (or I’m missing a whole days worth of pictures, but I don’t think that’s the case :) ) Ok so sorry for the confusion, if anyone even noticed haha, except @Sandurz you caught me wondering how I could have done so much in only 3 days LOL :p

So after our 16 hour day in MK I was a little tired the next morning. So tired that when I went to go pick up the phone for our wake-up call I ended up picking up the remote and talked into it....
But in my defense, the 2 are very similar in the width.. Haha!

Once was fully awake though I opened my Instagram to find this beautiful picture!

My life was just about perfect at this moment, I was in my favorite spot in the world with my favorite sport (well besides volleyball) back on!

So that morning we headed off to EPCOT!
First order of business once we got there was to get fastpasses for Soarin’!

I’m not exactly sure when we went back and cashed these in, but I know we did and we loved it like always!

Then we went to Sunshine Seasons for breakfast! I think we both got the breakfast platters which were very yummy, but this breakfast bread thingy definitely stole the show! It was delicious!

After breakfast we decided to head over to Innoventions and save hi to our money saving pig. I always love to do this and the Firehouse game if time permits, I think they’re cute!

I don’t have any pictures recalling this unfortunately, but next I think we went to go ride Test Track 2.0. We ended up jumping in the single rider line because it was only a 10 minute wait compared to 60 minutes in the regular line. Our only wait ended up being when we made our car, which I was very confused about because we were only able to choose from 4 different designs? I think this may have been because we were in the single rider line I’m not sure though? It was awesome because even though we were single riders when we got up to board the CM asked “How many?” and we said 2 so we actually got to ride together! A 5 minute wait for Test Track?! SCORE! I was very confused though because the card we were given with our car on it looked like it could have been swiped right before you ride your vehicle, but there were no instructions saying to do so. A CM even saw me looking and sounding confused, but must not have known what to do either because he just kept looking at me confused as well.. Haha. I loved the old TT, but I do love the neon in the new one and how the track is still the same. It was weird though going on the new version thinking of how different everything looks now, but like I said we still enjoyed it! :) Afterwards we stopped and played 1 racing game, but the wheel was a little out of sync. That was the only place we saw our car show up since I don't think we saw it during the ride (maybe we saw it at the end I can't remember though..:rolleyes: ) My favorite part is always sitting in the Camaro that they have on display at the end! :cool:

Looks even prettier with the floating flower pots during the F&GF ;)

We decided to take a stroll around the world!
First stop, Canada of course! I love how most Canadians share my same love of hockey too! :p

As we continued our walk we saw Max out with hardly any line so I begged my mom to let me stop! We haven’t seen him since eons ago when he was out with goofy at Blizzard Beach! Ours shoes matched ;)

I’d missed him so much I just had to give him a smooch!

I spy Alice..

Of course I had to snapchat all my friends telling them I was in Paris, France..with pink cheetah Mickey ears on.. :D

We just HAD to stop in the German caramel shop for a little treat!

I got what I always get which is the Werther’s Chewy Caramel Bar. It’s very sweet, but oo soo good! My mouth is watering right now just thinking about it!

After we stopped in Mexico for my mom to get a margarita we started to make our way out of the park since it was actually getting pretty warm. We had a Little Mermaid pool calling our names! :)



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I'm so jealous of the Keys to the Kingdom tour! I want to do it soo badly. But I'd rather do it alone because I don't want others talking to me while I'm absorbing everything!!
Also, when do you plan on doing the CP?? I was looking to do it Summer 2014! Everyone I've spoken to loves it.
Haha actually I didn't mind the tour guide talking in my ear because it was very informational stuff! We did get the occasional questions from some of the other guests, but other than that everyone was very quiet just taking everything in as well! I think you should definitely take a tour if you get the chance to! :D
And I'm not sure yet! I was wanting to do Spring 2014, but it conflicts with my spring volleyball season! :( I honestly didn't even know that the CP was offered during the summer?! I thought it was just fall/winter and winter/spring.. I guess I need to do more research! :p But if I could I would DEFINITELY LOVE to do Summer 2014!


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We went back to the resort to go lay poolside. The water was a little chilly but it still felt nice to be laying out in the sun in January! That never happens in IL!

All too soon it was time to wake up from our naps in the sun and head back up to the room to get dressed. We had a dinner ADR at Liberty Tree Tavern that night :)

I had purchased this shirt at Hollywood Studios the day before! I was between this one and the cropped one with Ariel and Prince Eric. I love all the new, stylish shirts that Disney’s starting to come out with! :)

The family style Thanksgiving dinner at LTT was delicious as always! Love the mac n’ cheese and stuffing the best! :P

The only thing that disappoints us about a LTT dinner is the dessert.. They used to have a DELICIOUS apple pie with ice cream, but changed it to this cranberry muffin thingie with ice cream. We were both kind of upset cause the cranberries had seeds or something in them that hurt if you bit down on one that was in the muffin.. :confused: But after reading about the scrumptious ooey gooey toffee cake that LTT has for lunch, I’m making it a priority to go there for lunch on our next visit! :)

Hey I’ve seen that bell before by my school?! ;)

So after dinner we decided to head out before the Wishes rush. We had gotten 2 free DisneyQuest vouchers with our room package so we decided to head to Downtown Disney. My mom, as well as I, LOVE the Pirates of the Caribbean virtual ride so we headed in around 9:30 (when the place closed at 10, I think), but we of course only had 1 ride on our mind.
Noo not Fix-It Felix Jr.... But I thought the life-size Ralph statue and all the antique games were cool!

After DisneyQuest we decided to just stroll around Downtown Disney since we never really go past the Marketplace. We were able to check out Splitsville,which looked totally awesome! We were going to bowl, but it was an hour and 45 minute wait! :eek: It looks like it’d be super fun to go there with friends though! There was a band playing while we were walking and it was so much fun to dance along to the beat while in the street! That side of Downtown Disney was definitely fun and poppin’ and it made me regret not going there last year when I went with my best friends. I also can’t even imagine what it looked like in its heighday!

No parks were open late that night so we decided to just go back to the resort, fill up our mugs and get a snack. I got this delicious brownie!
It was a brownie with chocolate frosting, M&Ms, marshmallows, brown sugar, and pecans on top! Just looking at this picture makes me want to go run a mile or 4.. Oo the price of deliciousness Haha


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January 7th, Day 6- We take a walk on the wild side before watching the BCS Championship Game

So the next morning we got up for EMH at Animal Kingdom :)

First we did what we usually do, head to Everest for FP and then b-line it back to the safari for a walk-on:P

Wittle baby elephant! :)

2 females?! Dang that male must be livin’ da lyfe! ;)

The new zebra part looked pretty neat. I do miss the exciting ending even though I know the whole “rescue Little Red from the poachers” may have been too intense for some. I just miss sitting in the back and getting thrown around, it was fun!

We love paying a visit to the gorillas after the ride :)

Then it was time to go ride..

Right after we got off we saw that the ride vehicle going up the hill was stuck. Then we saw people file off row by row. Thank goodness the ride stopped before they were in the middle of the hill!:eek:

Then we took a spin on Dinosaur and of course we couldn’t take a regular ride picture! :P

After getting scared out of our wits by dinos we headed back to the car because we had a 10:15am ADR to get to!


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We arrived just in time to receive our leis! :D

We met the main Mouse first! :)

I love this doggie! :)

This mischievous Stitch was the best haha!

Our breakfast was very delicious as usual! I love love LOVE the salty breakfast potatoes!

It is our dream to stay at the Polynesian so we always go and walk around after eating there!
Hellooo Magic Kingdom waaaaay back there!

Every trip I always take a picture hugging a palm tree because I love them so much and this trip was no different! :D

Whenever we have time we love to go over to the Wedding Pavilion because I have ALWAYS dreamed about getting married there! :)

Unfortunately, we couldn’t take a look inside like last time because there was actually a wedding going on! In this picture if you look hard enough you can see the bride walking in (she’s kind of hidden behind some late guests :P).

After the bride and late guests went in and they were closing the doors we actually had the wedding planner come out and shoo us away. We were not even close (we were right at the entrance gates), but I guess she thought we were going to be wedding crashers?! Chill lady no disruptful tourists here! Just a girl dreaming about her wedding.. Haha!

There were a lot of weddings that day!



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So once we were done strolling around 7 Seas Lagoon we decided to head back to Animal Kingdom!
My mom took this picture of the back of my hair which I thought was pretty cool! I had just recently added more red to my hair after a teammate dyed a strand back in October. Alright sorry girly rant over.. :P

First thing we hit up was It’s Tough to be a Bug! Who doesn’t love those honorary bug glasses?!

If my calculations are correct, we hit up Expedition Everest again!

We decided to take a ride back to Rafiki’s Planet Watch since we hadn’t taken the train back there in ages! It was honestly the most relaxing, most enjoyable thing!
We listened to a lady talk about a frog that can make people high by licking it so people smuggle them across the boarder..
Going into Rafiki’s honestly made me want to change my major to biology right then and there! I have always wanted to work with animals, but I was never a fan of biology so that was a problem.. Haha! But after reading about the nutrition of animal’s, etc. I thought that would be a nice job! Only if I could work at Disney of course ;)

We went outside to the petting area and looked at the donkey, all the goats run around, and our personal favorite, the pigs! We also had a very nice, lengthy chat with one of the cast members who told us the names of the pigs and goats. We also met a CM who lived in a town near us which was really cool to hear again!
My favorite :D

Once we got back to the mainland it was going on 4:30pm so we decided to stop for some linner (lunch/dinner). We got to hit up Flame Tree Barbecue right before it was closing up shop. We had never gotten food from here before, but it was delicious! I’m sorry I took no food picture so I can’t remember what we got :(
We walked around to find a place to eat and came upon this view....

Now I just have to say.. O MY GOSH I WAS STARSTRUCK BY THE VIEW! Like I said we had never gotten food from FTB before so we had never seen this eating area. Once we saw the astounding views though it just made me fall that much more in love. I tell ya it’s the little things at Disney (like finding an awesome view of Everest) that make our vacations that much more special!

After calling my dad and sending him pictures of the view we decided that it was time to head out. It was now 5pm and the park was closed.
I honestly love Animal Kingdom. It makes me sad when people overlook AK and don’t see all that it has to offer. I know it is one of the hottest parks during the summer months so the winter is probably an easier time to enjoy it, but there is so much to do if you just slow down and enjoy all the scenery and trails, etc. that the park has to offer. In my opinion this is one of my favorite parks because it’s so calming and I guess being an animal lover is a bonus ;)
On our way out we saw these guys heading to bed

Next, we decided to go hit up Hollywood Studios and FINALLY ride my all-time favorite Tower of Terror!

So much fun! And to think it took me since I was a freshman in high school to have the courage to go on this ride.... :D

I just found these random HS pictures. I know they don’t fit in with Monday night because obviously it was darker when we arrived, but I wasn’t going to not share them with you guys! Hope you all don’t mind! :P



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We decided to go see what the wait time was for Toy Story Mania. The wait time said 40 minutes, but we decided we’d try our luck. Lucky us the wait was only about 20 minutes if that, SCORE! :)
Look mom no line!

I love playing against my mom, but of course I always win! :D

Once we were done with HS it was nearing time for the BCS Championship football game against Notre Dame and Bama so what better place to watch it than the ESPN Club on the Boardwalk?!

They had bleachers set up on the Boardwalk for us to sit on and enjoy the game. Ahh what a nice view! :)

While we were sitting there a lady came up and asked if her and her husband could sit in the open area next to us. After talking we found out that they were from a town over! It makes me so excited when we meet people in Disney that live by us! It was crazy how we could’ve never met before because their kids went to the Catholic school right down the road and they lived about 10 minutes away from us! We told them how we didn’t really have a favorite team, but obviously we were gonna cheer for Notre Dame! We also shared how we knew the family that the movie Rudy is based off of! It was a great night of football and bonding.. until Notre Dame starting losing big time :( By halftime it started to get cold so we decided to head home and fell asleep to Bama raising the glass ball.. ugh I’m not a fan of them..


Well-Known Member
So much fun! And to think it took me since I was a freshman in high school to have the courage to go on this ride.... :D

Hey I still have yet to build up the courage :P I've done the chicken exit numerous times though...no shame!

And if there's a quieter, more awesome sit-down view of any park icon than seeing Everest across the water from Flame Tree I have yet to find it.


Well-Known Member
So happy I dsicovered this! And had no idea that you tagged me in it! I must have missed that alert when I got back! isn't that pictures AMAZING?!? I wanted to take it back with me LOL.

I LOVE YOUR TRIP REPORT. Trips with mommy are awesome :) I know that too well!

I remember there being things I wanted to comment on, but now that I am at the end I just can't remember all of them....

Keys to the Kingdom tour..I'm so glad you loved it! I did it with my mom a few years back and I was in awe too! those utilidors are just crazy! And to see behind the scenes!

One tip though that is actually better than that tour...if you do get married in Disney....bridal potraits at the MK...seeing MK before park opening and everyone working...is CRAZY. I actually loved it...alot. lol. Call me crazy but that's the engineer in me I guess LOL. Anyways so glad you had a lot of fun!

And I love all the Ariel love in this report!!!! :D hahaha can't wait to read more!!!!


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January 8th, Day 7- The last day’s always tough.. :(

We woke up the next day nice and early so we could hit up Hollywood Studios one last time! We had packed most of our stuff the night before, but were a little delayed with finishing up packing that morning. I had originally had my big suitcase, carryon suitcase, and Vera Bradley travel duffel. Well.. Rachel decided to get too many souvenirs and bring too many clothes back to college.. So I had to add my mom’s small carryon luggage to that list. So I ended up checking in my big suitcase with her small one, then I carried on my small suitcase along with my Vera and my backpack as my “purse”, it was chaotic. I felt so bad leaving my mom with all my “summer, vacation” clothes to bring home, plus all of her stuff and souvenirs :(

Anywho.. One of my other good friends was in Florida with her parents that week. They wanted to do one day of Disney so they decided to meet up with us at HS. Yay friends!

Once we got to HS we met Jill and her parents in line at Tower of Terror.
Yayy for snapchats to send to friends back at home, we were in Disney together! :D I don't know if any of the girls can tell, but Jill was cracking up at this picture because of how humidified and flat her bangs ended up haha!

Our ride on TOT.. We’re the ones in the first row, righthand side :)

The second time around me and Jill got the very back while our parents sat out and chatted. There was an older gentleman in front of us telling us that we better not scream and blow out his eardrums, even though he was the one screaming before anything happened?! :confused: Needless to say I’m a screecher so I can’t help but wail the whole time haha!

Then my mom and I and Jill and her mom went to go ride RnRC.

With time dwindling down until we needed to leave for the airport we decided we’d try the single rider line since the real line was 60 minutes. BIGGEST MISTAKE EVER! Once we got closer there were signs that said “The single rider line may take as long, if not longer, as the regular line.” This proved to be true as I’m pretty sure everyone that was in the regular line when we got in the single rider line was already on the ride and done by the time we moved two people.. Once we got sort of close our line was dead stopped.. no one must’ve been needing a ride buddy. With time running out and us still needing lunch we decided to do the walk of shame back to the entrance. O well, maybe next time Rock n’ Roll rollercoaster :(

Next Jill and her parents were going to get on Star Tours, but it was either A. Star Tours or B. Lunch for us, so food won this round. We said our goodbyes to Jill and her family (even though I left my sunglasses in Jill’s bag so it was very anticlimactic when I needed to run back to her 5 minutes later and get them :P) and then went to Backlot Express and it was delicious! My mom got the Angus Bacon cheeseburger and I just went with nuggets. I was soo indecisive about which dessert to get! First I asked for the strawberry parfait, then changed my mind and asked the girl for the chocolate mousse. Once I saw my mom’s parfait though I remembered how much I love them! O well too late to change AGAIN now.. My mom let me have more than a few bites of her dessert though, I’m too spoiled ;)

The sun was so gorgeous and made it a perfect day out! I needed to take one last picture as a farewell to my sunglasses since I wouldn’t be needing them in dreary, wintery Philadelphia.. :(

All too soon it was back to this dreadful place.. :(

Security was long, as usual, but we got through in time. We found my gate and Chelsea was actually already sitting there waiting because we were on the same flight back! That made things a little bit more enjoyable! :) We only sat around for about 10 minutes until they announced that boarding was starting.


Now here’s where it got tough.. really tough actually.. :(
So my mom’s flight was about an hour and a half later. She was flying back home to Chicago and I was flying back to college in Philadelphia (hence why the two citites are in my title :p) Well you’d think with time and me already having been away for a few months goodbyes would get easier. Whelp they don’t.. and especially not when you just had the time of your life in Disney World together! So my mom stood with me while I was waiting in line to board and after I handed my boarding pass to get scanned by the Southwest person I turned and gave my mom a big hug and kiss and could hardly utter out the words “I love you!” because I was starting to cry! Holy cow I’m starting to tear up just typing this and it’s been how long since?! 5 months! So I started my walk down the tunnel-thingie to my plane and picked out seats for me and Chels. Once Chelsea got on she said my mom was “the cutest thing ever” because she was still crying, as was I! :( Luckily being with Chelsea eased the pain a little bit, but honestly after getting back to school and being homesick for a few weeks after, we vowed that we are NEVER EVER EVER NEVER going at this time of year again until I’m out of school because it was just WAAYY too tough being on vacation together and then having to part ways at the airport.. :(

Trying to cheese anyways.. haha!

It was all beautiful and sunny in the sky when we left..

And if you need a good laugh while on an airplane you can always count on the Sky Mall magazine. Like who gets their cat a seat to go on the toliet?! Haha!

Then it turned into cold, dreary, January, wintery bleh..

Luckily, our flight went by SUPER fast and we were on the ground in no time, headed back to reality.. :(
Us waiting for our ride to pick us up from da airport.

Back to reality.... :(


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Hey I still have yet to build up the courage :p I've done the chicken exit numerous times though...no shame!

And if there's a quieter, more awesome sit-down view of any park icon than seeing Everest across the water from Flame Tree I have yet to find it.
Oo I am way too familiar with the chicken exit.. Haha! One time my parents were forcing my brother and I to go on, but we started to cry and the CM glared at my parents and said "Mickey would NEVER make you guys do something you DON'T want to do!" Needless to say our parents were so mad at us! Haha! But seriously the next time you get the chance to you HAVE to go on! It is the greatest thing in the world I promise you!
Yeah that spot was just beautiful! Glad it took us 20+ visits to find it! Haha!

So happy I dsicovered this! And had no idea that you tagged me in it! I must have missed that alert when I got back! isn't that pictures AMAZING?!? I wanted to take it back with me LOL.

I LOVE YOUR TRIP REPORT. Trips with mommy are awesome :) I know that too well!

I remember there being things I wanted to comment on, but now that I am at the end I just can't remember all of them....

Keys to the Kingdom tour..I'm so glad you loved it! I did it with my mom a few years back and I was in awe too! those utilidors are just crazy! And to see behind the scenes!

One tip though that is actually better than that tour...if you do get married in Disney....bridal potraits at the MK...seeing MK before park opening and everyone working...is CRAZY. I actually loved it...alot. lol. Call me crazy but that's the engineer in me I guess LOL. Anyways so glad you had a lot of fun!

And I love all the Ariel love in this report!!!! :D hahaha can't wait to read more!!!!
Ah yayay I'm glad you found it too! :D Yeah I just remember you giving that picture some Instagram love so I knew I had to include you! ;) Haha!
OMG that sounds AMAZING to have bridal portraits in the MK before park opening! I would cry of excitement I think! :eek: Are you going to do a wedding TR?! You looked absolutely beautiful in your wedding dress, congrats again to you two how exciting! :)
Thank you so much for reading!


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Final Thoughts along with some resort pictures!

Alright I’ll try to keep this short and sweet haha. I had an amazing trip with my mom and would not have changed a thing (well except for the whole having to go back to school at the end part :P). Even after 24+ trips I am still always learning new things and I thought the Keys to the Kingdom tour was amazing! Art of Animation was beautiful and had such amazing detail and design! If you ever get the chance to hop on a bus and go check out the resort, do it! Just go check out all the theming, you won’t be sorry!
I honestly was a little scared going back with so many new things to see (new since June 2012), but this trip just reassured me that I can always trust Disney Imagineering to do the right thing! As Walt once said, “We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things”, and I think that they are accomplishing so much nowadays with the new technology that’s out there and doing an amazing job with it!

One of the only little minor glitches we hit was the turnstiles getting into Magic Kingdom.. As you all know there are numerous turnstiles, but one night we found that there was a very long line and we wondered why since there were about 4 different turnstiles open in the section that we were at. We found out that people were starting one huge line and then once they got up to the different turnstiles were separating themselves into 4 groups. My mom and I both knew that there was no need for one gigantic line, that each turnstiles was “to each his own”. So we walked ahead and got in a turnstile with only one guest at it. Then all of a sudden we hear a 14-year old (looking) boy go “Hey that’s not cool you guys can’t cut!” all gangster like :confused: and my mom turned around and said “We’re not cutting there’s separate lines available!”. Once we got to Main Street my mom felt bad about the whole thing so she asked an Exec CM if we did the right thing. The CM said that we were right in what we did and that the CM at the turnstiles should have been more controlling of the lines. I found this to be a problem (as I know many have) as it seems lately that not enough CMs have been available at the turnstiles to control everything. Alright rant over, but I just had to get that out there because it was a reoccurring issue! :P

All in all Disney never ceases to amaze me, make me cry, make me feel like a kid again, and all around just love live with the loved ones I go with. Alright I’m sorry this is sappy, but true.

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