Trip Report A little late, but April TR for 6 nights at AKL!!! Lots of pics!

So I know I'm a little late getting this done, but reading all the trip reports I've read lately has inspired me to go back and re-live my last trip "home"! I posted lots of pics, so here it goes! I hope you enjoy! :)

We booked this trip about a year in advance. My MIL wanted a big family trip with her, us (me, my DH and my 5 yr old DD) and then my BIL, SIL and niece and nephew. So, I booked a 2 bedroom villa at AKL for us all through DVC. Over the course of that year, my BIL and SIL split up and are currently going through a divorce. We all weren't even sure if we were still going to do the trip. Going through a divorce is difficult in many ways, financially being one of them, so when my SIL said she wasn't sure they could go, my MIL and us stepped up and helped cover the cost for the 3 of them. Plus that, the kids and my SIL had never been there and the kids had a really rotten year with the divorce stuff, and we really wanted them to enjoy this trip. We had ADR's and the were going to do the dining plan, but with the situation as it was, we decided not to do it, cancelled our ADR's and kept the dining on the cheap. Hey, if it's the difference between going and not going, I'll gladly eat a burger for dinner every night and give up the giant buffet! We always do the dining plan, and I did miss it. A lot. But, I was glad they were still able to come and the trip was a go, minus one BIL.

The plan was to drive. Saturday, April 6, 2013 we loaded up the family (minus my SIL who currently lives in GA while we are all in MI, we were picking her up on the way) and planned to leave town about 1pm. As soon as we got on the road, like not even expressway but still side streets, my van started smoking! It was coming from the brake on the front passenger side. REALLY was all I could think! Being a Saturday, most tire and brake shops closed pretty much right as this happened. All we could find open was Sears Auto. We showed up there about 4 (after my DH spent about an hour trying to figure out what was the problem in our driveway to no avail). They put us in line to get looked at and said they'd have us back on the road as soon as possible. I'm sure the luggage and 3 kids whining to go to Disney World told them we were in a hurry! About 2.5 hours and $300 later, we were back on the road! I don't remember what the brake issue was exactly, but whatever it was, it had seized up and we were all very glad it didn't happen while we were cruising down I-75 at 80 mph!

We picked up my SIL in GA around 5:30am. Were making great time! We trucked on through stopping briefly for lunch at McDonalds. Having a 2 bedroom villa, we wanted some groceries, so we stopped at Super Target for some supplies. It was about 1pm. I was so glad we made such good timing. I wanted to be at AKL around noon. Not bad for leaving so late the day before! After our shopping trip, we finally arrived at our DVC home resort!!! SO HAPPY!!!!



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After ToT, we were able to grab more fastpasses, so we went over to RnRC. After grabbing fastpasses for that, the kids wanted to get tattoos.

After the tattoos, we headed to Pizza Planet for lunch. After lunch, we were going to go see Muppets but the show was down for some reason. We headed over to animation courtyard for some character meetings and Disney Jr.

This was my DD waiting to meet Mr Incredible and Frozone!

This is my SUPER excited DD about to run into Mr Incredible and Frozones arms!!



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By now, it was about time to ride TSMWM.

We then headed over to Lights! Motors! Action!

After the show, we went and met Lightning and Mater!

Then Phineas and Ferb were hanging around!



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It was then time to ride RnRC! The kids loved it! Well, not my DD, she was bummed she couldn't go on it like her cousins, but one day she will be able to!

I love the faces on these ride photos!!!

We got fastpasses for another go at it as soon as we got off! My DH sat this one out though, so it was just me, SIL, niece and nephew! We had a good hour and half before we could ride so we went and grabbed dinner at ABC Commissary. They wanted something different, and liked the menu there, so most of them got the shrimp and fish plate and really liked it! I got probably my 20th burger of the trip, but I could eat a Disney burger every day and be happy! Here's our pic when we made it back to RnRC.

We wanted to see the 8:30 showing of Fantasmic, so we got some snacks and got in line. We were a little later to get in then I wanted, but a really helpful CM pointed us down a busy row of stairs saying there were spots way up front. She sure was right! We got front row, center stage! I know you get pretty wet during this show, and I warned the other, but we didn't care because it was still pretty warm out! At 8:30, an announcement came over the speakers that the show was going to be cancelled due to weather conditions!!! We were like "WHAT??" It wasn't, raining, there was no lightning or thunder. We were so confused! On our way out, we asked a CM. They said there was some lightning off in the distance that made them cancel! They said the 10pm show was still scheduled, unless the weather got worse. Me, my DH and my DD wanted to stay and see if we could see the 10pm show. Everyone else wanted to leave. So, we parted ways for the evening, they went back to the room and we stayed! We walked around, took some pics, shopped, got another snack and headed back to Fantasmic. We actually got our same seats! We were so excited! It never rained after the 8:30 cancellation, there was a small green blip on radar, not near us. in fact, there were stars our when they cancelled the show it was so clear! But it's ok, we had a great time and had a little family alone time too!

Sometime during our day we also hit The Great Movie Ride, Star Tours and Voyage of the Little Mermaid.
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Ok, here's hoping I can get this done now! Our last day :-( was at Animal Kingdom! We were up and moving a decent time. Of course we had to stop for lots of photopass pics on the way in the park!



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We went right away to Kilimanjaro Safari! I grabbed fast passes for us and we moved on to walk around a bit. It wasn't long before we could go on.

My, what big teeth you have!!!

I got the best big kitty pics I've ever gotten before!!

The Okapi... This is my DD's most favorite animal! She even has a stuffed one that she takes everywhere! As you may have noticed, it's in multiple pictures, lol! It's really cool seeing people's reactions to it because most people have no clue what it is and that its a real animal! And that a 5 year old would so much about an animal most people didn't know existed!!!



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We then grabbed lunch at Pizzafari. After lunch, we grabbed fastpasses for Everest. While we waited for Everest, we went to see Its Tough to be a Bug.

I love this next picture! An awesome CM who was taking PP pics by EE took our pictures, then grabbed my DD's Okapi and loved it so much, he took its picture all by itself! It's a pretty photogenic Okapi, I do have to say!!

It was time for EE! It was my DDs first time riding this ride! Both times we rode it though, you can't see her face because of the seat in front of her! Next time we will have to get front row! :-O
My DH was recording her the whole ride on his go pro, that's why his hand is up and pointing behind him!

We rode it again, I'm just not sure if it was right after or if we came back to it later. I think it was later, but I'll post the pic now anyway!


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After EE, we met up with Pooh and Tigger!

Pooh and friends are my MIL's favorite!

I love my DDs face here!!

After Pooh, we went on Dinosaur and then played in the Dino dig site!

After Dinoland, we went to watch Festival of the Lion King and then finished our day with a trip down Kali River Rapids where we got drenched! We decided to call it a day after briefly walking through the Maharajah Jungle Trek to try to dry off a little! Since we were already wet, we took a little dip in the pool (for the last time, sniff sniff) before getting ready to head to DTD. The kids all had gift cards the had been anxiously waiting to spend all week, so we did some shopping then grabbed dinner at Earl of Sandwich. Oh, it was soooo good!!! I wish I'd taken more pics, not only of the whole trip, but of our last night. I don't really have any! Here's one of me and my DH outside of the Lego store.

So, that's it. The next morning we checked out (SNIFF SNIFF SNIFFFFF!) and got in the car to head on out of town. We stopped at Sweet Tomatoes for lunch, which is unbelievably awesome! We went there all the time when we lived in Florida and I do miss it a lot! So we hit that on the way out of town and we were on the road. It was a great trip. The occasional family drama aside, we had a blast, lol!

I hope you enjoyed my really late trip report! I sure had a blast reliving it! March can't come soon enough and I PROMISE to take more pics and post that TR much sooner!!!! :-)


Well-Known Member
Ok, here's hoping I can get this done now! Our last day :-( was at Animal Kingdom! We were up and moving a decent time. Of course we had to stop for lots of photopass pics on the way in the park!

Haha... In this last pic your daughter looks like she has mickey ears!!! Cute!!


Well-Known Member
Great report, thanks for sharing. My husband and I are staying at AKL in Oct. for the first time , did you like the hotel? Did you indulge in a Zebra Dome?

My sister and brother in law lived in FL for a few years and swear by Sweet Tomatoes. Every time we go to WDW they rent a car, I secretly think it is so they can stop there. lol


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Great report, thanks for sharing. My husband and I are staying at AKL in Oct. for the first time , did you like the hotel? Did you indulge in a Zebra Dome?

My sister and brother in law lived in FL for a few years and swear by Sweet Tomatoes. Every time we go to WDW they rent a car, I secretly think it is so they can stop there. lol

We absolutely love the AKL. It's our favorite resort and also our DVC home resort! It's awesome! The only thing, and really it's the only thing I can say thats somewhat of a negative, is that it's so far from most parks that with the exception of AK, it just seems to take forever to get anywhere, as opposed to staying at a more centrally located resort. The pool areas are great and the restaurants are awesome. And the view! Even if you don't have a savannah view, the animal viewing spots are so cool! I have not tried a zebra dome yet, but its on the list of things to do! And I don't blame your family for renting a car just to go to Sweet Tomatoes...sounds like something I would do, lol!!! It's totally worth it! :-)

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