For some reason this just jumped inot my head and I thought I would share with all of you.
Back in the start of Oct. my gf and I decided we could use a free lunch voucher and some free ice cream so we took the DVC tour. First off I would like to say that DVC sounds like something that i would do if I had a lot of money but I still didn't see how it worked out better in the long run. That being said for those of you who have not taken a tour they take you to the latest DVC property show you around for what they say will be an hour....2hours later they give you a scoop of ice cream and a meal voucher.
So there we are like an hour and 15 into the hour tour watching one of the videos for the diffrent DVC spots around the US. Listing to one heck of a sales men when he stops the video and goes back a few scenes and tells us how he always gets misty eyed when he sees this one shot. Because it was in one of the rooms just like the one in the pic that his son took his first steps and how great it was. So anyway we go on with our 3 hour tour and as we get to the end my gf asks him how long he has been part of the DVC and he says he isn't yet and he just started with the company. So both my gf and I look at each other and both get a look like "wow we have just been given a long list of BS from this guy." Anyone else had this happen to them?
Back in the start of Oct. my gf and I decided we could use a free lunch voucher and some free ice cream so we took the DVC tour. First off I would like to say that DVC sounds like something that i would do if I had a lot of money but I still didn't see how it worked out better in the long run. That being said for those of you who have not taken a tour they take you to the latest DVC property show you around for what they say will be an hour....2hours later they give you a scoop of ice cream and a meal voucher.
So there we are like an hour and 15 into the hour tour watching one of the videos for the diffrent DVC spots around the US. Listing to one heck of a sales men when he stops the video and goes back a few scenes and tells us how he always gets misty eyed when he sees this one shot. Because it was in one of the rooms just like the one in the pic that his son took his first steps and how great it was. So anyway we go on with our 3 hour tour and as we get to the end my gf asks him how long he has been part of the DVC and he says he isn't yet and he just started with the company. So both my gf and I look at each other and both get a look like "wow we have just been given a long list of BS from this guy." Anyone else had this happen to them?