A Fourth Refurbishment for "Journey Into Imagination"


As much as I would like to believe it, I won't. Just because people miss the character doesn't presure WDI into bringing him back. If that were the case then we would see the return of Mr. Toad and Horizons...and we all know that isn't going to happen.

Mr.Toad's wild ride still operates in Disneyland. Horizons wasn't a character; it was an entire ride/attraction. Lastly, you forget the work of "Friends of Figment", a group of people who spoke for the common opinion that Figment needed to return to JII. WDI heard the cry, and obliged. Skepticism is healthy, but you should try to keep an open mind. :wave:


Well-Known Member
Speaking of being marketable, maybe thats why we have seen the Dreamfinder Mickey and Figment pins and plush lately, they could be testing the popularity of the Dreamfinder with todays audience? Maybe?

At the Art of Disney store in DTD theres a beautiful statue of Dreamfinder and Figment, I was surprised to see it. So maybe theres some hope.


Well-Known Member
I like this third version of Journey but couldn't care less if they bring back the Dreamfinder. Take whatever money they were going to use for the change, add some more money in and build something new at MGM :)


Well-Known Member
Maybe it's just me... but I never really like Journey all that much.

Why is it that everybody goes into full-drool-mode whenever somebody mentions "The Dreamfinder"? To be honest, I thought the red-haired, purple suit coat magician guy was kinda creepy. Don't get me wrong; Tony Baxter is a great imagineer but I really think Journey was one of his weaker moments.

Am I alone in this opinion?

I really enjoyed the original Journey, much more so than the current version (or the first Figment-less revision), which feels disjointed and kinda cheap by comparison.

That said, I have no real attachment to the Journey characters. I'm a little surprised how many people here are big Figment fans--I actually find him a little creepy, but that may be because I'm always picturing Billy Bart from one of his creepy film roles. I don't find Dreamfinder creepy, but neither do I miss him--I miss the original version of the attraction. I'd be glad to have a version of the ride that is at least as good as the original, whether or not the original duo appear in it.


You are not alone. I find him very creepy. If he lived in my neighborhood, I would tell my kids to stay away from his house, along with the house of lady with 30 cats and the house with 45 decapitated garden gnomes.

What...those people don't live in every neighborhood?:lookaroun

Ya know what's funny?
When I read that, along with the statement you quoted...I thought you were talking about Tony.:eek:
I was gonna have to leap to his defense!:lol:
Maybe it's just me... but I never really like Journey all that much.

Why is it that everybody goes into full-drool-mode whenever somebody mentions "The Dreamfinder"? To be honest, I thought the red-haired, purple suit coat magician guy was kinda creepy. Don't get me wrong; Tony Baxter is a great imagineer but I really think Journey was one of his weaker moments.

Am I alone in this opinion?


Sumshine 904

Original Poster
wut kinda sources u got???

Wikipedia, ofcoarse.

As much as I would like to believe it, I won't. Just because people miss the character doesn't presure WDI into bringing him back. If that were the case then we would see the return of Mr. Toad and Horizons...and we all know that isn't going to happen.

I've always hated "Mr. Toad's Wild Ride", it scared me as a little kid, and it always scared my sis, too, and she was probibly older than I was when she went on the ride. You can go on the ride at Disneyland, so don't complain. Pluss, I happen to like "The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh". And "Horizons" was just an attraction, no well-known characters on that ride. They were origanally going to entirely remove Figment, but so many complaints came in to Disney that Disney Imagineers refurbished it to a dissipointment, and so they made a third refurbishment, and sooner or later a fourth.

Maybe it's just me... but I never really like Journey all that much.

Why is it that everybody goes into full-drool-mode whenever somebody mentions "The Dreamfinder"? To be honest, I thought the red-haired, purple suit coat magician guy was kinda creepy. Don't get me wrong; Tony Baxter is a great imagineer but I really think Journey was one of his weaker moments.

Am I alone in this opinion?

For you and everyone else who agreed with him/her: If you never really liked Figment, Dreamfinder, or even the ride, why'd you even come here?

I myself liked it because it reminds me of younger days and just having fun, and that ride was part of those memories with dreamfinder in it.

:sohappy: Yay! You know the meaning of the ride! Hooray! :sohappy:

Speaking of being marketable, maybe thats why we have seen the Dreamfinder Mickey and Figment pins and plush lately, they could be testing the popularity of the Dreamfinder with todays audience? Maybe?

Yup, yup, yup! I've been noticing those stuff, too!

With all of that said, I hope I cleared some stuff up.


For you and everyone else who agreed with him/her: If you never really liked Figment, Dreamfinder, or even the ride, why'd you even come here?

Now THAT wins for completely odd statement of the day!:lol:

Oh, and Wikipedia pretty much says whatever people want it to say. It's not a particularly accurate source on Disney park happenings.

Journey isn't changing anytime soon...sorry.


Well-Known Member
Maybe it's just me... but I never really like Journey all that much.

Why is it that everybody goes into full-drool-mode whenever somebody mentions "The Dreamfinder"? To be honest, I thought the red-haired, purple suit coat magician guy was kinda creepy. Don't get me wrong; Tony Baxter is a great imagineer but I really think Journey was one of his weaker moments.

Am I alone in this opinion?

I promise you, you are by far not the only person who holds this opinion


Well-Known Member
Word of advice, NEVER listen to Wikipedia.

Well, certain things you can, and certain things you can't when relying on Wikipedia.

For Disney speculation and rumors, no, don't count on Wikipedia as being "the confirmed source." The info that was posted there was likely culled and sifted from this web site as well as a few others.

But for certain things, like hard factual news, then yes, Wikipedia can be the place to do.

But until we hear it from Disney, the next incarnation of Journey Into Your Imagination ride is just a pipe dream. Heh, pipe dream. Figment and Dreamfinder would like that. Heh.

Sumshine 904

Original Poster
Now THAT wins for completely odd statement of the day!

Well, it's only common sence. Why go somewhere where it involves something you don't like?

And I don't listen exactly what Wikipedia says, I go to the links provided on that page, so I guess there are more sources than Wikipedia...


Well-Known Member
Well, it's only common sence. Why go somewhere where it involves something you don't like?

And I don't listen exactly what Wikipedia says, I go to the links provided on that page, so I guess there are more sources than Wikipedia...
It's a known fact that some of the people that have "linked" their own site to wikipedia have put some of the bogus information into wikipedia in the first place. Take things you read on the net about future projects with a grain of salt. Once you've been around here for a while, you'll figure out who actually has legit information and who are just making things up.

By the way... Disney's goal should be to build an INCLUSIVE attraction. JII was changed because it was NOT pulling in the guests.


Well-Known Member
and its not pulling in the guests right now so therefore it qualifies for a change.
Agreed... but is it the biggest problem in the parks right now?

They have other issues in Epcot to work on and even bigger problems with the Studios. I actually hope they spend their time and money on getting the Studios up to par and then do something with WoL and UoE.


Well, it's only common sence. Why go somewhere where it involves something you don't like.

Simple. Not being a fan of one particular attraction is meaningless when compared for a love of many, many other attractions.

(Oh.....12.......I get it. :rolleyes: )

Sumshine 904

Original Poster
It's a known fact that some of the people that have "linked" their own site to wikipedia have put some of the bogus information into wikipedia in the first place. Take things you read on the net about future projects with a grain of salt. Once you've been around here for a while, you'll figure out who actually has legit information and who are just making things up.

Erg, I guess you're right. But I still like to go to Wikipedia anyway...

They have other issues in Epcot to work on and even bigger problems with the Studios. I actually hope they spend their time and money on getting the Studios up to par and then do something with WoL and UoE.

WoL I can live with, but why change UoE?! I love Ellen Degeneres AND Bill Nye and that's why alot of people like it so much. If I may recall, UoE used to be horribly boring and that's why they changed it and put Ellen and Bill in it. Pluss, it's a good place to go to when you wanna get out of the hot sun... Anyway, my point is that I think JII has the biggest problem because (1) it had the most changes to it and (2) because alot of people are still dissapointed with the ride.

Simple. Not being a fan of one particular attraction is meaningless when compared for a love of many, many other attractions.

(Oh.....12.......I get it.)

Arg, you win... And I happen to know alot of things about Disney for a pre-teen! Heck, I did a report on Walt Disney in the fourth grade, lol! And I got a 95% on it, thank you very much (I would've gotten a 100% if I would've put had pictures of Walt, at that time my printer was busted)!


Active Member
It's a known fact that some of the people that have "linked" their own site to wikipedia have put some of the bogus information into wikipedia in the first place. Take things you read on the net about future projects with a grain of salt. Once you've been around here for a while, you'll figure out who actually has legit information and who are just making things up.

By the way... Disney's goal should be to build an INCLUSIVE attraction. JII was changed because it was NOT pulling in the guests.

The last time I checked the Journey into Imagination wiki or the Epcot wiki, it had a note on the top asking for a moderator to remove some very opinionated statements. Apparantly, they weren't removed...:rolleyes:

and its not pulling in the guests right now so therefore it qualifies for a change.

No, the pavilion doesn't pull in nearly enough guests. If you consider how basically any other pavilion in the park has a 15 minute (and most of the time more) wait while Imagination has 5 at most, you realize how much the pavilion is failing. A pavilion that is only half-open (The Living Seas) is getting more visits now than Imagination. That just isn't a great sign.

Agreed... but is it the biggest problem in the parks right now?

They have other issues in Epcot to work on and even bigger problems with the Studios. I actually hope they spend their time and money on getting the Studios up to par and then do something with WoL and UoE.

Once again, I agree with you in saying that Imagination isn't Epcot's biggest problem. Epcot has several things that need to be done first. These include but aren't limited to:

  • Spaceship Earth being updated and the Global Neighborhood being replaced (which is in progress)
  • WoL getting something new
  • Imagination
  • Make real use of the old Millenium Village, not just a convention center
  • Replace the Norway film
  • Remove the wand
  • Prepare Epcot for its 25th
  • Update/do something with UoE only after everything else on this list is completed
I put an emphasis on the UoE situation because it really isn't urgently in need of an update considering that it does pull in a crowd and Ellen is once again very popular. They shoudl do something with it, but not first. There are other issues that need to be addressed first.


Well-Known Member
Mr.Toad's wild ride still operates in Disneyland. Horizons wasn't a character; it was an entire ride/attraction. Lastly, you forget the work of "Friends of Figment", a group of people who spoke for the common opinion that Figment needed to return to JII. WDI heard the cry, and obliged. Skepticism is healthy, but you should try to keep an open mind. :wave:

DisneyLAND, yes. Walt Disney World, no. And I know Horizons was an entire attraction. And most of us Horizons fans remember the huge "Save Horizons" project that was started to try and persuade Disney into keeping it but fell on deaf ears. There was also one for Mr. Toad. I try keep an open mind but following the history of attractions like these in the past, these rumors don't have enough weight to make me think that it will return.

One difference though is that the rides that replaced Toad and Horizons have been very popular where as JII's replacements have to date - not been.

JII was never torn down and replaced with a "all new, completely different attraction" like the others. It's still JII but only different versions of the attraction.

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