A Few Questions For Ya!


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I have been reading about this program for a few days now, the more I read the more amazing it sounds. I do have a few other questions... Did you enjoy your time there? How were the classes/jobs? What activities did you have to participate in while staying in the housing? And also, I do have a rather odd question.. I have read many of the posts, viewed the website and presentation, most of the people I have saw that have participated have been rather skinny people, I however am a bigger girl. Being the person I am, this kinda bothered me and made me wonder if it would hurt my chances of getting into the program?


Well-Known Member
daydream3r said:
I have been reading about this program for a few days now, the more I read the more amazing it sounds. I do have a few other questions... Did you enjoy your time there? How were the classes/jobs? What activities did you have to participate in while staying in the housing? And also, I do have a rather odd question.. I have read many of the posts, viewed the website and presentation, most of the people I have saw that have participated have been rather skinny people, I however am a bigger girl. Being the person I am, this kinda bothered me and made me wonder if it would hurt my chances of getting into the program?

Hi there. I did the program in 2005, and I just checked in again. I LOVED doing the CP. I had so much fun. My first CP I did merchandise in the MK, and now I am a character attendant. I liked my first job (haven't started my 2nd job yet). I took the Hospitality Management class (and will be taking Experiential Learning). I liked it a lot. And for your last question, it won't decided you getting in. I am definitely not "skinny". In fact, I am hoping to lose some weight down here. So don't worry about it.
daydream3r said:
I have read many of the posts, viewed the website and presentation, most of the people I have saw that have participated have been rather skinny people, I however am a bigger girl. Being the person I am, this kinda bothered me and made me wonder if it would hurt my chances of getting into the program?

I'm a bigger girl myself, but that didn't hinder my chances in the least. I mean, don't expect to play Cinderella or whatever, but besides the charactor roles, they really don't care. I'm pretty sure it's illegal to be biased against larger people. Also, I read in my acceptance packet that costume sizes go from 4 to 26, and if you're somewhere outside of that range, you can talk to the woman in charge of costuming. Remember, creating the magic isn't about your weight or looks, it's about your attitude and willingness to make someone's day :kiss: Good luck, and who knows, maybe I'll be seeing you in Florida!


New Member
I had a good time on my CP. I did the Spring Advantage 2004, and I worked Fantasyland/Toontown attractions. I didn't take classes while I was down there because it was my last semester in college (I didn't want to deal with anymore classes). I now regret that I never took the classes; I really think I would have enjoyed them. I didn't really participate in "housing activities." I had great roommates, and we spent so much time together. We really got along really well. We didn't bother attending the programs because we had enough entertainment without the help of the College Program people.

As like the last two ladies said, don't worry about not being skinny. It's not about that. If you have a great attitude and fit what Disney is looking for, you'll have no problem being accepted into the program. I do understand what you are saying about there being only skinny girls on the website/presentation. Unfortunately that's the way of the world these days. If you don't look anorexic, for marketing purposes, it won't sell. Too bad they have yet to figure out that most of the world doesn't look like that. Just be yourself, and you'll be fine. Good luck, and if you have any other questions feel free to PM me!


New Member
First off I have to say that you'll freakin love the college program! I did at least, one of the greatest learning experiences of my life. The other posts know what their talking about, and I reiterate what they say that just have a positive attitude during the whole thing and you'll love it. I saw plenty of big girls. I saw plenty of big guys. I know Disney is good about not discriminating against anyone. Not even homosexuals (in which I had one for one of my roommates.)

I did custodial in the Animal Kindom, and one night I had a bunch of us CP's over to my apt in chatham for a custodial party. We had so much fun.

Of course there are some cons to the program. There is always drama when you get a nice mix of diversity and different backgrounds. Again you just got to be kind to everyone because they might not always see things the way you do.

I took the Communications class. It was also a good learning experience. My teacher, Debbie, was awesome. Some days I wish I didn't have it so I could play in the parks instead of doing homework, but it was definitely worth it, and you can get college credit for it. You just got to make a decision and go with it. We're always here to help you with advice.


New Member
I had a great time on my CP's. I did Spring '04 working at the Grand Floridian as a Resort Runner/Dispatcher within the Housekeeping department. It was an awesome job but I worked with mostly people old enough to be my parents or grandparents and only 1 other CP, so I missed out on the whole hanging out with co-worker type things (not to say these people weren't great to talk to at work). I missed Fl so much I went back for Summer Alumni '05 working Tomorrowland Attractions- Buzz Complex. I enjoyed working there and the people were great and it was fun hanging with them outside of work too.

My first time there I took Experiential Learning. Even though I wasn't getting credit I decided to take a class since it would always look nice on a resume to have taken a class from Disney. It was pretty easy.

The only housing thing I participated in was a movie night. They showed National Treasure out on the Chatham Field and handed out water/soda, some popcorn, and candy. Some of my roommates did Grocery Bingo a couple times and came home with a bag of food.

Like everyone else said before being 'skinny' doesn't matter, it is the attitude that they look for.


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Thanks so much for all of the replies! I went to fill out the application and my college is not listed, did anyone else have this problem? I emailed the address it gave me, asking that my school be added to the list. If you meet all the requirements, is it still difficult to get accepted into the program? Thanks again!


New Member
daydream3r said:
Thanks so much for all of the replies! I went to fill out the application and my college is not listed, did anyone else have this problem? I emailed the address it gave me, asking that my school be added to the list. If you meet all the requirements, is it still difficult to get accepted into the program? Thanks again!
Sometimes if your college is not listed you can go to a nearby college and interview when they have the presentation there. Some people did that near me because they missed the presentation at their college. I don't think it is too hard to get hired. Recruiters, from what I understand, like to see very animated people with bubbley personalities, because you will be working around guests. They want to see superior customer service. They call Disney employees "cast members" because as soon as you go to work, you're "on stage". I got accepted once to the program and reluctantly had to refuse due to some issues at home. The next semester I applied again, and was accepted again. Maybe I was lucky. Maybe I had a good personality, I don't know. But be yourself and what happens will happen. Best of luck!


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Original Poster
How far away are the apartment buildings from one another? I have a friend who is over 21 and we are both applying to the program. I am only 19. We wondered how far away we would be from one another, if he gets placed in another building. How do you go about telling your college? I havent registered yet for classes through my college for the fall. I have my interview on Monday, I am rather nervous. But hopefully all will go well and Ill be @ Disney World soon!


New Member
daydream3r said:
How far away are the apartment buildings from one another? I have a friend who is over 21 and we are both applying to the program. I am only 19. We wondered how far away we would be from one another, if he gets placed in another building. How do you go about telling your college? I havent registered yet for classes through my college for the fall. I have my interview on Monday, I am rather nervous. But hopefully all will go well and Ill be @ Disney World soon!
Well, the buildings are not to far away. Back in 2003 they used Chatham Square, The Commons, and Vista Way. The Commons at that time was used for international programs mostly. It's within walking distance of Chatham but not Vista Way however, there is a bus that goes between them every 15 min. That how it was when I was there. I went to disney with my girlfriend (at that time) and she was suppose to be in Vista Way and I was in Chatham but they let her switch to Chatham because they just happened to have extra room. All the building in a complex are close together. Best of luck on your interview!

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