POSSIBLE pre-trip
Soooo, I've been teasing (my partner) Phil for a while, because he hates the idea of going back to the World since we were just there. Well....."just" if you count last June as "just".
So of course on Christmas, I freaked him out by making him believe that he was going to unwrap some Magic Bands and a resort reservation. He didn't. He unwrapped a NutriNinja and a shirt or two.
And now I've started to joke with him about giving him a surprise trip present for Valentine's Day. So, over the weekend, this conversation happened:
Phil: You know what? I don't care if I ever go back there.
Me: Oh, really?
Phil: Yeah. As a matter of fact, I NEVER wanna go back there.
Me: How can you say that? You always have so much fun when you're there.
Phil: It's hot. It's crowded. It's miserable. We've seen everything. I'm not going back!
Me: Fine!
Phil: Fine!
We eat our pizza in silence for a few minutes. Oh, I forgot to mention - we were out for pizza dinner.
Me: Ya, know, I can just go without you.
Phil: I wish you would.
Me: So maybe I will.
Phil: So maybe you should.
I've threatened this before but have never followed through with it, because as much as he protests, I know he will get really jealous right up at the point when I am leaving for five days or so of fun. I'll be having a wonderful time flying around inside a space mountain or drinking around a world, and he gets to stay home and give cats a ride around the house on his head in a basket on a Saturday night.
Oh, did I not mention this before? We have very demanding cats.
Lemme tell you something. If someone told me in my 20's that I would spend Saturday nights in my 40's giving a cat a guided tour of the house in a basket on my head, I would have punched them in the face.
So, annnyway...........This conversation got a bit heated, filled with lots of "I don't know why you need to go back when you been there a million times" and "Why don't you just let me do what I want to do" and blah blah blah blah.
After pizza and a couple of carafes of wine, I was like "You know what, I'm doing it!"
So while Phil drove us home in icy silence, I texted my actor friend, Paul (and fellow drunkard) who I have known since college, and said:
"Phil just told me he's never going to Disney again. F- that. I'm going. Wanna come?"
And seconds later, Paul texted back and said:
"Of course! I'll go to Disney in a heartbeat! Let me know when!!!!!!"
So, there's the very distinct possibility that I might get to return to WDW this year.
I went with Paul once before, and also with our mutual friend, Mario Cantone (the comedian from Sex and the City, The View, etc.) Here we are in a few shots from that trip, impossibly young - The below I think is the Osbourne Lights but someone will correct me if I am wrong:
And this is the Rainforest Cafe at Animal Kingdom. On this day, Julie Andrews sat down a few tables away from us with a pretty big entourage. What is cooler than seeing Julie Andres at Disney? Mario, being a semi-celeb at the time, went to say hi to her and had a long conversation. Paul and I cowered at our own table and sucked down bloody marys.
Then there was some shenanigans in front of Dinosaur.
And an audience with Pooh.
Oh look. I used to think I was a little surfer, with a little white necklace, and a wacky Hawaiian shirt. Sigh.
And here is Flock of Seagulls, I mean, err, me, riding in a Tomorrowland rocket.
So, this is all my very long winded way of saying that there might be a trip in my near future if I am willing to go through with it and leave Phil at home and take my friend Paul instead.
I just got a text from Paul and he said he can do it in April.
Never been in April. Are there cheerleaders? Tour groups? etc?
Fast passes and reservations for meals probably already gone. Yes? No?
Update. Just got another text from Paul. He says: "Let's book it."
Argghhhhh. I think I am going to go for it. Phil doesn't think I am going to go through with this, but he's the one who started it by saying he will never go again. Ahhh well. He can have a fun time riding cats around on his head while I am riding on a Monorail. I hope this doesn't lead to divorce court.

Stay tuned!
Soooo, I've been teasing (my partner) Phil for a while, because he hates the idea of going back to the World since we were just there. Well....."just" if you count last June as "just".
So of course on Christmas, I freaked him out by making him believe that he was going to unwrap some Magic Bands and a resort reservation. He didn't. He unwrapped a NutriNinja and a shirt or two.
And now I've started to joke with him about giving him a surprise trip present for Valentine's Day. So, over the weekend, this conversation happened:
Phil: You know what? I don't care if I ever go back there.
Me: Oh, really?
Phil: Yeah. As a matter of fact, I NEVER wanna go back there.
Me: How can you say that? You always have so much fun when you're there.
Phil: It's hot. It's crowded. It's miserable. We've seen everything. I'm not going back!
Me: Fine!
Phil: Fine!
We eat our pizza in silence for a few minutes. Oh, I forgot to mention - we were out for pizza dinner.
Me: Ya, know, I can just go without you.
Phil: I wish you would.
Me: So maybe I will.
Phil: So maybe you should.
I've threatened this before but have never followed through with it, because as much as he protests, I know he will get really jealous right up at the point when I am leaving for five days or so of fun. I'll be having a wonderful time flying around inside a space mountain or drinking around a world, and he gets to stay home and give cats a ride around the house on his head in a basket on a Saturday night.
Oh, did I not mention this before? We have very demanding cats.
Lemme tell you something. If someone told me in my 20's that I would spend Saturday nights in my 40's giving a cat a guided tour of the house in a basket on my head, I would have punched them in the face.
So, annnyway...........This conversation got a bit heated, filled with lots of "I don't know why you need to go back when you been there a million times" and "Why don't you just let me do what I want to do" and blah blah blah blah.
After pizza and a couple of carafes of wine, I was like "You know what, I'm doing it!"
So while Phil drove us home in icy silence, I texted my actor friend, Paul (and fellow drunkard) who I have known since college, and said:
"Phil just told me he's never going to Disney again. F- that. I'm going. Wanna come?"
And seconds later, Paul texted back and said:
"Of course! I'll go to Disney in a heartbeat! Let me know when!!!!!!"
So, there's the very distinct possibility that I might get to return to WDW this year.
I went with Paul once before, and also with our mutual friend, Mario Cantone (the comedian from Sex and the City, The View, etc.) Here we are in a few shots from that trip, impossibly young - The below I think is the Osbourne Lights but someone will correct me if I am wrong:
And this is the Rainforest Cafe at Animal Kingdom. On this day, Julie Andrews sat down a few tables away from us with a pretty big entourage. What is cooler than seeing Julie Andres at Disney? Mario, being a semi-celeb at the time, went to say hi to her and had a long conversation. Paul and I cowered at our own table and sucked down bloody marys.
Then there was some shenanigans in front of Dinosaur.
And an audience with Pooh.
Oh look. I used to think I was a little surfer, with a little white necklace, and a wacky Hawaiian shirt. Sigh.
And here is Flock of Seagulls, I mean, err, me, riding in a Tomorrowland rocket.
So, this is all my very long winded way of saying that there might be a trip in my near future if I am willing to go through with it and leave Phil at home and take my friend Paul instead.
I just got a text from Paul and he said he can do it in April.
Never been in April. Are there cheerleaders? Tour groups? etc?
Fast passes and reservations for meals probably already gone. Yes? No?
Update. Just got another text from Paul. He says: "Let's book it."
Argghhhhh. I think I am going to go for it. Phil doesn't think I am going to go through with this, but he's the one who started it by saying he will never go again. Ahhh well. He can have a fun time riding cats around on his head while I am riding on a Monorail. I hope this doesn't lead to divorce court.

Stay tuned!
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