A boy's first trip: Pictures and video


Sorry for URL, I seem to be having issues with Embedding. Anyway, I hope that works for everyone. Okay, so here it goes.

The Players:

Mom and Step dad.


Big Sister and Bro-in law.

My Wife and Son.

and last but not least, Myself.

The logistics of this trip were a bit of a nightmare. My Wife and son left two days before me on Friday, 10/16 so that she could visit her Aunt in Tampa. Unfortunately, I could not get that much time off so I flew out on Sunday the 18th. My Parents drove down from Connecticut and my Sister drove down from Delaware.

We all met at the Beach Club on Sunday. My flight and DME ride were uneventful and we all met in the lobby and then off to our room. My Sister and Bro-in-law had a studio and the rest of us had a two bedroom Villa. Room 177 to be exact.

It was a decent location since we were close to parking, the bus, and the quiet pool. The only drawback was that it was the furthest room from the lobby. Here is the view from just around the corner from our room.


Next up, dinner at Ohana and day 1 at MK.


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Sorry. It has been a very busy week or so.

It has been a tradition on these family trips to have breakfast somewhere on the day of departure but we did not have any ADR's set up for it. We tried to get into Cape May but there was nothing so we tried The Captain's grille and they were empty.

I enjoyed the breakfast even though it was our last day and Grandma had a surprise for us.

All throughout the trip we were buying outfits and plush toys for the baby but we had forgotten the one thing that every proper Disney fan needs, Mickey ears. My Mother had purchased these the night before so she gave them to us at breakfast and of course we had to put them on him right away.

After breakfast we went back to the room and packed up everything and got on DME. The trip home was uneventful and I was kind of sad the whole day. The trips never seem to last long enough.

All in all it was a great trip. I have a few final observations.

The last night in MK was really special. As I walked down Main Street with my Mother and Sister I felt like a kid again. It was odd because I was there with my Son for his first trip. It made me realize that he was seeing all of this for the first time and that a tradition had been handed down. I guess that is part of what they call the Disney "magic" at least for me. It also reminded me of when I was a kid and how my Dad (now deceased) used to love to walk around the parks with us. This is a picture of my Dad and I that my Sister played around with and framed it for me.


I kept thinking of this and wondered if one day my Son will have the same fond memories of being there with me that I have of going to Disney with my Dad.

Anyway, enough of the sappy stuff.:lol:

I enjoyed the F&W festival but there is just too much food. I only got to sample from about 7or 8 booths simply because there are so many have to's in Epcot. I have to have School bread, a Napoleon from France, etc.

Our best meals had to have been Kona for breakfast and Boma. I have to say though that they were all pretty good.

I really enjoyed MNSSHP. It was fun to dress up and have people recognize you and the parade and fireworks were great. I would definitely do it again.

The souvenirs have gotten a little bit better. I bought a couple of retro shirts, WDW cuff links, a hat, and a lot of clothes for the baby.

I tried to look at a few things critically here and there and I did notice a few things that needed attention or could have been done better but it is hard to nitpick when you are on vacation. One thing I did notice is that the selection at the Confectionary has decreased quite a bit. There were other minor things but they have been covered in numerous threads already.

I would highly recommend a massage at one of the spas. It was extremely relaxing especially after a full day at Epcot.

This was probably our most successful family trip to date. I was a little worried about it before since we were bringing the baby and all. I think the key is to not try and keep everyone together. My parents like to relax, My Sister and I like the parks and my Wife just kind goes with the flow so on many of the days we sort of did our own thing for a good part of the day.

For anyone who is apprehensive about it bringing an infant to Disney was not hard at all. It is almost better at that age because everything is new and they do not necessarily know fear yet. He did fine on all the rides including Pirates and HM. We did not really have to leave the parks for naps because when he was tired he just slept in the stroller. He even slept through a performance by the Beatles impersonators. (the name escapes me)

Sorry for being so long winded. I hope you all enjoyed the report.

See you real soon!!!!:wave:


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Man, great costume! The ghost picture at HM is great too! She is awesome. She talked to Colleen and I for about 30 minutes and then when we exited HM she was getting done, took pictures with us and talked more...She was upset nobody told her about us getting engaged inside. The detail of her costume, and her ability to stay in character made me have to tell myself several times...she is not real. She does an amazing job!
Thanks. I was trying to make out what she was saying but the line kept moving. What did she talk to you about?
Great report! I've enjoyed reading all that you did with your son, in contrast to just visiting the park without kids. Great pictures too!
Thank you very much.
loved reading your trip report! your son is ADORABLE! so cute!! seeing your son so excited is one of the many reasons i want to have kids. can't wait to experience disney with kids. sounds like you all had a wonderful time.
We did. As far as experiencing it with your kids, there is nothing like it.:)

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