Here are my 5 most controversial opinions, ranked from least to most unhinged:
5th) Space 220 is a waste of money and just recycles gimmicks that used to be available to all park guests via the standard entry ticket (stellarvators = Living Seas hydrolators, space windows = ROTR in HS, ETC).
4th) WDW's Tron was outdated when it opened, using old projection effects (consider how OG Tron opened in Shanghai in 2016), and its lack of an intelligible storyline (pre-show grid upload, followed by on-ride second grid upload via the outside "upload conduit" track section) and little physical propping makes it an uninteresting ride overall. It's only 'saved' by its lightning and light cycle ride vehicles (so it's simply an empty gimmick ride).
3rd) The Magic Kingdom is one of the messiest and weakest theme parks in the world, despite being the most attended. I have some sightline grievances like how Tomorrowland bleeds into Fantasyland by the Teacups, the Tron show building visible in Storybook Circus, some ugly building rooftops visible from TBA on-ride, TBA next to BTMR, ETC), many of the rides are IMO just OK, and dining quality is inconsistent across the park (this last one may be my weakest point though).
2nd) Disney Springs lacks a Disney vibe at all and its storyline and basic theming (Orange Bird mural on one wall, the 'springs' water feature, ETC) should be expanded more, even if it doesn't match the millennial / Gen Z generic modern aesthetic Disney is going for (basically differentiate Springs from Citywalk).
1st) Cosmic Rewind is a giant piece of garbage, an ugly, stupid, nonsensical, basic ride that is completely incongruous in EPCOT and is only saved by being the longest indoor coaster in the world with a fun and family-friendly track layout. The ride's storyline is basically incomprehensible, especially when you get on-ride you have no idea what's happening during the coaster cuz you can't hear the audio and have no clue what the minimal propping is ever supposed to convey. The Conga song is IMO a terrible choice for the ride and if you get it (1/6 chance, that's terrible odds IMO for a ride that's so hard to get on consistently or at all), it'll ruin your ride experience. The Guardians are now frankly outdated characters that the MCU was moving on from when the ride opened, and I'm sure it will age terribly and demand a retheme in due course that management will absolutely be unwilling to budget. The only reason people glaze this ride so hard is because it's a thrilling coaster with music playing during it. It's a thematic and artistic mess and I'd much rather pay Six Flags ticket prices to see a completely-unthemed version of this very music coaster over there, because for a rumoured $500 million budget, it's maybe the single worst themed theme park ride I've ever ridden. Oh also all the pre-shows suck and waste my time in the queue when I just wanna get on the coaster again for a re-ride. Also Disney was gonna put 10 animatronics in this ride (rumour) and then paycheck did a paycheck and made sure the ride would be as cheap and terrible as possible. Thanks paycheck!