I have to wonder what the daily, monthly or yearly operational costs are for the entire Seas pavilion. "If" Burbank's goal is to reduce overall park operations costs to improve bottom-line revenue, maybe cutting the entire pavilion could be beneficial. How many people does it draw in a day vs how much does it cost to show that attraction to each guest?
A long-time insider (who I will not name) once told me that Burbank has calculations for how much an attraction costs them to show each guest every day. It goes like this:
Attraction X =
Cost to build + cost to operate and maintain every day versus how many people visit that attraction every day.
In other words: If Attraction "X" Costs $100 dollars a day (simple number) and 100 people use that attraction, this means that Disney spends $1 per customer to provide it to them. If it cost a guest $10 to get into the park, that attraction "X" absorbed $1 dollar of "profit" away from that customer. The calculations are FAR more complex than this, but you get the rough idea.
If attraction "X" has a very high operations cost and a low attendence, this produces bad "cost per guest" ratio. I had also heard that HarmonioUS specifically had a very bad "cost per guest" ratio.
Yes, I was very surprised to hear that Burbank calculates these "per-guest" cost consumption numbers like this.
I REALLY love the Seas pavilion but given the need for deep daily operational cuts, maybe it's time to bulldoze it to the ground? I dunno. I certainly hope not and hope it has favorable ratio numbers.
2025-2026 parks attendance numbers and Disney quarterly earnings reports are going to be FACINATING to watch in the next couple of years. "If" business divisions are down, deeper parks cuts WILL be required.
Only time will tell....