It’s not overpromising because nothing was being promised! It’s showing things that shouldn’t be shown to the public in the first place.
They are doing it to drum up excitement but they are discounting the fact that the general public has never sat in on projects in the planning phase so they don’t know that pie in the sky concept art is ALMOST NEVER fully realized.
For the company it’s just cool art that gives an idea of what they are going for. But the public takes it as a design document in which any deviation will be seen as a “downgrade”. It’s not having the intended effect.
Don’t believe me? Look at this very board. Anytime concept art is released you have people trying to portray where the queue will be, how walking paths will be layed out, how sight lines will be affected, what technology will be used, etc….. It’s guaranteed disappointment.
Because people didn’t have early peaks into this material decades ago they have no clue how “downgraded” their old favorites were. The shell of the Haunted Mansion sat on top of a hill, chained off, for years before the general public had any idea what it was. That would never happen now.
As an engineer who does this type of work for a living, concept art means almost nothing to me. I really don’t even care until I’m told the approved budget, not the swag budget, the budget that has been signed off on an approved. That’s when I know what’s real and what isn’t.
Disney needs to stop sharing “blue sky” concept art and only share things when they are fully vetted and green lit more akin to what Universal does.