Trip Report The Audrey’s 3rd Birthday Trip Trip Report…!!!!!

Who: myself (Steve), my DWifey of 35+ years (Carolyn), oldest DD (Megan, turned 33 today), DS (Matthew, 31), youngest DD (Sarah, 29), SonIL (Daniel, oldest DDs husband, 34), oldest granddaughter (Emory, “Emmy”, 5) and youngest granddaughter (Audrey, turned 3 during the trip) for who the TR title is obviously dedicated to…!!! 😉:)

When: June 26th to July 2nd, 2024.

Where: Old Key West Resort. First time ever staying there…!!! :)

Some initial fave PP pics below…!!!!! :inlove::happy:


More to come, soon…!!! :)


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Happy Birthday Winner GIF by The3Flamingos

Happy Birthday Audrey! Looking forward to your thoughts on Old Key West!

Thanks…!!! :)
There’ll be thoughts regarding OKW along the way, and then final thoughts at the end…!!! :)

Yay 2nd !! Looking forward to your report.

Thank you…!!! :)

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Here for the vacation fun details!

Thanks, Minnie…!!! :)

In for the kids (of all ages 😉).

Hahaaa…!!!!! :hilarious:
I grew up only as much as I, reasonably, had to…!!! 😉

Happy Birthday Audrey!! Your two grandchildren are getting cuter by the second. Following for sure!

Thank you very much…!!! :)
And, they’re smart, funny, compassionate, etc., etc., etc., too…!!!!! :inlove::happy:😉

Thank you…!!! :)

And, thanks to you all for dropping by…!!! :)


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Oh my goodness, I'm in too!!! My nephew just had his 3rd daughter, and the Princess Security Team is his favorite shirt. Can't wait for the fun!
Dance Fun GIF by Rafael Varona

Thanks for being here, and congrats to your nephew…!!! :)
I saw at least 3 other guys wearing “Princess Security” t-shirts (all different designs) on our last WDW family trip in October, during oldest granddaughters 5th birthday celebration at MK.
Saw a few more this trip, and I definitely love the shirt…!!!!! :inlove::happy:😉:)


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Wednesday, June 26th…

Unlike our last family WDW trip this past October, where Carolyn, myself, Matthew, and Sarah had different flights (and a layover on the way back to Austin) on a different airline than Megan, Daniel, Emmy and Audrey, this time all 8 of us were on the same American direct flights to and from MCO, so that simplified our travel a bit.

We were close to ABIA by 5:23a for our 7:35a flight…!!! :)


The TSA line was longer than we had hoped, but moved relatively well, and other than the usual pain the whole TSA dance can be, we were
at our gate by about 6:20a without any issues, and it was time for a Tacodeli breakfast taco…!!!!! :hungry:


All boarded and ready to go, an uneventful on time departure and flight, and we were on the ground at MCO almost 25 minutes early…!!! :)


On board the “fonorail”, the “Magical Mears Express” 😉 and under the iconic arch…!!!!! :happy:



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As a bit of a related follow-up to my last post, I’m going to point out that I absolutely LOVE to fly...!!!!!!! :joyfull:
In everything from large airliners to my favorite...a gyroplane, which I’ve actually piloted before (with a certified pilot on board), including a few takeoffs and landings...!!!!! :happy:
Unfortunately, I would never be legally allowed to pilot an aircraft alone (nor would I want to) because of a heart condition that I have…SVT.
Such is life, but that doesn’t keep me from loving absolutely everything about flight and flying…!!!!! :inlove:




Up next: Wednesday, June 26th continued…….


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Super ventricular tachycardia. I know all about it as I have it, too. Can't you have an ablation @donaldtoo My episodes are so infrequent i am not even on a beta blocker.

I had this almost all typed out, and was gettin’ ready to post, when the site went down for maintenance, and I lost most of it… :facepalm:

SVT sure is fun when it does kick in though, isn’t it…!!! 😉

About 25 years ago, a cardiologist that specialized in ablations had me on a portable monitor for 2 weeks. It was about the size of a pager, clipped to the waist of my pants/belt, and there were 2 electrodes I stuck to my chest. During that time I had some PVCs, but no sustained SVT events.
Also, at the time, my SVT events were only happening about 1-2 times per year, although my heart-rate during one of my early events was as high as 230 bpm.
The mortality rate for the ablation procedure was a little more than 1% back then. It’s now less than 0.5%.
With that information, plus the fact that we had 3 young children at the time, even at a 1% mortality risk, I opted not to have the procedure done.
The cardiologist also told me that the SVT events would, more than likely, become closer and closer together down the road.
Funny thing is, they’ve actually, mostly, become further and further apart over the years.
I’ve gone as long as 8 years without an event.
The one before last was about 4 years ago, and I ended up in the ER next to the office I worked at, only to convert to a normal rhythm before they could get an IV in my arm. Of course, I ended up there for 5+ hours for tests and observation.
The last event occurred about a year ago, again at the office. I was bound and determined not to end up in the ER again, so I popped 2 of my expired ;) 80mg. quick-release Verapamil tablets, and, fortunately, converted to a normal rhythm in about 30 minutes.
At this point in my life (61+ years old), I just don’t see the point in having the ablation procedure done. 🤷‍♂️
Plus, by the time I had the procedure and completed my training, I’d probably only be able to be an airline pilot 👨‍✈️ for maybe a coupla’ years before mandatory retirement at age 65…!!!!! :hilarious:;):hilarious:

Also, have you ever had to be converted with an Adenosine IV…?! Now that’s a heckuva’ ride.
I’ve had it done twice.
As the nurse in the ambulance told me the last time I had that done “You know the drill, honey. I can help ya’, but first I gotta’ kill ya’…!”…!!!!! :hilarious::eek:o_O🤣
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I have had multiple shots of adenosine. One time in the ambulance, I had to tell the EMT's that adenosine requires 2 shots. 🤨🙄😷 One to stop the heart and one to start it up again. Oddest feeling ever. I tell everyone that I have been dead 3 times for 1 second🤣

Like you, knock on wood, mine are few and far between anymore!

Yea, that feeling is pretty crazy. Hopefully, I’ll never need that again…!!! 🤞
And yes, I actually meant to put the “knock on wood” in my post, as well, but somehow it got lost in the mix…!!!!! 😂

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