4 Walt Disney World Resorts to accept dogs


When you're the leader, you don't have to follow.
Who knew that so many on hear hate dogs, they just don't know true love...
“Hate” and genuine fear are not the same thing; likewise, “hate” and allergies.

Most people objected on the grounds of phobia, allergies, and concern over how thoroughly the rooms would be cleaned once our four-legged friends have vacated.

Very few people professed out and out “hate” of all dogs. Trust me, I have read every single post in this thread since Day 1, as I was heavily invested when it was first announced.


Well-Known Member
Who knew that so many on here hate dogs, they just don't know true love...

Not sure it's "hate" per se, more of a worry/fear that their vacation would be ruined by some anonymous pooch. The worst case scenario phobia run amok -- OMG! Dogs will poop on everything and stink up the entire resort! My allergy will kick in at a quarter mile and life at WDW will never be the same! And other vacation altering episodes.

Last trip, I spent some time wandering around the Yacht Club and Ft Wilderness in hopes of seeing some pups. Honestly, I saw more "comfort" dogs in the parks -- which is an entirely different conversation. (I'm a dog lover, but I believe only genuine service animals should be allowed in the parks. Only my 2 cents, of course.) I think most responsible dog owners understand WDW isn't necessarily the best place to vacation with a pet. Your opinion my differ. *shrug*


Well-Known Member
I don't hate dogs. I like well trained/behaved dogs. The problem is that a majority of owners do not know how to do that. Pretty much every dog I have walked past on the street(and even a few by the Yacht/Beach Club last visit, will come up and sniff me and stick their wet nose on me. I HATE that. I usually have to give them a wide berth. But I shouldn't have to. My husband is allergic to dogs and if that happens to him he breaks out in this horrible rash that takes forever to go away. If everyone trained their dogs properly then I am sure less people would have issues with them. And as far as letting them go to WDW, I feel bad for the dogs. Taking them to a strange place with loud noises, tons of people, and extremely hot walkways and then making them sit in the hotel room most of the day is not something I would think a loving pet owner would do. It seems more of a selfish thing that the owner wants the pet around when it is convenient for them. Especially for many dogs that are not used to travelling that much.

Dave Z

Well-Known Member
Just wondering - did you have any experience with it? Did you stay at any of the pet friendly resorts?Did you take your dog? Encounter any on the resort grounds? Hear any barking coming from rooms?

Unless I missed it, as I stopped caring that much once I was finally able to transfer out of POR, there really were very few first-hand reports (either positive or negative) during this experiment.
I have 3 dogs and never have a problem with anybodies dogs, Their children well just say that I will stay off of that topic.


Well-Known Member
Not sure it's "hate" per se, more of a worry/fear that their vacation would be ruined by some anonymous pooch. The worst case scenario phobia run amok -- OMG! Dogs will poop on everything and stink up the entire resort! My allergy will kick in at a quarter mile and life at WDW will never be the same! And other vacation altering episodes.

Last trip, I spent some time wandering around the Yacht Club and Ft Wilderness in hopes of seeing some pups. Honestly, I saw more "comfort" dogs in the parks -- which is an entirely different conversation. (I'm a dog lover, but I believe only genuine service animals should be allowed in the parks. Only my 2 cents, of course.) I think most responsible dog owners understand WDW isn't necessarily the best place to vacation with a pet. Your opinion my differ. *shrug*

I looooove dogs and have owned more than a few. My problem is the people who want to be like Paris Hilton and her pals and use their dogs as accessories and bring them places they don't belong. And don't get me started on people lying about their dog being a service animal... (emotional support animals are NOT service animals).


Premium Member
I guess I was one the few who didn't have a problem with this.....
I’m sure there are plenty of people who didn’t have a problem with it, but money talks. If demand was high enough and the cash was flowing in they would have expanded, not cancelled. I don’t really believe Disney decided this was a bad idea because of guest complaints. Just my cynical take.
Who knew that so many on here hate dogs, they just don't know true love...
Probably why Goofy only gets a crappy kid coaster and a meet and greet tent he shares with other characters while Mickey gets a brand new e-ticket;) Only a cat should prefer a mouse over a dog:)


Well-Known Member
Sucks, because I was practically never able to get our doggo in at Best Friends for a day visit before the pet-friendly hotel trial. Likely will go back that way.

Notes from Neverland

Well-Known Member
Just wondering - did you have any experience with it? Did you stay at any of the pet friendly resorts?Did you take your dog? Encounter any on the resort grounds? Hear any barking coming from rooms?

Unless I missed it, as I stopped caring that much once I was finally able to transfer out of POR, there really were very few first-hand reports (either positive or negative) during this experiment.

We stayed at the Yacht Club during the period where guests could bring dogs. We saw one German Shepherd outside hanging out on the grass, but he (and the owners) soon went back into their ground-floor room. The only other encounter we saw or heard was one dog barking in the hallway when we walked by. Sounds like the dog was barking quite a bit and quite a while. Felt bad for him. That had to be annoying to be near if you had a room next door.


Well-Known Member
Sorry for the bump but this was posted in a discussion thread about Port Orleans. Some website says that cast members say it has been extended. True? As verifiable if heard from a bus driver?

I’m sorry to all the dog lovers out there but if I pay $300+ a night to stay at a Disney resort the absolute last thing I want to see is your dog. I have two small children that are afraid of all dogs (big and small) why should their Disney experience be ruined by a dog staying at their hotel?


Premium Member
Sorry for the bump but this was posted in a discussion thread about Port Orleans. Some website says that cast members say it has been extended. True? As verifiable if heard from a bus driver?

“If a tree falls in the woods and there’s nobody there to hear it does it make a sound?”

Based on everything we’ve heard so far this pilot was not used very frequently so it’s probably not going to make much difference if it’s extended. I’m now almost guaranteed to be in a room next to a barking dog on my next trip;)


Premium Member
So do we still have "dog resorts"? If so, would some kind soul list them? Would help us - it would provide data on which resorts to avoid.
I would assume the same resorts would continue. Port Orleans, Yacht Club, Art of Animation and the campground. There’s no official word from Disney except that the original pilot program ends on Oct 15. A poster here said a CM told them it was going to get extended.


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