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New Member
Once again...why can't you people realize already, I am NOT complaining...I am merely stating facts.

The problem is that you people are taking everything I say offensively like you own the company or something, so just relax and stop saying that I am complaining when I am stating facts.

Then please take your "FACTS" somewhere else. wow im a former College Program, CM well do you know how i feel, to make ends meet in that place i worked almost 60-70 a week, and the thing with it, i may have had head aches, i might have had my feet hurting every night when i got home. i might have had stood out in the rain all the time, and having guests mad at me because i wouldnt let them stand under the canopy at dumbo because it wasnt safe to stand there. But a matter of fact i smiled at every single one of them and made every person feel like they were the most important person there, that is how its done.

But as i said Take your "Facts" somewhere else


Active Member
It's amazing how when someone asks a question you repeatedly get attacked for answering their questions.

You are not getting attacked for answering the question. Your answer about it being change over and what that entails was very informative and appreciated. However you went too far with the other comments about guests expecting CMs to be slaves and such - that is what prompted the outcry. Had all you stated were the facts as you repeatedly keep saying you did - this thread would not have gone down this path.


Well-Known Member
wow thanks for all of these great updates! the castle will still be beautiful no matter what! but i heard that theye in fact were going to re paint it so it'll look just like new! that "bad jack" looks reallt strange almost to fat in the face if you ask me! its to bad about that man in the carosel of progress sort of funny though lol:wave:


Active Member
So you mean to tell me that the guest of the Walt Disney World Resort do not expect 110% out of the CMs and don't ever treat them like crap and are never nasty?

Think again...it's been mentioned many times on this site and many others how the guest are nasty to CMs and treat them like they are lower class citizens.

I never said that. I just said that your comments were not warranted and had nothing to do with the question that was asked. I also was only responding to your comment that you answered a question and were attacked for answering it - which is not why you were, as you say, attacked.
Your comment here just adds to the fact that you are here just to get a rise out of people as it has nothing to do with my statement.

Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
It's laughable how many times I've read the phrase, or a similar phrase, that the CM's "have to put up with so much for low, low wages." Here's a little bit of info for you:

There isn't ONE person who works for Disney that is being forced to accept the wages or conditions of employment. If you don't agree with them (Mr. "I'm not complaining" lol), leave. It doesn't get any easier than that.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
It's laughable how many times I've read the phrase, or a similar phrase, that the CM's "have to put up with so much for low, low wages." Here's a little bit of info for you:

There isn't ONE person who works for Disney that is being forced to accept the wages or conditions of employment. If you don't agree with them (Mr. "I'm not complaining" lol), leave. It doesn't get any easier than that.
AMEN to that

what is up with FSG?

Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
If you would have looked further up in the thread you would have seen that I now work in a location where I am well compensated.

I am just speaking my mind for all the other CMs that don't get the chance.
I read that....and yet you're clearly still angry about how the company operates in your former department.


Well-Known Member
He's not the only one. Disneyland is even in worse shape. The turnover rate there is around 2 months. From someone who knows how great it used to be to work at Disney and how the work conditions are now I'm apalled. It makes me appreciate how good the CM's do treat us when I know what they have to put up with to work there. There was a time when Disney was the pre-imenent place to work with, that's not true anymore.

As a fan and guest of the park I do take interest in how the CM's are treated by management. It's my opinion that if the CM's are happy where they work then the guest experience will be better. If the CM's are just having to get through the day then they're not going to give me as magical experience as I hope for. As guests and fans of the parks, we need to take an interest in how the employees are treated because it does directly effect us all.

I'd have no problem paying a few dollars more for a ticket to know that the CM's are given a decent pay compared to other jobs in the area. 8 dollars an hour isn't too much to ask. I want to see them have good backstage areas. Did you know that when the contemporary first opened and my uncle worked there that the workers there got to eat the exact same food that was served to the guests at cost. Now they've got a dingy, smelly, cheap area with expensive food. When the park first opened the CM's were treated great. They were expected to treat the guests even better and had very high expectations on how they acted in the park in doing their jobs, but for doing so they got treated with a lot of respect from management.

We wonder why the park is dirty and many CM's just don't seem motivated anymore. A lot of it goes to how they're treated. Not every dept seems to have it real bad and WDW as a whole doesn't seem to have near the problem that DL does, but it's still there.

So here's my suggestions. As guests, take note of the CM's who treat you very well. Write down their name, dept, date, and time and write a letter to Disney management explaining how their performance gave you a magical day. Let managemant know that you think the CM's who make our day's magical day in and day out should be paid decent and given great perks for working there much like it used to be.

If they are, then our experience can only be better.


I can see both sides of the story, If I'm at Disney, especially with a young child, I want it to be as Magical as it was for me and my family when my kids were young. I work at a place where I come home miserable at times and I can complain and nobody cares. I won't get another job because it's convenient for me to work there. But I'm human and my feelings get hurt. When you work in Disney, you get the same problems, angry adults, (i've seen it first hand), hot days, headaches, heck we're all HUMAN but when you complain all us Disney Lovers are insulted!!! The only problem is because of the type of job you have, you really can't get nasty. You have to go home and vent to get it out of your system just like I do. You seem a little brash and you don't word things carefully, you can say the same thing without it seeming like all the guests can be miserable.
I have to tell you a funny story, I come from a large family and by large I mean heavy!!! We went on The Great Movie ride and the CM looked at the seven of us and said "Is everyone in your party LARGE"?!!! Well to say the least most people would have been ed but my family laughs at everything. When we got back to the hotel and until this day, we laugh about that. My cousin said under her breath......"Is everyone in your family OLD????? but she didn't say it so he could hear it, it's not just the people who go there who can hurt feelings, but the CM's can do it also......I'm sure he didn't mean it to come out like that but we handled it well. Just like the CM's should.


Well-Known Member
EMH is packed but that's not bad if you know what to do. Just always avoid the park that is having EMH and your crowds will be a lot less in your current park that day.


New Member
Guests do expect 110% out of castmembers and that's the way it should be, castmembers know when they get hired that they're expected to give 110%, it shouldn't come as a surprise.
So what are "facts" for you aren't for all CM's, some of us love what we do and love the guests and realize that bad days happen with any job and that we have a major responsibility and if a CM can't hack it then it's time they went somewhere else because there's no place for people like that in this company.


New Member
You don't see the crane from in front of the castle. You only see it from behind. So long as the decorations are down by the time they film, you wouldn't notice that it's still being worked on. The side that it's on has the benefit of the small side "building" which hides the crane from the front.


See where the arrow is pointing? That's where it's hiding. So from the front, that small side building completely hides the crane.


Anyway, getting back to the castle...
By December, won't all the decorations be down already and all that will be worked on will be the final painting? I can't remember, which is why I'm asking, but how much scaffolding, if any is used in this? Or is it just done with the crane? Just curious...

head mouse

Ok, here is what I have to say in here.

1) Thank you Miss M for the updates. The castle is starting to look wonderful will all the gold crap removed. Can't wait for the mirror thing to be gone.

If anyone is there when they remove it PLEASE take a pic for me. Thanks

2) about the carts thing. I have an idea for disney. Since it takes "30 mins" to "close done" a cart. How about having a FULL cart set up and ready to replace the one thats closing down. It can be pushed into place and the other one taken back stage that way ther is no "down time" and the guest are happy. Just an idea.

And finaly...

--whatever I have said in this thread goes here--

I can't belive a person like you works for Disney.

I know many, Many, MANY Cm's (one being my father) and yes they do have small complaints about guest, but nothing like what I have heard you say in this thread. If I were a guest and had to deal with you as a CM I would surly stop by City Hall and have a talk with someone.

If your not a people person, how about a nice job sweeping up the parking lot, or laundry duty where you don't have to deal with the guest.

With that said....



Active Member
Here's my question...

If you attended Extra Magic Nights as a Disney Resort Guest (that's the only way to get in), why did you pay for parking? If you are staying at a Disney Resort, you get free parking.
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