Sad to say that the Orange Bird display is still missing from the Sunshine Tree Terrace. The same display so hyped that it launched a line of sipper cups and Disney Parks merchandise and brought back a character that could be beloved by a new generation. D23 even made an event out of the debut of this display.
But this display, as cool as it was, was simple and tiny. Yet TDO still has not taken the time to reinstall it in its new home.
The original post on the Parks Blog about Aloha Isle and Sunshine Tree switching places stated: "Fans of the Orange Bird don’t need to worry – he will be settling into his new home in a few weeks." Well, 8 weeks later and he is still not inside the new Sunshine Tree Terrace. 8 weeks seems a long time to not have him on display yet. And I have never defined "a few" as 8 weeks.