Flying Fish Cafe to offer breakfast in the fall


Well-Known Member
Have Disney given a reason for this? This will provide a nice extra option around Crescent Lake which is lacking in choices for places to eat breakfast (besides quick service and Cape May Buffet) - I just wish I were visiting during the period it's being offered - I love Flying Fish!


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
Have Disney given a reason for this? This will provide a nice extra option around Crescent Lake which is lacking in choices for places to eat breakfast (besides quick service and Cape May Buffet) - I just wish I were visiting during the period it's being offered - I love Flying Fish!
Im assuming this ties in with Kouzzina closing and this making up some of the down time until its replaced. Just speculation by me, however.

Jo DeVil

Well-Known Member
I'd go with coachwnh, even the offerings sound the same as Kouzzina and Spoodles before that. We are at BWV during this time but all ADR's are booked, it isn't really offering anything new so we will just stick with Dinner at the Flying Fish. But the more options for sit down breakfast in that area is always welcome.


Well-Known Member
It's certainly because Kouzzina is closing on Sep 30. There is a bakery, but except for in-room dining, Kouzzina was the only breakfast meal option at Boardwalk resort. I'll miss Kouzzina, thought it was a nice addition. ESPN Club and Big River Grill do not open before lunch, and before now Flying Fish was dinner only, so this side of the lake needs a breakfast meal option*. Glad Disney remembered we need more than a bakery to start the day. :)

Flying Fish is on the pricey side, but still want to check out what they offer. Menu or buffet?

*For that matter, Epcot needs more breakfast options - thank you Sunshine Seasons!


Well-Known Member
This is nice to hear. Obviously the are breakfast options and table services, but I feel breakfast is always the forgotten meal. It's like either a huge sit down meal or a quick, crummy carb or fruit. Nice that this will be an option.


Well-Known Member
This is nice to hear. Obviously the are breakfast options and table services, but I feel breakfast is always the forgotten meal. It's like either a huge sit down meal or a quick, crummy carb or fruit. Nice that this will be an option.

Agree, and beach club has nothing but a zoo of a counter service. oh edit, i forgot the cape may character thing but thats super expensive.


Well-Known Member
Great - this beats just a bagle in the morning. Had I still had youngsters in the household - a full breakfast would be a must. Protein in the morning is a must - and not just for children.

The Incredible Schmulk

Well-Known Member
Welllll - it's worth mentioning. BREAKFAST is pretty much the WORST meal a fine dining restaurant can offer. You see, there is VERY LITTLE INCOME involved. A really GOOD (stunning) breakfast is going to retail around $60-$75 for a party of two. Contrast that with a DINNER in the neighborhood of $100 per seat.

But the restaurant expenses don't really change :(. Raw materials are less, but the labor is all still there - and to boot, the poor staff (with decent tippers), still gets 20% :(. 20% of $70 is a lot less than 20% of $200, for the same labor :(.

Look around your home city - focus on the Fine Dining establishments. How many of them serve breakfast? :)

This is all true, but it's possible to do a fine dining breakfast experience and make it profitable. The problem with the plan that makes it a reality in Disney is that the menu needs to be more of a brunch-style, which would focus on a heavier meal that takes longer to prepare (to justify a higher cost) in an environment where most people want a quick meal so that they can get on with their day. Combine that with the need for a fast turnover rate on the tables in order to make up for the still smaller profitability margin and you get a kitchen and wait staff that is pushed the to brink of exhaustion and a clientele that might just resent feeling rushed by the frenzied pace. This is why most places that do a brunch only do it once a week on a day when they can maximize their occupancy. There's big money to be had, but it takes a ton of planning and prep work in order to keep the machine running smoothly.

I would love to see a fantastic breakfast spot in place of Kouzzina, but I'm not counting on it for the reasons you outlined. It'll be sad to lose another sit-down option in the morning where I don't have to feel like an animal at a trough or avoid a rush of screaming children swarming a poor kid in a plush suit. I do think it's possible, though, for a few of the more popular signature or higher-end casual spots on property to do a once-a-week brunch menu and have it be successful. I would most definitely be on board for that.

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