I don't know why this surprises you. Disney is a for profit company, money grab is why they are in business. Why do people forget that and then act suprised when these things happen. If the money grab could be extended to all year and still work they would do it. It's not a church, or a charity, it a business. If they could make more money by eliminating Mickey Mouse then they would hang him from the castle and call in Samanta Brown to cover it for TV.
It's not a magical playground, it's a business who takes your money and offers you entertainment in return, No different than a movie or a pro sports team. Accepting the reality of the situation will make your life and your view of things a lot less stressful. I recommend that we stop trying to force Disney's round peg into some unrealistic square hole.
(not you specifically, but much of the Disney fan community can use this advice) I for one love Disney, but I love it for what it is. Not what I wished it would be.