Before I give my Top 5, I'll make a few notes:
I agree completely with the Pop music played around the parks. I think it completely ruins the effect of themeing of each area. They used to have either seperate "themed" music or all of the ride themes play throughout.. Jaws, BTTF, ET, Hitchcock, etc. It drew my excitement alot quicker!
The other thing I hate which I've never seen discussed is the "carnival" games in places such as the Lost Continent. I think it's extremely inappropriate & ruins the effect.
Onto the TOP 5 worst attractions:
1. Earthquake - I like the actual ride, but the pre-show is terrible, in my opinion. I've only seen it a few times & it sounds like such a spiel, it's annoying. The area with the U-571 ship is not really funny after one viewing, & the falling rescue climber gets old quick. It really has very little to do with Earthquake. I'd rather have a quick moving line & wait w/o seeing all of those pointless areas. I would much rather look at the props/models/behind the scenes videos while I wait in line & am moving.
2. Back to the Future - I hate to put this one up there.. I love the movies, & love the premise of the ride, it's just old & not fun! I laugh at Doc's actions & spastic behavior in the pre-load, however, ride simulators are a thing of the past. As much as I try to immerse myself into that ride, I don't get into it much anymore. (which I believe is in part of growing up & liking more wild of rides). I have always thought the actual BTTF ride building was pathetic. I never understood why the lines were outside. It is torture standing in line for that ride in the summer time.. it may be shaded, but some days it just doesn't help. I think BTTF has some great potential for queue. They could've really propped up Doc's "lab" & made it interesting inside with props to look at, etc. When you're loaded into the small & very tight "pre show" rooms it feels very dated, hot, & cramped. I always go on it, but it's just an aging attraction.
3. Posideon's Fury - I'm not actually bashing the attraction, but it's design. I enjoy this show & think it has a great setting & entertainment value. The inside & outside looks awesome & really belongs in the Lost Continent. I do, however, have a major pet peave with lines that use the "mob movement" technique. Essentially when you force a large group of people into a fairly small area & then move them to another area without any ropes, rails, or guides. I like this show, but hate how you are required to push your way to the rails & often have a poor view. I would love it if they had "aisles" that you stayed within, so you weren't fighting to get to the next scene.
4. Storm Force Acceleration - lacks the originality compared to the other rides. A fancy name for tea cups.
5. Twister: Ride it Out - Maybe I've been on this ride too many times, but like Earthquake, I hate how long it takes to get to the actual show! I realize it helps the flow of the line & keeps people entertained, but I can only watch that opening video about tornadoes & the making of a movie from 1994 so many times. I actually enjoy the show, but not how long it takes to get to it! I wish there was an Express line right to that! :sohappy: