I feel your pain. I to have done all those things and have stayed on property in excess of 60 times and been an AP holder for about 7 years now. The last time I saw anything close to a PIN code was when they were doing Savannah rooms at AKL for $189/ night when it was still under construction.The email the OP received was likely a "PIN code" offer, meaning the discount is only for the person it was sent to. There have been quite a few threads recently in regards to the PIN codes. From my understanding (as I have never received one), you will be notified either by postcard in the mail or email if you have a PIN code offer. When you call Disney, the name the PIN code is attached to must be on the reservation. It is non-transferable. Oh, and supposedly the offers are random, but others have said to register on the Disney website (which I've done), order the planning DVD (yup, done that, too), get on various mailing lists, (yup), stayed onsite before (many times) which all should help your chances of getting one. Obviously, it hasn't helped me! :lol:
Maybe if I stay off property a few times I'll start seeing the PIN codes come in.:drevil: