4 weeks pregnant...can i do rollercoasters?

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Well-Known Member

I went to WDW 8 weeks pregnant. My friend was 4 weeks (she actually found out the day they left for the airport.) Both 2nd pregnancies.

I saw my Doc a few days before we left and his advice for me was "you can ride anything you feel up too. The baby is extremly small and protected at this time the changes of a rollar coaster hurting it is very slim." Now remember this is MY doc talking about ME. I am not giving his advice to anyone else. (My Doc is a big WDW fan and knows all the rides.)

I rode Dinosaur, Mission Space, Safri ride at AK (as did my friend.) I think that is it. I didn't ride others because I just didn't feel up to it, or feel like waiting in the lines (I had a almost 3 year old also.)

However having said that, most miscarriages happen early. On the very unlikley possibility that something was to happen, and your wife rode chances are she would regreat it just wondering if it was the ride or not. Having said that, why take a unessary risk? (on major rides such at RRC and TT etc.....) The biggest issue I see riding Splash Montain pregnant was the way the seats were postioned. It as not comfortable to sit at that angle pregnant and the boats sometimes bump (front and back.) At very early stages of the pregnancy this would not be an issue.

Many people at that stage do not even know they are pregnant. They ride rides, do other things and things are fine. Of course there is chances that if they didn't know they were pregnant, they also didn't know the pregancy didn't continue.

Either way there is a lot to do at WDW besides the thrill rides. I have been a few times pregnant and never felt like I was missing out.


Well-Known Member
I've been twice while pregnant - both at about 6 weeks. I asked my doctor and she said not to worry, that it would be fine. However - I don't do the really fast ones like TOT and RNRC. I went on Splash mountain and Thunder mountain and the AK safari - I felt fine, they weren't too bumpy. As someone has said the plane ride was more bumpy! Just to be safe, talk to your doctor and see what they advise. ( oh - by the way - I had two healthy pregnancies and two healthy daughters!)


New Member
I am glad there are other people that are very annoyed with Yoop33's answers. I am currently 6 1/2 months pregnant and my husband and I toyed around with the idea of going to WDW in May before the baby is born. We both vetoed it after talking it over. Why would people even consider riding a roller coaster when there are warnings at every coater that may aggrivate a health condition. It is one thing if you have no idea that you are pregnant, but why risk injury to an embryo? My doctor said no coasters--I would think most doctors would. I would be too concerned about injuring my child to actually enjoy the ride.


New Member
Every person and every pregnancy is different....you're not going to get a valid answer for you from anyone on this board that means anything. This is something you and your doctor need to discuss...it's the only opinion that matters in this case.

The opinions of a bunch of strangers really are meaningless.


New Member
Wow this is the first time anyone has reacted this way. Maybe you should all consider where the question came from.... HELLO!!!!!! If this was the case then why would an expecting mother even ask this pathetic question in the first place? Seems kinda silly to come to a theme park based forum and ask a medical question and expect an a medical answer. Maybe she should have tried a "Medical Forum". I was simply telling her what she was probably looking for in a response anyway.
Everyone just needs to calm down and take a deep breath. "BREATH 1, 2"


New Member
Well just to be safe I would stay at home all day and sit in bed. Then again I would stay away from the TV as well because you never know what sounds might come out of that thing or pictures to spoil your brain. Not to mention I hope you walk to Disney World because if you fly or drive you are just moving WAY to fast. Please be careful!


Well-Known Member
Yoop33 said:
Well just to be safe I would stay at home all day and sit in bed. Then again I would stay away from the TV as well because you never know what sounds might come out of that thing or pictures to spoil your brain. Not to mention I hope you walk to Disney World because if you fly or drive you are just moving WAY to fast. Please be careful!
Sorry - I can't let this comment go!
From one who lost a baby for no apparent reason, I can tell you that your remarks are really crass!
This is a matter that she needs to discuss with her Doctor, not us!


New Member
Nemo14 said:
Sorry - I can't let this comment go!
From one who lost a baby for no apparent reason, I can tell you that your remarks are really crass!
This is a matter that she needs to discuss with her Doctor, not us!

I will give you credit for "Crass". Good word
IMHO, if you ride the coasters at Disney World while pregnant your kid might end up with big giant Mickey Ears. While this would save money on mouse ear hats, the teasing in middle school could be painful. Seriously, guilt of this sort never really goes away if something bad happens, I wouldn't do it if I were you. Congratulations on creating a life!


Beta Return

Wow. It's sad to see that there are people who would actually put their unborn child second to Disney. Complications are all too common anymore, and the last thing I'd do is let my pregnant wife (someday) get on a roller coaster and subject that fetus to unnatural g-forces, sudden turns and severe bumps. If we were to have already had a trip planned, then found out - sure, we'd go, but we'd take it easy and do the things that don't exert any forces (intentionally) on the womb.

Nothing in the world would come before protecting my future child - not even WDW (and that's hard to say) :lol:

However, to the OP: I guess just ask your OB/GYN and if he/she feels it's ok, then the ball lies in your court. My advice is to enjoy the dark rides and boat rides and avoid the rides that subject you to forces beyond what you'd experience in your car.

And: Congrats!


New Member
1st off - Congratulations (I am almost 13 weeks myself)

2nd - avoid the roller coasters, you can still do plenty. I went to Disney the beginning of this month (at 8 weeks along) and avoided all the rough type of rides (although I am not a coaster person anyway)

My doctor even recommends avoiding them. The first trimester is very risky time in the baby's forming life. Remember most miscarriages happen in the first 12 weeks. Leave the coasters for next time. Have a great time though, remember to rest during your active day and not overdue the Disney fun :)


Well-Known Member
Congrats on the fantastic news!

I'm heading into internal medicine, but as a third year medical student who has already completed my third year clerkship in OB/GYN, I must say this is an interesting question that I honestly don't have an evidence-based answer to provide you with. It never really came up during my education :lol: . The best person to ask would be a board certified OB/GYN physician.

Personally speaking, and given what I know, I wouldn't let my wife, if she were knowingly pregnant, ride a rollercoaster. While true that at 4 weeks the fetus is still very small and relatively protected inside the womb, it is also during this period that the possibility of miscarriages are among their highest. For me, protecting your unborn child should be priority number 1. My brother's wife was 6 weeks pregnant when we last visited WDW as a group and there was plenty for all of us to do without going on anything that suggests pregnant women should not ride. Heed the warnings. Don't take the risk. WDW and the rides will always be there. You'll only be 4-5 weeks pregnant with this particular child once.
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