Well-Known Member
As an example of how dangerous and unpredictale they can be: wife was an ER nurse for many years had a guy mid 50s come in to the ER with his face all bitten up requiring over 100 stiches. Turns out he was asleep on the couch and a pitbull he had for several years (never a problem in the past) attacked him out of the blue. As a dog owner IMO no one should own a pitbull ----- I'm sure I willl draw a lot of flack form pitbull owners
So in “many years” she saw one incident so now that means Pitbulls are bad, dangerous, and shouldn’t be pets.
How many domestic violence and child abuse victims did she encounter? Should we be fearful of all people?
But it does do harm. I have been in a restaurant where someone brought a dog and the dog immediately peed in the middle of the floor. Yeah that's what I like to smell (and it did smell) while having dinner. Now the patron was mortified and it was immediately cleaned up but the damaged was done. quite a number of folks left and I've been passed the establishment, they no longer allow dogs into their restaurant.
It's not about insulting people but imo, if you cannot tell the difference between a human and an animal there is a problem.
Now will it kill others No it won't but is that the bar dog owners set?? I'm good as long as I don't kill, maim or cause some one to have an asthma attack???
You can love anyone or any thing you wish. kiss it, carry it, whatever. I'm cool. Now I have two dogs, both are mutts german shepard mixes and I also have children. I've yet to mistaken one for the other, so I do find it hard that someone would actually say they are the same emotionally and truthfully I find that concept scary.
Restaurants who allow dogs inside are definitely not the norm, so chances of that happening often are slim. Most require the dogs to be in an outdoor seating area.
Sorry that happened to you. Although, bringing a dog to a restaurant doesn’t mean that the dog owner thought the dog was a human. My child is my child, my dog is also a family member, an important one.
Howling Horror Nights. Adult ticket prices $100, Child 3-9 $90, Pet $80.
I think this would be adorable. We’ll see..maybe it will be announced for 2018.