4 Walt Disney World Resorts to accept dogs


President of Animal Kingdom
Premium Member
This is just the beginning....



Well-Known Member
I dont understand the uproar. Dogs are part of the family. It seems like people find a reason to complain about everything nowadays. And to those who have allergies, how is this any different than a service dog being allowed in the hotel?
I love animals, but the problems are a dog here and there might not trigger allergies but tons everywhere will, service dogs also are not left in the room alone all day they go with the owner, pets will be there all day leaving their dander and lovely "presents" all over the room, there will also be presents all over outside for people to step in. This is just not a good idea.
Ok I’m sorry I’m gonna put my two cents in but some of these comments are little “wow” like I totally understand the allergy aspect and the fear of dogs but, I highly doubt people are gonna be like oh wow I can finally bring My dog to the pool at the hotels, or how you guys think that dogs are gonna be leaving presents in the hotel room, if a dog isn’t trained for that I’m sure the owners would bring a crate, and also one comment I saw said something about leaving pit bulls in the room? Any dog size or breed can be either nice and mean.

I would think though they would have designated areas for the dogs to stay in and not have it be an all dog hotel, a lot of hotels are dog friendly too. That is all


Active Member
I don't have time to backread 10+ pages so I am sorry if this has been mentioned but between service animals, therapy dogs and those taking hurricane refuge with their dogs at WDW, they had to do something to recoup deep cleaning fees so why not make it policy? Most resorts do have dedicated animals sections and if a dog barks uncontrollably they will be asked to leave or board elsewhere, that's just common sense. This fear of dogs on "my" vacation thing is a little unbecoming. Hardly doubt resorts will just be running wild with badly behaved dogs. Plus that's a hefty fee for someone staying there a week.

We have a bulldog and she is like a child to us. She used to travel everywhere with us but now she's older she barks and is cranky and has accidents. She's also in our house 24/7 and our house doesn't smell like dog because we clean, just like WDW will do. But still I would never bring her to WDW. Hopefully others act appropriately.


Active Member
I can however see the point of this being a bad idea for the dog. Leaving them cooped up for 12 hours at a time is awfully selfish and something most dog owners would not do. Which tells me this is more for trying to reign in costs on service and therapy dogs since those dogs will most likely be with the owner during the day.


Well-Known Member
Those of you who think that your dogs don't smell have just become blind to the smell. I am not necessarily saying that they stink, but they DO smell no matter whether you notice it or not. I have friends who are excellent housekeepers and take very good care of their pets, but I can detect the dog smell the second I walk in their door. If I walked into a resort room that smelled like a dog I would head straight back to the desk and request a different "non-dog" room. (Same thing if the room has been smoked in too.) I sure hope that Disney has sense enough to restrict the dog rooms to certain blocks of rooms.


Well-Known Member
Ouch - you want to take on the ECV crowd and the pet crowd at the same time. Those who want these things will defend them till the end and those who do not care for them will spew their take as well.

I agree that the few % who take advantage ruin nice things for all of us.
Which is precisely why we have rules.
Because of that few % who mess everything up.


Well-Known Member
I love animals, but the problems are a dog here and there might not trigger allergies but tons everywhere will, service dogs also are not left in the room alone all day they go with the owner, pets will be there all day leaving their dander and lovely "presents" all over the room, there will also be presents all over outside for people to step in. This is just not a a good idea.

Don't forget the smell outside.
That urine and other smell never goes away.
And the wind carries it.


Well-Known Member
I am a Biologist.

All dogs smell. Same for all Humans, cats, ect. As far as "germs" I would rather step in dog than human. You don't step in human , you touch it, everywhere in your room. To all the "allergy!" people, maybe you need to think about how much rodent hair and feces is considered acceptable by the FDA in your food?

It's just a few dogs, humans have been living in symbiosis with them for thousands of years, YOU will be fine.


Active Member

I have stayed in a dog friendly hotel exactly one time. Had a two night stay booked. We lasted one night. Dog noise All. Day. Long. All. Night. Long.

Have never, and will never stay at another dog friendly hotel.

Everyone has anecdotal experiences.

I have stayed in probably 100+ dog friendly hotels and have almost never heard barking. Nothing more than a couple seconds long and never at night.

Regardless of peoples complaints on here, hotels across the US are becoming more and more dog friendly. If there were significant problems because of this, it would have already stopped.

Feel free to fight the tide though. I will enjoy reading about it cuddled up with my frenchie next time I'm at WDW


Well-Known Member
Such stupidity, to allow this. Echo, 4 resorts we will not be staying at.
Now you will have the babies AND the dogs making noise at 5:30AM.
Say goodbye to the ducks and other wildlife at WDW as the dogs will eat/chase off any interlopers.
Just what we need, more crowding and trip hazards at all the parks. Do they have to buy tickets?
Can't wait to be waiting at check-in for the pooches to drag their butts along the carpets.
"on leash" requirement. Not sure about the park in your municipality, but NOBODY follows that "rule" here.
Bites will be rampant. See the dog's owner run away.
All dog owners should be required to take spot on the safari, the food quotient may also be more profitable than $50 fee.


Active Member

I have stayed in a dog friendly hotel exactly one time. Had a two night stay booked. We lasted one night. Dog noise All. Day. Long. All. Night. Long.

Have never, and will never stay at another dog friendly hotel.
Different experiences I guess. We make a point to support dog friendly hotels even when we don't bring our dog and haven't had an issue with sound or smell. And if we did it's nothing a quick call to the front desk shouldn't fix.


Well-Known Member
I have worked for Marriott brands for 15 years and now at a Hilton brand. I can personally tell you that dogs are a huge issue with hotels. I've seen more damage done from dogs left in rooms for hours on end not to mention the barking. The cost of cleaning a room, scrubbing the carpets, carpets that are chewed or left with urine and fecal matter on it, hundreds to thousands of dollars. I'm sorry but from experience I can say that most people are not responsible pet owners as far as hotels are concerned and I dont know why someone who plans on being at a park from 8 am to midnight would bother to bring a dog but I can guarantee you they will and a $50 pet fee will not deter them, that is cheap for a pet fee compared to most hotels. Just call a Residence Inn and ask what their fee is. And to have no weight or breed restrictions, OMG here come the pitt bulls. God bless those poor housekeepers. If they accidentally let a pet get loose, law suits and yes the dogs will inevitably get into the food courts and all over because people dont obey rules. Why allow them on busses, are they taking them to disney springs or to the park? It has already become an issue for hotels regarding service animals and what is and is not allowed. TRUE Service animals must perform a task, meaning they must help with vision impaired or is trained to remind someone to take their medication or can smell gluten. If a guest says they have a service animal, you cannot ask to see their paperwork. You are only permitted to ask 2 questions. Is the dog a service animal required because of a disability? and what work or task has the dog been trained to perform? You cannot make them show that the dog performs the task. ADA dogs do not have to wear vests anymore and they do not have to provide hotels with any documentation. We can only require that the service animal stay with the guest at all times and not be left in the room alone because if it is a service animal you should need it 24/7 with you. Because this info has gotten around everyone lies about their dog being a service animal. It's terrible and unfair to those who truly have service animals. I think Disney made a huge mistake. I wont stay at a resort that takes pets. I know what happens in those rooms and no amount of cleaning gets that smell or ickymess out.

Casper Gutman

Well-Known Member
I am utterly amazed at the reaction here. All the awful ways that WDW has been destroying their hotels, and THIS is what seems to get people upset?

Someone has probably pointed this out, but Uni's hotels have always allowed dogs and I have consistently found the experience and service at those resorts to be superior to what WDW has offered over the last decade.


Active Member
I am a Biologist.

All dogs smell. Same for all Humans, cats, ect. As far as "germs" I would rather step in dog **** than human. You don't step in human ****, you touch it, everywhere in your room. To all the "allergy!" people, maybe you need to think about how much rodent hair and feces is considered acceptable by the FDA in your food?

It's just a few dogs, humans have been living in symbiosis with them for thousands of years, YOU will be fine.
Yes animals have a scent but a dog staying in a room here or there will not make the room smell like dog for all eternity. We leave our dog for days at a time (dog sitter comes over) and I never notice a dog smell when I come home. If she sleeps in the bed with us for nights on end then yes, the blankets starts to smell like dog and we wash them.


Active Member
Such stupidity, to allow this. Echo, 4 resorts we will not be staying at.
Now you will have the babies AND the dogs making noise at 5:30AM.
Say goodbye to the ducks and other wildlife at WDW as the dogs will eat/chase off any interlopers.
Just what we need, more crowding and trip hazards at all the parks. Do they have to buy tickets?
Can't wait to be waiting at check-in for the pooches to drag their butts along the carpets.
"on leash" requirement. Not sure about the park in your municipality, but NOBODY follows that "rule" here.
Bites will be rampant. See the dog's owner run away.
All dog owners should be required to take spot on the safari, the food quotient may also be more profitable than $50 fee.
Are we bashing babies now too? At disneyworld, how dare they! How about other adults? And vehicles? It's called life.

I do wonder why Disney is taking this on, but again they might know a little more than us about what they can control and accept. Will be interesting to see as more details come out. Will people need to board dogs during the day is a big one.

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