4 Foot Alligator Seen At Magic K !!


New Member
Original Poster
Hi folks,
Having just returned from our two week holiday in Florida, there is a great sense of disbelief, which I am sure many of you have shared, that a holiday looked forward to for so long, is now over !!
One piece of news which I don't believe has been mentioned so far, is that there is a live 4 foot alligator in Magic Kingdom, in the waters surrounding Tom Sawyers Island !!
My son and I were on the Liberty Belle and managed to go up and speak with the captain, who pointed to the waters edge (the other side of the road from the Country Bear Jamboree), where a group of people were leaning over the railing looking at the bank below. It would appear that an alligator had swam via the connecting rivers and was very much at home, being regularly fed on turkey legs, thrown down by pass'ers-by.
I cannot claim to have actually seen the critter myself and wonder if anyone else can confirm a sighting?


Well-Known Member
I have never heard this before but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist. I could beleive it Florida is a lot of swamp so why not?:animwink:


Disney's Favorite Scumbag™
Premium Member
heaven forbid... they have gators in florida. It's weird... I'm not that scared of them... or sharks... or bears... however I'm TERRIFIED of my friend Brandon's terrier

Epcot is my fav

Active Member
Originally posted by BRER DAVE
Hi folks,
Having just returned from our two week holiday in Florida, there is a great sense of disbelief, which I am sure many of you have shared, that a holiday looked forward to for so long, is now over !!
One piece of news which I don't believe has been mentioned so far, is that there is a live 4 foot alligator in Magic Kingdom, in the waters surrounding Tom Sawyers Island !!
My son and I were on the Liberty Belle and managed to go up and speak with the captain, who pointed to the waters edge (the other side of the road from the Country Bear Jamboree), where a group of people were leaning over the railing looking at the bank below. It would appear that an alligator had swam via the connecting rivers and was very much at home, being regularly fed on turkey legs, thrown down by pass'ers-by.
I cannot claim to have actually seen the critter myself and wonder if anyone else can confirm a sighting?

i saw this same thing over this past summer...people were feeding it popcorn and turkey legs....the CM's did not seem to mind it being there because when people told them they didnt run to get anyone to get it removed..........i think that if it were to endanger someone then it would be removed.....but i think there is a screen inbetween the water and where splash mountains logs run on the other side of the bridge


Well-Known Member
i too have seen an alligator in WDW. it was during our last trip (Nov. 2002) and we were in the process of moving our luggage to our Beach Club Villa. i looked down into the canal which is just a little ways from the parking lot, and low and behold, there was alligator! i was amazed! it was the first time i had ever seen one in WDW.
they should be perfectly fine in WDW. seems like i've always heard that between gators and crocodiles, the 'diles' are the ones that are aggressive. gators are as much afraid of us as we are of them (or at least some of us). as long as there are no sharks, i'm cool (like it would matter..i'm not planning on getting in that water anyway!)


New Member
Dont feed the gators

Being a reptile person, Commonly rescuing snakes, lizards and turtles & torts off streets and in neighborhoods.. Also keeping a "collection" of 14 reptiles... I ask you if you see an alligator in WDW or anywhere PLEASE do not feed them!:eek: This is how humans are commonly injured or killed by alligators, they lose there fear for humans and see them as a food source. In the wild untouched alligators do not see us as food.. actualy a predator. The thing most people who visit here don't know is there are actualy native to florida... American Crocodile (Crocodylus acutus) Reaching a maximum size of 12 feet, although very rare and endangered they also do not pose a threat to us.

Once again... Plain and simple don't feed the gators;) :hammer:



Get rid of that avatar!!!!! That's one person from Long Island (where I come from) that we arent' too proud of...............lol!!!!!!!

Sir Hiss527

New Member
I never heard this before. Look everywhere all the time:lookaroun, you never know where there gonna turn up. There be some rough waters ahead.:lol:

-Sir Hiss527-

"Toad Lives!:king:

Toy Trumpet

New Member
I was in the MK about 3 weeks ago, and I saw the gator in just the spot that was mentioned here. I'm from Central FL, so I'm not unused to seeing them in the water, but it did seem awfully close to the low lying "ferryboats" that access TS Island for my taste!


New Member
Re: Re: 4 Foot Alligator Seen At Magic K !!

Originally posted by Epcot is my fav
i saw this same thing over this past summer...people were feeding it popcorn and turkey legs....the CM's did not seem to mind it being there because when people told them they didnt run to get anyone to get it removed..........i think that if it were to endanger someone then it would be removed.....but i think there is a screen inbetween the water and where splash mountains logs run on the other side of the bridge

If they were to remove it I wonder if there would be some big special featuring the Crocodile Hunter? Hey that would probably make a great show in WDW.


Active Member
Re: Dont feed the gators

Originally posted by RnRCJohn

Once again... Plain and simple don't feed the gators;) :hammer:

Not to mention it is also against the law in Florida to feed an Alligator. It carries quite a hefty fine too since usually then they have to destroy the gator if it's become too used to being fed by human.


We actually discussed this subject during a BTM tour. Gators on property are generally caught,tagged, and released somewhere way off property. A tagged gator that returns could be humanely disposed of. As previously stated, a gator that has lost it's fear of humans is a real danger, WDW doesn't want any headlines.


New Member
If you want to see a gator down here, just go golfing! They show up on golf course, in canals, etc... This is a swamp, after all.



Well-Known Member
YO!!!! omg!!

The other day I had a dream that i was on one of the boat rides at WDW (i dont remember if it was that one or jungle cruise. and one of the "fake" alligators turned out to be real and we had to evac the boat and we had to pretend we werent all scared so they wouldnt sense our fear. then i woke up so i dont know what happens next...
but wow
strange coincedence? or um am i just strange? :lookaroun :lookaroun

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