How about the more lives that have been lost due to the carelessness of them opening up businesses too soon and being less strict on the lockdown protocols because businesses are more important??
That is just misleading and dishonest.
The majority of covid deaths (~75%) in the United States (per CDC) are age 65 and above. Of that group a large percentage of the deaths were attributable to assisted living facilities, pre-existing health factors, and hospitals.
These are people that never set foot inside a Restaurant, Box Store, etc.
The overwhelming majority of people patronizing businesses and engaging in commerce have done so safely and responsibly. For those that choose to go out, it's a matter of personal responsibility. If you are responsible you take precautions and follow common sense. The carelessness you speak of comes from people who make the personal choice not to do things responsibly. Like it or not people in a free country still can act like idiots, ultimately the responsibility is with the individual to make the choices that affect their lives.