2013 D23 Expo: Your Predictions


Original Poster
Sadly, last week's D23 Expo left a lot to be desired for those of us wanting updates, additions to WDW. But, in a time of economic turmoil, lower travel levels, the public overall cutting back, and already a lot of $$$ being used toward FLE, I cannot be too harsh toward the House of Mouse for this decision.

But...with that being said, "there's a great big beautiful tomorrow!", as the song so beautifully puts it. Before you know it, 2013 will be upon us, and we will once again be in the midst of yet another D23 Expo. So my question is this: What do you think we will learn (as far as WDW additions are concerned) from the D23 Expo of 2013?

Here are a few of my predictions:
-What will be added to the former PI clubs/buildings
-Possible new E-ticket(s) for DAK DHS which are both in need.
-Possible update/replacement for U.O.E. at Epcot

I do not expect much mentioned for MK, as FLE will be fresh & new at that point.

What does everyone else predict?


Well-Known Member
I expect the 2013 D23 to have updates on Shanghai Disneyland.

Snow White Mine Coaster will be talked about for WDW for 2013 D23 since it will not open before 2014. It is really too early for predicting anything else at this time.


Well-Known Member
For WDW? Nothing. Maybe a new meet and greet. Because we need another one of those. -_-

I've learned to keep my expectations low.


Well-Known Member
I expect the 2013 D23 to have updates on Shanghai Disneyland.

Snow White Mine Coaster will be talked about for WDW for 2013 D23 since it will not open before 2014. It is really too early for predicting anything else at this time.

The Monsters Inc coaster would be the only thing I could even remotely see them announcing.

I think folks need to (unfortunately) come to grips that we may not see any new major announcements for the WDW parks for a few years and learn to be satisfied with the FLE.


Original Poster
I think folks need to (unfortunately) come to grips that we may not see any new major announcements for the WDW parks for a few years and learn to be satisfied with the FLE.
Sadly, there is a lot of logic to this. Just tonight on CNBC $$ they were talking about how we're projected to hit anywhere from 14 - 16% unemployment (in the U.S.) by 2015. :eek: Not that this will be fully accurate, but they certainly nailed right now on the head 4+ yrs ago. So with that being said, Disney would be very wise to hold off on shelling out too much $$$ on domestic parks. We don't know what to expect in the world of travel over the next decade, and WDW would be foolish to lay a fat egg right now money-wise.


Not old, just vintage.
I predict there won't even BE an Expo in 2013.

I can kind of see this happening too. I know it was announced and all but it wouldn't be the first time something was announced and then never happened. One thing they pushed on us all weekend was to fill out cards with our emails so they could send us surveys. I filled mine out today and I imagine there will be a lot of very unhappy other people filling them out too. At some point they will have to decide what the trade off point is for the effort in putting an event like this together versus money they make off of it. Anyone who thinks that the Expo exists to entertain and keep Disney fans happy is delusional. :lookaroun It is a money making operation and if it proves to be too much work to keep planning and executing Expos we won't see another one anytime soon.

Personally, I think I would prefer to see them keep the Destination D events alive...as long as they keep doing them on both coasts.


Well-Known Member
I had a blast at the Expo this year, but in talking with people I do see some areas of improvement. The biggest thing is simulcasting or repeating panels. Some of the smaller panels had huge demands that just couldn't be met.

I'd also like to see them open up Mickey's of Glendale more than just this one time - I didn't realize that it was an Imagineer exclusive store, otherwise I would have gone in on Friday. Unfortunately I didn't go in until Sunday and I was shut out of all of the Epcot pavilion shirts I wanted (The Land, Horizons and Imagination).

Getting in on Friday was a bit of a mess, but on Saturday they had taped off lines in front of the Anaheim Convention Center, and by Sunday they did the same thing on the first floor for the Arena presentations.


Well-Known Member
I can kind of see this happening too. I know it was announced and all but it wouldn't be the first time something was announced and then never happened. One thing they pushed on us all weekend was to fill out cards with our emails so they could send us surveys. I filled mine out today and I imagine there will be a lot of very unhappy other people filling them out too. At some point they will have to decide what the trade off point is for the effort in putting an event like this together versus money they make off of it. Anyone who thinks that the Expo exists to entertain and keep Disney fans happy is delusional. :lookaroun It is a money making operation and if it proves to be too much work to keep planning and executing Expos we won't see another one anytime soon.

Personally, I think I would prefer to see them keep the Destination D events alive...as long as they keep doing them on both coasts.

I can't see how the expo made them any money, it had to post a loss-a lot of expenses in that convention center-by 2013 they'll probably be looking at dissolving the whole d23 concept


Not old, just vintage.
I can't see how the expo made them any money, it had to post a loss-a lot of expenses in that convention center-by 2013 they'll probably be looking at dissolving the whole d23 concept

I suppose it is possible they didn't make any money but I know I only succeeded in doing one thing all weekend....spending money. It was the only thing that I was able to do that didn't require waiting in line for 3 hours only to find out that I wasn't going to get in anyways. Every store I went in was quite busy so I imagine they brought in some decent money that way. Not to mention there was no shortage of people who paid for tickets to get in. Each of the vendors in the collectors forum had to pay for their space too. I guess it all depends on how much the actual operational costs were for the weekend. I doubt they get much (if anything) of a cut of the food sales for the weekend but there was no shortage of people on those lines either.

I am not holding out a ton of hope for the 2013 Expo. If it happens there is a very good chance I won't be back...unless I lose my mind sometime between now and then and manage to forget about how unhappy I was for 3 days.


Well-Known Member
What makes you think the next D23 is in 2013?

As the event closed on Sunday a tannoy announcement said "please join us for the next D23 Expo in March 2013!"

As for them not making money... I think that's one area they certainly don't have to worry about. People seemed to be buying stuff like crazy, and the lines to get into the shops were immense. All those people paying admission too, the Expo would have made Disney a fortune.

I suspect the next one will probably be really good but low attended because so many people who went to this year's debacle will stay away. In 2009 the Expo made people not attending wish they were there, this year those attending wished they weren't!


Premium Member
Whatever they do... I hope it's good, cuz I'll have to get in line in the next few days if I want to have a shot at seeing anything this time around. :hammer:

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