2012 Mickeys Not So Scary Party Tickets on Sale Watch


Well-Known Member
Most people make an effort to dress up (not us though!) During Mnsshp in 2010, we saw one family, 2 adults, 3 children dressed up, the adults and 2 of the children were dressed really nicely in 'pirate' costumes but the smallest child, a boy was dressed as a big fat awkward crayon costume! :ROFLOL: poor boy looked like he was gonna pass in with the heat!

I wonder what he did to p@ss his family off!

Drawing on the wall with a crayon? :shrug:
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New Member
Looking forward to this first time experience!

Im going first week in October and have never been! Im super excited and I think my kids are going to love this party! They are will be three when we go and already have a love for dressing up and halloween so I hope they really enjoy it! Hope they put the dates and prices out soon!
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Well-Known Member
I know this is kind of off topic but we are going to the party this year for the first time and just kinda wanted to know what to expect, we have been to a christmas party and it was awesome. Is it more for kids or everyone?:lookaroun

This is my first post, so I hope I do this correctly. We went to both in 2011, and they were both incredibly fun. The Halloween parade, however, was amazing.
They had a troup of dancing zombies. The makeup was soooo realistic that one little boy beside us got up and ran. It's also the only time the whole year that a Jack Sparrow character will come out for pictures and autographs. As you would imagine, 90 percent of the people in line were girls and woman teen to seniors. The fireworks and the castle show were also stunning. We are annual passholders and have been to the parks many, many times, but these two events are a must for everyone who truly loves Disney World (and who doesn't).
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Well-Known Member
Kind of both. :lol: All I have heard is May 1st for tickets to go on sale, but all has been quiet on the MNSSHP front so I'm hoping someone has concrete info..
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Well-Known Member
It is typically May 2nd or May 3rd. But as usual, Disney releases them when they release them, but it's been one of those two days for the past 6 or so years. :)
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Active Member
I check the Disney site every day but am unsure if I'm looking in the right place. I go under the special events tab and look at MNSSHP. Will there be a link there to purchase tickets once they are available? I've been to the party before and love it but have always booked our trips through AAA. This is the first time I'm doing everything on the Disney site and I'm worried I'll miss it!
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Well-Known Member
I check the Disney site every day but am unsure if I'm looking in the right place. I go under the special events tab and look at MNSSHP. Will there be a link there to purchase tickets once they are available? I've been to the party before and love it but have always booked our trips through AAA. This is the first time I'm doing everything on the Disney site and I'm worried I'll miss it!

Yes if you are booking online that is the place to go. I checked today as well and saw the same thing you did. Once they are on sale it will provide a lot more information and allow you to choose the days you want to purchase.
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MVP Heather

Can't wait to get tickets! I've been watching and waiting for at least a month now! I know patience is a virtue, but when it comes to Disney, I am too excited to wait! We will be going down September 16th - 21st and my boys are already trying to decide their costumes!
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Active Member
I just thought I would pass this along. I was on the phone with reservations this morning making ADR's and such for my October trip. She asked me if there would be anything else and I said no. She then said and I quote "have magical day and maybe we will talk to you tomorrow when tickets go on sale." I would have asked what she was talking about but it didn't really click on what she said until I hung up. I can't think of anything else tickets would be going on sale for.
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Uncle Lupe

Well-Known Member
We did only one night of the party last year. After writing about this in my trip report we could have easily done two nights. To try to see everything you need more than one night. But yes it is an extra expense that can could get expensive. The dates around Columbus day the park was packed.
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Well-Known Member
I just thought I would pass this along. I was on the phone with reservations this morning making ADR's and such for my October trip. She asked me if there would be anything else and I said no. She then said and I quote "have magical day and maybe we will talk to you tomorrow when tickets go on sale." I would have asked what she was talking about but it didn't really click on what she said until I hung up. I can't think of anything else tickets would be going on sale for.

Yes!! This is great news!:sohappy:
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It looks like they may have a party on November 2, 2012 cause they close at 7pm that day which will be my princess 5th bday and we are going to BBB that day. So she will not need a costume. I hope I can get tickets so she can have the best birthday ever.
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Well-Known Member
It looks like they may have a party on November 2, 2012 cause they close at 7pm that day which will be my princess 5th bday and we are going to BBB that day. So she will not need a costume. I hope I can get tickets so she can have the best birthday ever.

Careful. That could be the Christmas party. Granted, I have never paid attention to when they actually transition from Halloween to Christmas, but isn't it like the very next day or something? Halloween all the way up to Oct 31st, then on Nov 1st they tear it all out and put up Christmas stuff?
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New Member

I was making ADR yesterday as well and the Lady asked if I was planning MNSSHP and I told her yes and I've been watching but I can't find when tickets go on sale. She told me they were told they are going on sale today. But she also said that it can take a while because they have to upload an up date in to their systems and if they have any problems uploading and when they start uploading can effect the time when they go on sale. The last thing she said was just keep watching but it would be in the next couple of days. She was super nice so I believe her. :)
If anyone else hear's anything please let me know! I'm watching and waiting!
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