20 days to go..what do I need to know?!


New Member
We have never been on a vacation, never flown and never been anywhere near Florida! We are leaving on the 21st. What should I be doing now? Anything I need to check in on? Last minute tips?! I am excited but worried I will mess something up!


Well-Known Member
Relax! Even your typing sounds panicked. Take a deep breath.

Make a packing list.
Confirm all reservations of any kind.
Eat up all the food in your refrigerator so it doesn't go bad. Well, not just yet, but soon.
Prepare your self to feel overwhelmed, but have the serenity to just go with the flow. The first trip is the hardest. You will see so much, learn so much, hear so much, and read so much while you are there and when you get back, that by the next trip you will be an old pro. As for now, I think it's nap time for you. :)
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Yes you will be fine, Flying is no big deal (except for cramped planes but whatever right your going to DW!!!)

I would Re-verify any ADR's after that nothing much to do but count down the hours, get the party all pumped up. Go over your checklists for packing...

all in all nothing to be worried about... You will have IMO at the end say this is the best thing I have ever done in my life moment...

Have fun and enjoy your vaction! It will be .. you cannot put words on it.
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New Member
Original Poster
Ha, you guys are funny! I am a bit paniced! Are there any good packing lists out there? Anyone know if a carseat and stroller count as luggage...we are flying Airtran. And I just realized we got a economy sized rental car..will my luggage even fit in that? Should I see if I can upgrade?
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okay twice today I violate the rules by posting outside links...Go to mousesavers.com and they have a huge packing list.

Batteries for Cams, Memory card, ...

Were are you staying?
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New Member
you need to remember to stop by brooklyn ny and bring me with you!:)have fun and relax.I flew for the first time in twenty years last month and was a nervous wreck.Everything went fine and the trip was the best ever.Have a blast!
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Well-Known Member
Sorry, don't have a packing list and don't fly often to WDW (only twice) so I can't tell you about luggage rules.

The flight itself is not hard, once you get through security at the airport. Be prepared to lose your shoes for a moment and you could be searched. Most important thing is to get to airport early. Not sure what airport you'll be using, but I would suggest at the very least 90 minutes early even if you're flying from a relatively small airport. If you're going out of a big airport, up to 3 hours wouldn't be unreasonable. (once you are through security, you can eat, shop, or just watch the planes while waiting. There is also a reason they sell paperback books at airport gift shops, but with little one(s), reading time may be at a premium.

Leaving the airport it probably would be best to take the SOUTH exit onto the Greenway (417). Disney will be about 20 minutes away. There will be about 3 toll booths that will cost you a couple or three bucks total. Have your reservation handy so the hotel parking guard will let you in and give you a pass good for the length of your stay. If you are at a Deluxe, the bell staff will take care of your luggage (tip), just head to the front desk and check in. You're likely to be impressed with the check-in staff. They are usually extraodrinarily friendly and helpful. Bell service is available at other resorts, but it might be faster to do it yourself.

Florida can be pretty warm in October, so I'd have shorts and sunscreen available. It is possible to be a little cool, too, (depending on where you're from), so it would be good to have at least one or two long-sleeve things.)

A few more general concepts and I'll stop (I have sometimes written 8 or 10 page guides for friends heading to WDW)
WDW is designed to be overwhelming. You will not, under almost any circumstances, be able to see and do everything that looks good. It is designed to make you want to come back. Get a good planning book from the bookstore, Burnbaum or the Unofficial Guide to WDW are two of the better ones. (Burnbaum's is considerably shorter) just to make sure you know what the main attractions are. You can also get maps to all four parks when you check in at the hotel. Study these to see what you'd like best.

You should take a break in the middle of the day and return to the hotel and rest. Yes, it will feel like you're not getting your money's worth on what is a fairly expensive vacation, but it is essential to enjoy your visit and not feel like "Only 3 more attractions in Tomorrowland and then we can go to Fantasyland). This is especially true when traveling with children. Even if it's just for a couple of hours, you need to get off your feet and avoil sensory overload.

Accepting that you can't do everything and remembering it is a vacation are two of the most important things to grasp before you arrive.

You will have fun! Enjoy!!
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Well-Known Member
You had some really good tips so far!

Call the car rental company or go online (depending how you made your reservation) and see about the car size you can expect. Most on-line sites have luggage/people/car seat icons that let you decide IF the car will be big enough for you and your things. You have plenty of time to do that, I believe you can change even the day you pick the car up BUT don't count on that. Make sure you have credit card in the name of the driver/renter with you, some car rental places do not take debit/credit cards. Or call and ask ahead of time.

Make sure to have all your ID's in order. Good time now to check to make sure your license hasn't expired or will expire soon. It is not valid if it has expired (I had that happen right before a business trip and I had to rush around the day I was to leave, now I check). Wear slip on shoes, no belts (unless you can take it off and keep your pants up!). Keep you ID's handy in the airport, you will be asked for them a zillion times. Also, make sure you DO NOT bring anything that is not in a bag (hand lotion, lipstick, perfume), take a few extra quart size bags with you in your purse just in case something has to go in at the last minute. CAUTION, If something liquid is over 3 ounces you will have to throw it away! Don't buy a drink before security check points in the airport, buy a bottle of water AFTER you're thru the check point. Food is okay, drinks are not. I really try to carry on little or nothing but my purse, makes for a smoother time thru security. Of course, I don't have to travel with little ones anymore so that makes things a little easier. OK, a lot easier!

Things you can pack now are things like a first aid kit, meds that you may need (like cold and flu meds, ammodium, tylenol or advil), travel size mouthwash, toothpaste, shampoos. I always have those things available here at home so I pack them ahead of time but if you don't then you have time to gather them.

Save extra room in your luggage for things you will buy and bring home with you. Suitcases that are checked on the plane cannot weigh over 50 pounds. You will pay a fine (25-50 bucks) if your suitcase is too heavy. I think most airlines allow for 2 checked bags per adult flying, we usually take one almost empty so we have plenty of room to bring home our purchases.

Most important of all.....if you forget something, no worries! There are all kinds of stores close by WDW. You can buy whatever you forgot. It happens to us every now and then. We get somewhere and someone has not packed socks or underwear (usually the men in my life, no offense to the men out there).

Have great time! Relax and enjoy WDW, make as many memories as you can! :wave:
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New Member
Ha, you guys are funny! I am a bit paniced! Are there any good packing lists out there? Anyone know if a carseat and stroller count as luggage...we are flying Airtran. And I just realized we got a economy sized rental car..will my luggage even fit in that? Should I see if I can upgrade?

The stroller you can check in with you at the plane and get a gate claim ticket so that you will have it with you at the airport. I believe you can do the same with the carseat. Although if you don't need either one it would probably be best to check both and they would count as luggage.

We just flew airtran and did the gate claim with our stroller didn't have/need a carseat though.
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I usually forget to pack something. But Disney is not a remote desert island. You can find a store to buy whatever you didn’t pack. Have you made any itineraries for what to do before & during the trip?
I create a spreadsheet of what I want to do each day at Disney. It’s a great way to take up time while you get closer & closer to your trip and you need to find some way to control your excitement. I include park hours, parade & show times and dinner reservation times. I end up making several different spreadsheets because there’s so many ways you can “do Disney World”. Then finally I choose the one I like the best. And, as I’ve said in other threads, be prepared to change your itinerary each day depending on what happens each day. Just go with the flow & have fun.
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New Member
Hello, Pixie! Although someone earlier was really awesome and gave you a link to a website, I actually have (in MSWord) a packing list that I use for my trips (and I have OCD, so I am detailed). It even reminds me to get a timer for my lights and tell the neighbors I will be gone!

As for the plane ride, try not to worry too much. I always have my family take off their shoes prior to the security checkpoint and then we pull to the side after and put them back on. Our only worry when flying is my husband's height; he is 6'5" and does not fit very comfortably in seats, but we have worked around it and figure it is only a two hour flight to the greatest place on Earth!

We will be down at the same time as you (we arrive two days earlier); feel free to PM me if you'd like to arrange a meet or want my packing list.:wave:
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Well-Known Member
If you need something to do, start walking! No, this is not a joke. If you are not used to walking ALOT, start taking some and build up that stamina :lol:
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Well-Known Member
Along with the tip to start walking....buy CROCS! THE most comfortable pair of shoes I have ever worn. And they slip on and off easy for the security check points!
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