It seems that the infamous 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea Lagoon is going to be the next area that finally will be gettin some attention. Many websites are reporting that plans to have extensive excavation of the lagoon may begin as early as jan. It seems that Mermaid Lagoon will be the attraction to fill the area. When u think about it would be fairly easy to create as the Research and Devolopement has already ben paid for by the TDL Resort. It sounds logical to begin work in Jan. to begin leveling the lagoon, it has already ben said that the utilidor underneath may suffer from any work, but excavation could be able to make it stable so major work can begin as early as late Feb. or March. The 20,000 leagues showbuilding can provide some area for the showbuilding, it would be easy to use extend the showbuilding to feature the attractions. As far as building the show elemts it is quite easy as there are many "off the shelf" disney themed rides and just decorting, playgroud building, and the show elements of the Little Mermaid Show. What do u think about it, comments our other rumors are welcome.