20,000 Leagues Question

Jordan's Mom

New Member
Original Poster
Does anyone know if they are planning to ever do ANYTHING with that site? It's such a waste to see it sitting there...

I didn't really like the ride, even as a child. But it's such a big wasted space as it is now.

Sorry if this has been covered before...

21 DAYS TO GO!!!!


Well-Known Member
I know your a newbie, so this is for future reference, we've had atleast 5 threads about 20K lagoon.

As for anything there, nothing is rumored or possible untill Esiner is toppled from his resieme.


Mrs. WDWMAGIC [Assistant Administrator]
Premium Member
Originally posted by Testtrack321
I know your a newbie, so this is for future reference, we've had atleast 5 threads about 20K lagoon.

As for anything there, nothing is rumored or possible untill Esiner is toppled from his resieme.

So why is it a big deal if we have 6? Maybe instead of just pointing out peoples "mistakes" we could actually point them in the right direction. It is perfectly natural to have topics repeated on a message board, especially when it is one that is growing as rapidly as this one. Sorry Testtrack, I don't mean to pick on you, you just hit upon one of my pet peeves, I think we should make new members feel welcome. I doubt if you were at a party and someone walked in and started talking about the weather after you'd already discussed it, that you would rudely point that out to them. I don't think you'd be invited to many parties. I think many members need to just settle down, repitition of topics should not be such a big deal. :rolleyes:

Jordan'smom welcome, here are some of the threads that they were talking about. But feel free to continue to discuss 20,000 leagues in this thread if you'd like. :)




Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Eeyore
I doubt if you were at a party and someone walked in and started talking about the weather after you'd already discussed it, that you would rudely point that out to them. I don't think you'd be invited to many parties. I think many members need to just settle down, repitition of topics should not be such a big deal. :rolleyes:

I thought Testtrack very politely pointed out, that there are several previously posted threads for this exact same topic.

If you went to a party, and all anyone discussed was the weather, would you return to that party?


New Member
Jordan's Mom is not a newbie and does not have a reputation of flooding the forum with silly threads.

This is an open forum with an open membership. New members continually join us and bring new perspectives and opinion on Disney related topics. If we prohibit new threads about old topics, Steve may as well close up shop, stop posting and simply direct people to the 'search' engine cuz nearly everything has been discussed at least once before.

I prefer to see a new thread started about old topics than to draw old threads out of retirement that contain hundreds of opinions from members who may no longer be here. IMHO, It's far better that you skip over a thread you no longer have interest in than to make a comment that would discourage a member from posting.

Scrooge McSam

New Member
Hi! Just got back from the world and took the MK backstage tour for the first time. Information was discussed on the tour that I had never heard before concerning the 20K site.

What is the policy on these boards for discussing information obtained during backstage tours? I wouldn't want to break some rule if there is such.


Account Suspended
Come on <sigh> anyone can pay the money and go to a backstage tour. It's not like it's top secret information or anything. You don't sign a confidentality agreement for Mickey's sake!

Just went on the Keys to the Kingdom tour and while it was greatly informative there was nothing disclosed that would put the Disney parks in danger in any way if "anyone else" found out.

If they didn't want the info to get out then they wouldn't have the tours. Because OBVIOUSLY people talk!

Christina (IMHO)


RunDisney Addict
This has to be the healthiest discussion I've seen on this in a long time. And for the record, I agree with Eeyore. I don't think we need a 15th thread about this, but maybe if we could link to the old threads the new one would die out quickly.

Scrooge McSam

New Member
True enough, CoraJack... but I've seen people "scolded" on here for posting a website address. How public is that?

Anywho... Our tour guide told us the 20K lagoon is part of an interconnecting network of waterways that channels water from Reedy Creek through the MK and on into the Seven Seas Lagoon and Bay Lake. According to the guide, the entire MK area is considered to be part of the headwaters of the Florida Everglades and Disney must be very careful with how these waters are handled.

It is my understanding the Reedy Creek waters are filtered (but not dyed) and then flow into the 20K lagoon. Waters overflow via underground pipe to the canals connecting Cinderella Castle and Swiss Family Treehouse. Waters overflow from that canal into the Jungle Cruise canals where they are dyed with biodegradable dyes to hide the track for the Jungle Cruise boats. From there, overflow waters flow to the Rivers of America. Water depth in the Rivers of America is maintained by a lock in the service canal that runs from behind Big Thunder Mountain Railroad out to Seven Seas Lagoon.

An interconnected waterway system configured as discussed above would seriously complicate removing the 20K lagoon. Sure, you could drain it and build there, but you'd cut the water supply for the castle canals, the Jungle Cruise and the Rivers of America. Still it seems they could pipe the water from the first filtering facility directly into the castle canal by extending the underground piping that's already there.

If/when they need to build on that site, they'll make a change. But not until then, I'm betting.

Alright, all you Disney engineering heads... Is that the way it works?


Originally posted by Scrooge McSam

Alright, all you Disney engineering heads... Is that the way it works?

Hey Scrooge,

I took the Keys to the Kingdom when my family was down and I did a lot of shadowing in MK and yeah that sounds right from all I learned while I was there on the College Program.



Well-Known Member
here is another bit of informatin I haven't seen on the boards yet.

When the subs were removed from 20,000 leagues they were stored in an area just to the north of the Contemporary in an open facility behind a management parking lot.

I just happened to drive back there 2 weeks ago and all the subs are now gone. Dont know when they left as i hadn't been in that area for 5 months.

I am assuming they were either moved to a more remote location or parted out for scrap. I dont really think you could sell too many of them on EBAY. LOL, it would be a logistics nightmare.

Of course they would make interesting artificial reef material and the look on the archeologists faces when they "discover" them in a few hundred years would be priceless. I can see the headlines now.

Submarines with no Apparent Power Source Found off the Coast of Florida in the Atlantic. Could this be Signs of a Super-intelligent Race?


New Member
Me and my family took the Behind the Magic tour as well and our tour guide had told us that they were going to remove 20,000 leagues under the sea, Mickeys toontown(since it was temperary anyways) and the Autotopia. Then after they were all gone they were going to build an all new land. This could have been what tour guide wanted to do or a rumer he had heard, but then again he seemed really passionate about it.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Machine
Me and my family took the Behind the Magic tour as well and our tour guide had told us that they were going to remove 20,000 leagues under the sea, Mickeys toontown(since it was temperary anyways) and the Autotopia. Then after they were all gone they were going to build an all new land. This could have been what tour guide wanted to do or a rumer he had heard, but then again he seemed really passionate about it.

With all the emphasis put on characters lately at WDW, this is highly unlikely. That, and most of the buildings in Mickey's Toon Town look pretty permanant (compared to the one's in Mickey's Star/Birthday Land)... Mickey/Minnie's houses, Donald's Boat, and Goofy's Barnstormer...


New Member
Thats very true, I didn't think of that. I took the tour about a year ago so things could of changed since then, or he could of just made it up for the fun of it, who know's. Its probably one of those many rumors out there that never happen :p


Well-Known Member
It could have been a member of this board seeing if it would make it to the boards! :eek: :lol:
Welcome to the boards, Machine! :wave:


Originally posted by Machine
Me and my family took the Behind the Magic tour as well and our tour guide had told us that they were going to remove 20,000 leagues under the sea, Mickeys toontown(since it was temperary anyways) and the Autotopia. Then after they were all gone they were going to build an all new land. This could have been what tour guide wanted to do or a rumer he had heard, but then again he seemed really passionate about it.

This would be kinda interesting to see. I never go into toon town anyway so it would be new. I don't have kids and I'm not all that young so I don't have a great interest in it. I do, however, love Autotopia and would hate to see that go.


New Member
Autotopia is at Disneyland....Tommorrowland Speedway is at Disneyworld....this is a discussion about WDW right?? by the way, anyone tell me the differnece between these to rides?? which one is better??

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