2-part question about the Living Seas


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1. Why did they get rid of the Sea cabs?

2. Why are they (rumor has it) bringing them back during this rehab?


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1. Because it wasn't safe. The ride vehicles don't have doors and the way they were designed this allowed a person's foot (or a entire small child) to hang out of the ride near the mechanics, but also created another challenge in the form of constant ride stops. The vehicles path (as with many other similiar rides) is lined with sensor pads that detect pressure. A person dropping an item, hanging their foot out the door (commonly done by tall males) or such would cause an immediate ride stop when the pad detected them. The moving loading platform would also stop creating a chance for everyone on it to fall flat on their face, as commonly did happen. The ride would then need to be reset and experience far excessive amounts of downtime as the loading area backed up (moments of downtime on an omnimover creates tons of backup as they move several people per second). Imagine the entire area from the exit of the hydrolators to the loading area (its very small) suddenly packed with people. The preshow movies operated on a timed cycle. if the backup got bad enough, the entire pavillion was subject to being shut down. In short, the Cast hated it because it of the way it worked/broke-down, guests found it "too short" and it was eventually decided the bad out-weighed the good when it came to the ride. During minor rennovation work, the side corner of 1 preshow theater was removed allowing guests to bypass the pre-show film and the ride was closed off with traffic routed directly to the exit giftshop we know today as the "main entrance" of Seabase Alpha.

2. Because they can fix what was wrong with it, have a good character tie in and strong public interest with Finding Nemo, and as short as it was people still enjoyed the trip through the tunnel as the pavilion feels imcomplete without it, even to new guests who have never been there before ("Something's missing..." was not an uncommon phrase to hear, the design jsut feels odd without it.)


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Interesting design note:

Some folks may have noticed the CM positioned on a platform at the hydrolators entrance - versus the exit hydrolators which are unmanned and controled by sensors.

this is because the CMs job was to monitor and control guests flow. With 2 pre-show theaters constantly unloading into a small area (every 2-3mins I assume) they would need to communicated with both the preshow/entry of the pavillion to stop sending guests in (they needed to give a fair amount of warning, 1 preshow too many backed-up wasnt an option as it would backup into the theater itself) and also with the SeaCab load area.

If the SeaCabs, for the various reasons posed above as well as normal breakdowns, got backed up the CM at the hydrolators would need to stop sending hydrolators to the area. That CM actually controls when the hydrolators close their doors and begin "descent" to SeaBase Alpha. At the exit hydrolators, as the outside world doesn't have a capacity issue, a photobeam is broken to trigged the start of the ascent sequence which operates automaticly.


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More rambling...

Its hard ard to imagine the stress on the Hydrolator CM. If the SeaCabs went down for an "intrusion" (someone hitting a sensor pad) they wouldn't drop the lines because it would open shortly (15mins delay or so) but even if the Hydrolator CM was immediately notified they'd have to decide wether or hold or send their current hydrolator loads (not uncommon in the begining for each to be backed-up by 3-4 loads of people) plus even if they called preshow immediately they'd have atleast 3 shows unloading into the hydrolator area (theater 1 and 2, plus the preshow that was waiting in the circle room) that they couldn't "stop" as they'd already been started.

And your next position in rotation is the loading platform of the SeaCabs with the constant stopping and falling down bit, oh the joys of being a CM during that time.


Well-Known Member
The sea cabs were stopped during massive Disney employee cut-backs and lay offs.

They didn't want to pay two+ employees full time to run a ride that lasted all of a minute and a half.

I would imagine because of all the numerous complaints about the sea cabs being gone and the new success of The Living Seas because of the new Nemo theming and the great park attendance lately, they decided to bring them back with the new Nemo theming.

That is, of course, contingent on the fact that this rumor IS a true. :lol:


Active Member
Do you really think that over a three to four month period the entire ride can be rethemed and brought back up to speed, don't think I'm crazy but that seems to be jumping the gun, if the omnimover track and cars have been down for almost 6 years, wouldn't you think that the track maybe deteriorating or catching excess airborne objects, making an unsmooth and unsafe track for the cars themselves.


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Up until atleast late 2003/early 2004 they had routinely been turning on the SeaCabs and making them run their little loop so that the vehicle wheels didn't develope flat sides. So, it's entirely possible.


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Also, it's been mentioned in other threads, but the Seas rehab is the same length as the Land closure. Roughly 9 weeks.

At the Land in that time they managed to tear out the fountain, re-do the entire food court seating area, re-do the entire food court food prep area, repaint everything, remove a physical wall that was built to seperate Soarin' from the Land during construction, replanting a changing out a few scenes in the green houses, re-doing the garden grill marquee, repainting the garden grill, installing a new junior chef area, installed miles of cables for tons and tons of new lighting inside the pavilion, hung new banners from the ceiling, and relandscaped the exterior to the point of pouring new consrete and creating new walkways.

All done in 9 weeks. How hard could it be to take down a wall and put back what is already there?


New Member
One thing I am hoping that will happen but probably won't is an expansion of the Turtle Talk theatre. I love the show but the theatre is too small and with the crowds that the show has been attracting, a bigger theatre would help to alievate some of the waiting.


OmegaKnight said:
One thing I am hoping that will happen but probably won't is an expansion of the Turtle Talk theatre. I love the show but the theatre is too small and with the crowds that the show has been attracting, a bigger theatre would help to alievate some of the waiting.

I agree totally. That show was great. I went in thinking no big deal and came out soo suprised. I do hope they will make the theatre bigger. I love the interaction.


Active Member
It seems you have proven me wrong for the most part. Its not just a wall being taken down, as referred to in my last thread on this subject, the seacabs are being deported like the omnimovers from Horizons were before the building was gutted, a new version of the cars will be introduced, and from my source at Disney Marketing, he said that the cars will be theme to fish, as in riding on one, at least one of the cars is going to be a bright golden scaled fish.

Now if they were bringing in new cars and adding them to the track, wouldn't that be a little bit harder considering that there is only one mechanic station track runoff for the ride and having to feed in over a hundred cars to fill the entire loop, would be difficult and probably require a removal and replacement of track, possibly even expansion of the track itself to accomodate more gusts and take backup of the other rooms, like Turtle Talk down to a minimum.


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Getting vehicles on/off a track isn't too hard. In the case of most omnimovers, you simply "break" the chain at a selected point and switch over to the spur and the whole chain follows - thus you simply pop them off one at a time.

As for the track, the original Imagination track is still used with new vehicles. As long as the weight of the unmoving vehicles didn't bow it signifigantly at any point then it should be good to go.

My hope is that they keep most of the pavilion the way it was intended to work - you start in the zig-zag queue (could be un zig-zag and rethemed, no harm done) end up in the circular room watching a nifty nemo-fied preshow (improvement over staring at nothing!) then head into one of the two preshow theaters (i'd really like them to bring the closed one back) to watch a new nemo-fied edutainment video. Then you exit the theater and descend into revamped hydrolators, which bring you to the loading area for the new SeaCab ride before entering the rest of SeaBase Alpha (shiny-new, possibly somewhat modernized) with Turtle Talk and giftshop :)


Active Member
My only stitch is the wonder of how the preshow, entering queue and SeaBase itslef are going to be affected, we could be dealing with the end of Seabase and the beginning of Nemo and Friends Underwater Adventure! Not my idea of a sea themed attraction for Epcot


New Member
Could someone tell me where exactly the SeaCab ride was in the pavillon. I was there a couple of weeks ago and couldn't tell anything was there. Also where did they go and things. I thought the living seas was lacking when I was there and thought that something like the Sea Cabs could improve that.



New Member
mousermerf said:
Up until atleast late 2003/early 2004 they had routinely been turning on the SeaCabs and making them run their little loop so that the vehicle wheels didn't develope flat sides. So, it's entirely possible.

It appeared that they were possibly up and runnig withon the last few weeks. And even more work had been getting ready to progress in the Seacab tunnel as well. Even as of yesterday.


New Member
OmegaKnight said:
One thing I am hoping that will happen but probably won't is an expansion of the Turtle Talk theatre. I love the show but the theatre is too small and with the crowds that the show has been attracting, a bigger theatre would help to alievate some of the waiting.

I know we have been working on wasy to get more peopel in the theater per show. But i think all we know for sure that will be done to Turtle Talk is the installation of a more permanant queue.


Active Member
When did you all see it, who is next to visit it and whoever can take or has already taken pics, please send them to me, the last time I was there, the station was boarded up just like the rooms undergoing transformation into Bruce's room and Turtle Talk. I could see just a little through the cracks. Just enough to make out a little outline of the seacabs with a couple of boards on them. Sortof like a storage room, like how Imageworks is just used as a junk room now.


Active Member
Oh and the ride was located on the right hand side of the exit of the first set of hydrolators. There you entered a station running much like SE, and then it took you through an area where people who wished to walk could do so, then it stopped right at the main hub of SeaBase Alpha.


Well-Known Member
there were a lot of divers (10+) inside the tank yesterday around 7pm (when the pavilion was closing)

they were not acting like typical divers....and a number of them were very interesting in something at the back of the tank in front of the omnimover-tunnel windows.

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