15d 17h 24m


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...until we hit the road! So...hard...to focus...on...work... :D

I don't know who's more excited--the kids, or ME! Haven't been since I was 16. When was that? Let's just say Living Seas was brand new...


New Member
Originally posted by chotasahib
...until we hit the road! So...hard...to focus...on...work... :D

I don't know who's more excited--the kids, or ME! Haven't been since I was 16. When was that? Let's just say Living Seas was brand new...

13d 12h 37m for me and my 4 year old. We're doing a father/son trip and then going back with the wife and 9 month old in Oct.

Work? Who can concentrate on work? I've been dreaming like I've been there for the past 2 weeks. I have Disney World music playing all day on my computer and check the forums constantly. I haven't done work in days. As for who's more excited, it's a toss up. My son and I both can't wait. :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:


New Member
21 days 23 hours 15 min before we arrive at Pop Century. I also can't seem to do any work, watchig the boards, playing Disney Music from Live365 all day. I feel like the Disney Comercial when the adults are too excited to sleep.

But remember if we wish it to come so quickly it will end the same.

Have a magical day!


Well-Known Member
We leave tomorrow morning. I'm hoping for 3 AM but we aren't actually "scheduled" to leave until 7 AM. It's been so long and it's finally here!!!!!:sohappy:

Everyone have fun on their trips!:wave:


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Mickifan17 -- excellent! My two are 14 (son) and 9 (daughter), and they are getting increasingly giddy as WDW-Hour approaches.

DG02 -- I felt the same way in March... <drumming fingers> "Will June EVER come??" Hang in there! And thanks for the welcome. I've been reading the forums for 1/2 a year or so, but only lurking. Of all the WDW boards I've seen, I like this site the best by far.

humphrybear -- too true, too true. We always want time to speed by when we're waiting for a trip to start, and then s-l-o-w down for its duration...funny how it usually seems to work the other way! But as Andrew Marvell put it,

"...though we cannot make our Sun
Stand still, yet we will make him run."

Amen to that!


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Originally posted by Raven66
We leave tomorrow morning. I'm hoping for 3 AM but we aren't actually "scheduled" to leave until 7 AM.
How long a drive are you looking at? I want to hit the road (from Raleigh, NC) around 4:30am, so the kids and wife can sleep for the first few hours and I can make decent time. So I'm with you on the 3am wish! The only problem is trying to get a good night's sleep beforehand, when you're so keyed up! No sleeping behind the wheel!! :snore: :snore:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by chotasahib
How long a drive are you looking at? I want to hit the road (from Raleigh, NC) around 4:30am, so the kids and wife can sleep for the first few hours and I can make decent time. So I'm with you on the 3am wish! The only problem is trying to get a good night's sleep beforehand, when you're so keyed up! No sleeping behind the wheel!! :snore: :snore:

It's going to take about 13 hours. Last time we went we lived in Michigan so it took 24 hours. We are so thrilled it's been cut almost in half!! My DH has been up since 3 AM (for work) this morning so he should sleep great tonight while I stay up and get last minute things done. And my DD should sleep several hours after being woken up that early.

Have a safe trip!:)


Well-Known Member
25 more days till my trip!! Woo-hoo! Mine is for bussiness though. I've got my interveiw there. Wish me luck. Want to be a CM so badly... erk... eek.... ook.... Though, I have a feeling that a small trip to MK and EPCOT Center will be appearing before the end of the day...


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Originally posted by Pirate665
I've got my interveiw there. Wish me luck. [...] I have a feeling that a small trip to MK and EPCOT Center will be appearing before the end of the day...
Pirate665, Maybe you should do some park wandering before the interview--you know, to set the proper mood and all. ;)

Best of luck with it!


New Member
24 more days

Can't wait 24 more days.... I love it down there it is such a good time.... staying for 7 nights this time... the longest I have ever been there.. one quick question how far is disney from the airport???


Active Member
To all the new people on the boards WELCOME.:wave:
To ike1314 the international airport is about 14-19 min away from Disney depending on where you exit the freeway.
Hope all you folks have fun that are going I still have 2 more years until my next trip on Christmas. Whoo Hoo.
Words of wisdom: USE the FP and SINGLE RIDERs LANE. Those two lineswill save hours of time. And on the SR I wentin line with my Dad, and bro. I rodein the same car with my Dad, and my bro was only two cars in front of us. So we really didn't get separated too bad. And we waited two min. in line. You can't beat that. And if you are afraid of losing someone in the party have them meet you right at the exit of the ride. Not the doors to the outside of the attraction but the first hallway, something as soon as you leave the attraction vehicle.


Well-Known Member
Thaks everyone for the best wishes! I wish I could do some park hopping before the interveiw, but it's at noon and I have to leave Jax at like 6 (2 hour trip), then check into my hotel, get my nice clothes on (Definetly gonna hit Splash Mountain in those later), and then do the interview.


Well-Known Member
Depends on what you do in the park, wether you're full time or part time (or seaonal), and wether your speciality or general employee (like mechanic, ride opp, or that guy who stands there).


Well-Known Member
To: Pirate665

What type of job are you applying for? What are you hoping for? What will you take?

I'm interested in your motivation - just felt like working at WDW, lifelong dream, or got laid off and need a job anyway?

I'm planning on working at Disney someday, but will stick with my current job until I secure retirement benefits. Only 6 more years to go until I can move to FL and work at the happiest place on earth.

Best of luck and please post a follow-up to let us know how it went and when you start. :animwink:


Well-Known Member
I'm applying as a mechanic, but hell I'll work as anything. I've always wanted to work at Disney. It's just the type of place I'd fit in at. (I'm kinda like a big kid. I still play with my toys.) I'll keep everyone updated on it though. And I'll for sure post what happens. Lets hope for the best!!

P.S.: If you want info on carrers go to: disney.go.com/disneycareers/wdwcareers/

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