Haha. I like this tread. We on the inside will smack Disney around like it owes us money, but as soon as some cheap, sleazy little website tries to bash it, we go all "Mamma Bear" on it to defend the thing we all love.
Good job, ya'll. Makes me feel good.
If they said WDW was doing a bad job keeping pace with the other local theme parks (or theme parks around the world in general) on creating unique new attractions and new offerings, then I would agree.
Is it worth the thousands that people pay to vacation for a few days? Is it the absolute ultimate that it was 15 years ago? That's highly debatable.
Luckily, because of Disney's Intellectual Properties, it will remain a must visit place for most families. As for being the ultimate theme park resort that it used to be, those days are quickly passing it by.