Well-Known Member
I was in 6th grade in Orlando. I remember when the engines started but the Challenger was still on the pad I had the worst feeling of dread. It was powerfully nauseating. I'd seen so many launches and never felt anything like that. But that morning I did. And I remember how cold it was. As per our usual we watched the engines start then walked out to the school yard to see the orbiter go up. Obviously what we saw was horribly wrong. While others were shocked I can't say I was. But it was all terribly disturbing. We all knew there was a teacher onboard. It was heartbreaking and sad. We watched coverage on our classroom tvs for quite a while. Teachers were all walking from class to class talking to each other. Some cried. A few kids cried. It was a tragic thing, one I'll never forget. I saw it, tho. I saw it happen with my own eyes.