“Please remain seated, this ride will be begin motion immediately.”


Well-Known Member
Because when you have worked the attraction enough times, you know that saying it once is useless. No one is paying attention the first time, you catch their attention the second time but they still didnt absorb it all in, then by the third time they possibly get it.


Well-Known Member
There are many cultures around the world......perhaps these people thought the ride was over.
WDW has hundreds of different language speaking visitors who have never been there before.
I think it's unfair to throw labels at everyone because you think they speak English or they should just know better.
How could they possibly know if they have never experienced it before.
Just saying....


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
If you only say it once, and they ignore you, they can always claim to be distracted by someone near them speaking. If you say it three times, and they ignore you, the old distracted ploy becomes a lot less plausible.
Would that even hold up in court though? You can’t break the rules, then claim ignorance, just like with laws in real life. Why can’t they just put a sign at the entrance that says “By entertaining this park, you are agreeing not to sue us if you get injured by your own actions.” I swear I’ve seen other places do something like that.


Premium Member
Maybe some thought they were being yelled at to leave the ride.
Huh? Why would a CM yell at someone to leave a ride or a show? The one scenario I can think of might be in case of an emergency. And even then, I'm pretty sure they are trained to handle such a situation better than that.


Well-Known Member
..... or they don't speak the languages that were being spoken by the CM..
If I heard someone yelling like that I would stop and try and find out why even if I didn't understand them "completely". If they were at WDW they wouldn't be leaving an attraction because the couldn't speak the language. That would mean that wouldn't go to any of them. I went to Paris and there were a number that were all in French. I didn't leave even though I didn't know what they were saying. No, there is no excuse except plan self centered, entitled rudeness. There is no excuse to walk out of a moving theater I don't care how bored they were.


Well-Known Member
I know we used to be told an injured guest has to be offered and say "no" to medical assistance three times before they're legally considered "declining medical assistance." Maybe it's something similar? I also know some CMs who used to think a live CM announcment carried more weight then the pre-recorded ones. More along the lines of "Yes, we CAN see you and we DO mean what's being said."


Well-Known Member
Would that even hold up in court though? You can’t break the rules, then claim ignorance, just like with laws in real life. Why can’t they just put a sign at the entrance that says “By entertaining this park, you are agreeing not to sue us if you get injured by your own actions.” I swear I’ve seen other places do something like that.

"But I can't read." "Sign was down that day." "Balloon vendor was standing in front of it." "Not wearing my contacts and my sunglasses weren't prescription." etc, etc, etc.

In the General T&C's of the package portion of the website is this gem:
Disney, its directors, officers, employees, subcontractors, agents and representatives, shall at no time be liable or responsible in any way whatsoever for any loss, injury, or damage caused or arising in connection with any transportation, hotel or other services or products of third parties provided through Disney, or as a result of acts of God, acts of Government or other authorities, wars, civil disturbances, hijacks, thefts, or any circumstance beyond its control.
Pretty certain that you click through something similar in the ticket purchase process. Most ticket vendors do, either in the checkout process, or on the physical ticket itself. (Ever read the fine print on a baseball ticket? And yet they still make announcements/post signs about foul balls. https://www.mwl-law.com/license-kill-major-league-baseballs-foul-ball-immunity/) And even still, people find lawyers who think they have a case. And in some cases, they do through general negligence on the part of Disney. But just as often, people are hoping for hush/nuisance money. Essentially Disney paying to get the case out of the public eye to keep good PR.

Dave B

Well-Known Member
Why is it necessary to have a cast member and a pre-recorded spiel say this? I was just on Spaceship Earth and we stopped 3 times. Each time we began moving again, a cast members told us to remain seated followed by the prerecorded spiel. They actually talked over the pre-recorded spiel the third time. Why even have it at that point? Wouldn’t one or the other cover Disney in a lawsuit? Why have both?
Liability ;)


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I remember at Disneyland’s Haunted Mansion, they don’t have the “please remain seated. This ride will begin motion immediately“ announcement. I had to look up a video to see if I was remembering correctly and I was. Why are they too good for it but we aren’t? :,(



Well-Known Member
I remember at Disneyland’s Haunted Mansion, they don’t have the “please remain seated. This ride will begin motion immediately“ announcement. I had to look up a video to see if I was remembering correctly and I was. Why are they too good for it but we aren’t? :,(

I would love if my Doombuggy stopped right in front of the ballroom scene. There's far too much detail to take in during a single pass.

For some reason, nearly every time I've stopped on the ride, its during the backward descent into the graveyard, where I can hardly see anything.


Well-Known Member
The rides stops. People, who are largely idiots, think that means they will be forgotten about and should attempt to exit the ride vehicle. Doing so, particularly when the ride is about to begin motion, is extremely dangerous and has resulted in deaths in the past - one of which led to those dumb "hold hands/no disco dancing" signs you see on every attraction now.

It is also done on the off-chance a maintenance technician or other person who has forgotten to "tag out" is near the ride path.


Why is it necessary to have a cast member and a pre-recorded spiel say this? I was just on Spaceship Earth and we stopped 3 times. Each time we began moving again, a cast members told us to remain seated followed by the prerecorded spiel. They actually talked over the pre-recorded spiel the third time. Why even have it at that point? Wouldn’t one or the other cover Disney in a lawsuit? Why have both?
They have to stop to let Disabled access, and each time they stop and go....outside of "normal operations"....they HAVE to announce it for safety and liability standards

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