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    ADR Date is next weekend! How are my choices?

    Looks like everyone is recommending Tusker and YS. I figured as much! I have been to YS once and it was very good.
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    ADR Date is next weekend! How are my choices?

    Hello Everyone! My girlfriend and I are staying at POFQ with the Deluxe Dining Plan from December 26-31st. I think we have our final dining choices selected but it would be awesome to hear some people's persepctice. Some I chose because of personal favorites and others based on places I've...
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    The Best Thing I Ever Ate....Disney

    The Seafood Stew at California Grill was quite possibly the best thing I've ever had at Disney. That or the Red Snapper/Steak combo at Flying Fish.
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    It's a Cinnamon Rolls on Main St. USA?

    I see you are going to POFQ. Have you been there before?
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    Pretty Pumped about California Grill!

    Get the Seafood Stew. It was AMAZING when I had it in December.
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    Extra Day vs Nicer Resort

    True, but like I said. I go to Disney to relax and enjoy the sights now. I no longer obsess about trying to hit every ride because I've done em all so many times now..
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    Extra Day vs Nicer Resort

    I get where you would say this and it seems logical - however I want to eat at signature restaurants every night lol
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    Extra Day vs Nicer Resort

    Haha yes it is! Well I've been to Disney many times so I don't worry about missing anything cause I've seen it all :p I just wonder if the extra day might be good for us to rest and not run around all day
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    Extra Day vs Nicer Resort

    The only thing I'm worried about is AoA being over the top with the theming. I love Disney but I feel like the Little Mermaid room is going to get annoying quickly lol
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    Extra Day vs Nicer Resort

    Well considering I'm committed to the Military for 5 years after college, getting a job won't be too difficult! :p Vacation time on the other hand, don't know how much I'll get!
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    Extra Day vs Nicer Resort

    10 days? Whoa, if only... lol Maybe once I get a full-time job/out of college and married we'll be able to afford that!
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    Extra Day vs Nicer Resort

    Extra day is what I was thinking, I just don't know how crowded/noisy AoA will be since all kids will be on break as well. I did the math with the dining plan and it is only a few bucks more expensive but I think it's worth it for an extra day.
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    Extra Day vs Nicer Resort

    Hello Again, I recently had a thread in here about myself and my girlfriend going on a trip this Christmastime from Dec 26th-30th. The consensus of that thread was that we should stay at POFQ which sounds good to us :) However, we were doing some math and for pretty much the same price we can...
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    Best Resort for a young couple?

    I've stayed at Coronado three times with my family are we really like it! It definitely was always quiet when we went, even during Christmas season.
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    Best Resort for a young couple?

    Thanks for the input. Yeah I was looking at renting DVC points, just a little weary about it.. How would you say the dining is at POR?
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    Best Resort for a young couple?

    Sorry for the late response everyone, but thanks for your input we are most likely going to choose POFQ :)
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    Best Resort for a young couple?

    Hello Everyone, My girlfriend and I are planning our Disney Trip for the week after Christmas this year. Now, I have been to Disney many times (close to 10) but never as just a couple - always been with family or friends. I have stayed at Coronado Springs, Boardwalk, All Star and probably a few...
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