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  1. B

    Rock'n'Rollercoaster refurb official

    We arrive on the 5th. I wonder if there's any chance they miss the closing by one day and we could ride it that day? Wishful thinking, but is this the year of a million dreams or not??
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    Rock'n'Rollercoaster refurb official

    *&%^$ This news makes me want to say lots of very un magical words as we get there September 5th and planned to ride this numerous times. Now I want to change my trip. First Haunted Mansion, Spaceship Earth, now this. Not happy. Not happy at all. :mad:
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    Wand finally coming down?

    I can't believe this topic even causes so much controversy. I don't like it or dislike it as it doesn't have an effect on my enjoyment of my Disney vacation. It's just a little extra decoration, and apparently branding as some have stated. I seriously can't believe that they have to put a...
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    Ride References in New Pirates Movie

    I agree with you 100%. I liked the movie, in fact, I have been trying to talk DH in seeing it again, but those Davey Jones servants were a little out there for me. It reminded me of Star Wars in the sea. That's just not really my thing, but to each his own! As for the action scenes, I...
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    Remake of Adventures in Babysitting?

    While I personally love that movie, I don't think it is good enough to bother with a remake. I would think it would make more sense to write a whole new movie. :)
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    Ride References in New Pirates Movie

    I guess I'm being defensive here, but give us a break for asking questions!
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    Ride References in New Pirates Movie

    Yes, I remember that, but it never showed her cutting her hair and since when do you have to get a mullet to disguise yourself as a guy? You just pile it on your head under your hat. :rolleyes: I was mainly joking anyway.
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    Ride References in New Pirates Movie

    Not me! I want Jack all to myself. Oh and can anyone explain why Elizabeth has a mullet in this movie?
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    Ride References in New Pirates Movie

    And C) Why don't you both let it go? Believe it, don't believe it, just quit arguing about it!!! :p
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    Anyone else going to miss Tarzan Rocks!

    My one and only viewing of this show was one of the longest experiences I've had at Disney. I mean no disrespect to the performers, but it was soooo loud and just didn't make sense. RIP Tarzan!
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    what did you think about POTC? (movie)

    I am jealous that you live in Hawaii!!!! I would have traded spots with you for sure! :) Anyway, I was very happy with the movie until the end when I felt like corporate greed took over the whole thing. The reason I say this is that this movie did not have a beginning and an end like the...
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    Ride References in New Pirates Movie

    Thanks for the explanation. And all this time I just thought he was that fun-loving guy from the Monkees!! Quite the opposite now. SPOILERS!!!!! SPOILERS!!!! I just can not get over the ending!! I have been troubled by it since I left last night. It's like my movie experience was...
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    Ride References in New Pirates Movie

    POSSIBLE SPOILERS!!! There are a few things that I didn't understand and wondering if I missed them. Why is Jack in debt to Davy Jones? Did they say that? Also, how did Davy Jones come to have the power he has? I'm sorry if these answers were provided in the movie, but I left kind...
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    Ride References in New Pirates Movie

    Yes, the movie was good, HOWEVER, is anyone else highly irritated to not have closure? I didn't write it and the writers are entitled to do whatever they wish, but I'm not pumped for the next one now, I'm friggin' PO'd!!!! Sorry, I just had to get that out. I agree with a previous poster...
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    Pirates Breaks Record...actually SMASHES weekend record!

    OK, so I just got home from the movie and I've got to say that I have mixed emotions. I don't want to spoil it for those who haven't seen, so I won't go in detail, but I was happy until the end. Now I'm just frustrated!!! Does anyone else feel this way?
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    Resort transportation??

    Suppose you are just scouting out future places to stay when vacationing at Disney World. I'm quite sure that no Disney employee would (or should) have a problem with that. I agree though, that if you have your own car, it would be much more efficient for time sake. It takes a long time to...
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    Is PotC really going to stop being PC?

    :lol: :lol: I hate that paper clip guy too!!
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    Sandals at the World

    I am going to add one vote to the "Reef" party. I have had 6-7 pair of them and they always feel great. I will say, the thicker the sole, the better. I wore a pair around the parks for 4 days straight last year, and my feet hurt by the end of the trip. If I were going that long again, I would...
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    Reality takes on Fantasy, Reality up 1-0....

    Quote: Disneyjill, I sincerely hope you are high up in the Hilton company or recently found out your father was Mr Hilton to have such undying love for the brand! No offense is intended, but I've never known anyone to like the company they worked for to anything like that extent! I agree. I...
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