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  1. J

    Peeling Back for a Smaller Band Issue

    A cast member did ours for us, and it came out pretty clean. The trick (other than the fact that she has probably done it 100s of times) seemed to be pulling very, very slowly.
  2. J

    What to do with old/used/expired Magic Bands?

    Ok - we're back from 7 nights of Disney fun, and I'm debating whether to throw away our MB's. I'm not really a clutter person so I generally don't hold onto things that don't have a purpose or strong sentimental value. If we can't re-use the bands on future trips (we can't right?), is there...
  3. J

    FP+ for Be Our Guest

    A quick report from the trenches. We did the FP+ lunch last Thursday - reservation was made about 10 days out through the link provided at the beginning of this post using our reservation number (we never got an invitation). There was no email or other confirmation on the reservation, and I...
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