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  1. Gabriela

    Chef Mickey's - How long does it take?

    Oh, that's idea is wonderful! I almost forgot that there is dinner at Chef Mickeys, because I only read reviews of breakfast LOL. I'll have two days at MK, the first one I have reservation to BOG already, but in the other day I'll try to get a reservation. There's no table available yet, but...
  2. Gabriela

    Chef Mickey's - How long does it take?

    Thank you all for all the answers, you were so lovely. I'll try to explain more my feeling in going to WDW. I don't how it is for you, but I live very far from Florida and this is a very expensive experience for us, since we are paid in Reais not in Dollars :p. When I was a child I used to watch...
  3. Gabriela

    Chef Mickey's - How long does it take?

    Thank you all, I already know that the value wouldn't be good since I don't eat sausage, eggs or bacon in the morning, I have read some reviews about the food in Tripadvisor and Foursquare. I got, by miracle, the last table at Chef Mickey's in the date I'll go to Animal Kingdom at 7 o'clock, so...
  4. Gabriela

    Chef Mickey's - How long does it take?

    Hi! I'll go to Disney World for first time in May with my mother. My first park is Magic Kingdom, so I thought would be interesting have breakfast at Chef Mickey's. My reservation is at 07:30 am, I'm thinking about park the car in TTC at 7am and go ahead to Chef Mickey's. Since me and my mother...
  5. Gabriela

    FP+ planning in HS for offsite guests.

    Thank you all. I will take the FP+ just when I enter the HS.
  6. Gabriela

    FP+ planning in HS for offsite guests.

    Hi! I am in doubt about how proceed with fastpass+ in Hollywood Studios. I'll be in May at WDW, but I'll stay offsite. So I won't be able to make advanced reservations at MDE. What you recommend? Enter in the park at rope drop and go ahead to TSMM, ride it and go to kiosk schedule RnR Coaster...
  7. Gabriela

    FastPass+ open to all guests including offsite beginning next week at Disney's Animal Kingdom

    Do you know that has no chance to make reservations at My Disney Experience app for Fastpass+ for offsite guests? I can understand all benefits given to onsite guests, like the advanced reservations, but I can't understand why I can't make reservations at the same day through the app and have to...
  8. Gabriela

    TTC Parking Hours

    I read somewhere that we are only able to park at hotels for free only for 3 hours.
  9. Gabriela

    TTC Parking Hours

    Thank you all!
  10. Gabriela

    TTC Parking Hours

    Hi, I'll go to WDW next year and I want to make a reservation at Chef Mickey's at Contemporary before go to MK. But I'll probably stay offsite and rent a car, so I'll drive to MK. My doubt is if it's possible parking at TTC at 07 am, take monorail to Contemporary and after take monorail to MK...
  11. Gabriela

    No fastpasses available today?

    Thanks a lot for the answer. We will rent a car in Orlando, because we want to go shopping and go to Busch Gardens, Universal and Seaworld and that will be very difficult without a car. I want really to avoid Disney hotels, because I think it's very expensive US$137 per night in All Star...
  12. Gabriela

    No fastpasses available today?

    Hi, I'm from Brazil and I'm planning a trip to WDW next May. And all that thing about regular FP and FP+ are driving me crazy. For many reasons, I don't want to stay at a Disney resort, like prices, children all around, Brazilian group tours (I know, it's a shame for us, but they are really...
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