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  1. zimm_18

    Q/S Restaurant..And The Award Goes To.......

    My family enjoys Columbia Harbor House! We also love the friendly fellow ringing the bell outside the door.
  2. zimm_18

    For those who've tested Fastpass+: what strategy did you use and for what attractions?

    I had a question.... I recently picked some fast pass + options for our trip. For Disney Studios, Am I reading it correctly that Fantasmic is an option? If so, how is the seating? Or is it on the list to just help plan your trip? Thanks in advance!!
  3. zimm_18

    Refrigerators being temporarily removed from all rooms

    Just wondering... Any updates on the fridge situation at Pop? Will be staying Mid November. Thanks in Advance!
  4. zimm_18

    Are there ANY "negatives" about Disneyworld in your mind?

    I second this! I understand there needs to be room for the scooters, wheelchairs ect, but not allowing the whole family on while the rest of the line has been waiting. At least let have them wait thru a bus. I was unaware of fastpasses for the bus system. I have been to Disney the past 3 years...
  5. zimm_18

    Need Help on deciding where to stay for trip

    Thanks so much everyone! Looks like I'll be going with Pop! Ive heard they have a really good cheesecake also :) 75Disney, Hearing that the sport resorts food court is being redone, really helped make the decision. and Mitchk you are a lucky duck to get to stay at movies :P And cmybliss, I...
  6. zimm_18

    Need Help on deciding where to stay for trip

    Im hoping I can get some advice on our upcoming Disney trip. My husband, 7 yr old son and Myself will be driving down to Orlando arriving Nov.16th and staying til late Nov. 22, 2013 and taking advantage of the free quick service dining. I have a few different problems I was hoping someone could...
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