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  1. Shazza

    Please decide for me!

    Yes - I would pop over the pond from UK if only it was a couple of hours away. Have a fantastic Birthday enjoy.
  2. Shazza

    **It's UNOFFICIAL** The '13 Unofficial WDWMagic Girls Cruise!

    I so want to be on this cruise. Words cannot describe.... But it's a long way from Manchester in the UK and we are counting the days until our trip next year. Instead I will wait patiently for the trip reports and hope there will indeed be another planned for the future where I can meet...
  3. Shazza

    Trip Report Surviving the Fantasy - Making the most of moments before they're gone...

    So glad i found this forum. Amazing trippy report you have had me enthralled - I have spent the last few weeks catching up on your vacations and wonderful cruisecations that you have convinced me that our planned trip in April 2015 will now include a cruise. If only we could have fit it into our...
  4. Shazza

    Trip Report *DONE!* Take a dash of Food & Wine, a 30th birthday, some crayons, a 10 mile run and what do ya get?

    My first post here goes - loving the TR can't wait until our trip in April next year, living through yours at the moment is keeping me going. Amazing photos btw Shaz
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