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  1. JohnnyDepp

    Imagination! Being Replaced w. Dr. Doof?

    I agree that Imagination does need help, since its current form is a slap in the face to many fans "You want Figment? Here's so much Figment that you'll never want to see Figment again!" However, I cannot stand Phineas and Ferb. I think there isn't much imagination going on at all on that show...
  2. JohnnyDepp

    POTC: Grafitti in the queue.

    I feel like this is what the new "Interactive Queue" fad is for. I feel like they're saying "Okay, here's something to look at, things to touch, plaques to read. Here are distractions. STOP CARVING YOUR DAMNED NAMES NOW."
  3. JohnnyDepp

    New characters for Fantasmic finale

    So Meg can't stay in Fantasmic, but those neon rave party monkey suits can still survive the show? this emoticon is as close as I can show to rolling my eyes. o_O
  4. JohnnyDepp

    Upcoming/Rumored Projects

    I'm so sad that another Dark Ride isn't in the works, especially since the fall of Snow White. Another thing to bring up- I haven't seen it in person, but I know that in DCA, the Cars land absorbs a large space. Do you have any ideas on where it would be located in WDW?
  5. JohnnyDepp

    Pirates of the Caribbean closing for short refurbishment in June

    I'm disappointed that it was just on the bubbles, I was crossing my fingers that they'd do something to stop the dreaded bumper-boats from occurring at the final Jack scene and the exit queue.
  6. JohnnyDepp

    Cannon water explosions turned off at Pirates

    I know back in 2011, the last time I rode WDW pirates, a few of the various AA's were missing, Jack seemed fine then though. I don't know if it was a temporary thing or not, since I don't get to visit WDW very often. I know that many of the scenes looked awkward due to gaps, especially during...
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