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  1. IAmALocal

    MagicBands WILL become a thing...

    From what I understood I thought they were rubber (If not rubber then a material similar to rubber). I could be wrong though.
  2. IAmALocal

    MagicBands WILL become a thing...

    Even if you do get sick of wearing it on your wrist after a couple days, you could always put it in a pocket. Being that it is made of rubber, it seems like it would be more difficult to slide out of your pocket. In comparison to things like wallets and plastic cards which are slippery.
  3. IAmALocal

    What's the most surprising thing you've seen at Disney Plenty of good arguments for either side in this thread. I don't want to derail this one. Also, it looked like a real cigarette at first and that worried me, I was in the Single Rider line while they were in the standby line...
  4. IAmALocal

    Attractions that I will NOT go on again.

    Hey, at least you didn't get stuck on It's a Small World. Our boats got backed up because it was taking a little longer to load/ unload than normal and we sat in the final "scene" for 5 minutes. I don't think I want to ever hear that song again.
  5. IAmALocal

    Will you use a MagicBand?

    I plan on holding on to my RFID card for as long as possible, but from what it sounds like people with APs will be transferred to the Magic Band. I would like to keep my card because I am not too intrigued by the FP+ system and with the Magic Band you will have to use FP+. Until the traditional...
  6. IAmALocal

    What's the most surprising thing you've seen at Disney

    One that stuck out for me were a group of kids, couldn't have been much older than 18, passing around a cigarette and smoking it inside the Test Track queue. It might have been an electronic cigarette considering it didn't set off any smoke alarms. But still, I think even those shouldn't be...
  7. IAmALocal

    Major Storm Damage at USO

    Ha, I knew that didn't sound right. My timeline for today is a bit messed up. It's been a long day.
  8. IAmALocal

    Major Storm Damage at USO

    I wasn't trying to promote the whole "Disney is bad..." idea. My whole family revolves around Disney. My sister is a lifeguard at Typhoon and my father was a high level director (Man do I miss golden football parking). My immediate family all have annual passes. Anyways, I think you get my...
  9. IAmALocal

    Major Storm Damage at USO

    No, I can't prove how the CMs handled the situation. And I can see where everyone is coming from about not believing me when what the CMs should have done is not what they did do in this situation. Quite frankly I don't understand why they didn't allow people to enter the building for shelter...
  10. IAmALocal

    Major Storm Damage at USO

    When people walked in to the Odyssey Center the CM asked said people if they were here to get their AP changed. When said people responded "No" the CM politely asked them to leave. Like I said I was not there for very long and was only at one of the entrances. And no, I have no visual evidence...
  11. IAmALocal

    Major Storm Damage at USO

    Ok, so I was there for only half an hour. And I was at the entrance closest to test track. But when I was there during that half hour (4:00-4:30) they weren't letting people in...
  12. IAmALocal

    Major Storm Damage at USO

    I was at the Odyssey Center in Epcot getting my AP changed to the new RFID card when the storm was in full swing. Getting people into the building for shelter was the least of the CM's worries. In fact, when people went to enter, the CM's would turn them away because they weren't getting their...
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