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  1. Disneymama2006

    Free Dining 2013?

    Does anyone know if they might extend the dates to include Oct 5-12? I don't exactly know why they blacked out those dates:( Maybe a deal just for Visa card holders with extended dates? Have you heard of anything like this happening? We have a group of 10 that won't be able to go without FD :(
  2. Disneymama2006

    Is free Dining a thing of the past?

    I am just a little tired of the "cat and mouse" game. If Disney has decided not to offer Free Dining this year, that is their choice. We aren't owed anything...HOWEVER, I wish they would just come out and say "yes" or "no" so that those of us who can't afford a trip without Free Dining can move...
  3. Disneymama2006

    Is free Dining a thing of the past?

    I agree. We went the 3rd week of September last year and it was the busiest we ever seen it at that time of year (we have gone every year since 2006). Even the MNSSHP was so crowded that my husband said we wouldn't be dropping the extra $$$ to go to it again.
  4. Disneymama2006

    Free Dining 2013?

    Wow. There are those of us who can't afford a Disney Trip without Free Dining. I priced out the same package with and without...the difference?? over $1500 for a family of 4!! So that isn't wanting something for nothing. That is the difference between a $2600 trip and a $4500 trip. And the thing...
  5. Disneymama2006

    October bounce back??

    Hi! I have seen where members of the forum posted pictures of bounce-back offers from 2012 to try and guess at dates for Free dining for August-September 2013. I havent' seen if bounce backs were offered in October 2012 for free dining in October 2013. We are going Oct. 5-12 this year. Anyone...
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