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  1. B


    the reason i asked the question was because my wife and i visited 2 years ago mid way threw September and they were horrible. swarms all over the buses and the resort. it was hard to lay out by the pool. this year we are bring our 3yo daughter with us and she totally freaks out over bugs, so...
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    wasnt sure where to post this, so i posted it in a couple of places. just wondering what the lovebugs are like @ POR this year? we leave 9-26. Thanks for any help
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    not sure where to post this. so i will ask here. What's the lovebug situation like @ POR this year. we leave 9-26.
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    Late Sept. previews ?

    im sure this has been discussed alot. but im gonna ask anyway. sorry. lol What attractions in the new fantasyland will we be able to visit during our stay from sept 26-oct 6. any previews or test runs of the attractions that will not officially be open til later in the year? Thanks for any Info.
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    Pirates of the Caribbean ?

    well that doesnt sound all that exciting.
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    Pirates of the Caribbean ?

    I might be wrong but i thought i read somewhere that there was going to be something for the pirates of the caribbean movies at DHS. thought it was goin to be put where Narnia things is/was. Am i wrong? did i just dream this? if im not wrong, the what exactly is going to be done and what is the...
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    Disney confirm opening timetable for the remainder of the new Fantasyland

    soft openings someone asked this question but got no reply. How much before the "official opening" do soft openings begin?
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    No "free dinning" rumor

    original post i must say that when i posted this question originally i had no idea the type of discussion it would invoke. but thank you to everyone for all the discussion. now i guess i will put my 2 cents in on free ddp. and the rise in costs and decline in quality. in 1971 my parents went...
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    No "free dinning" rumor

    so u think they will announce it earlier this year, since they announced the free ddp til sept earlier? we made our reservations this year for last part of sept/ beginning oct. but we really wanna go late oct/early nov. u think they will have deal then?
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    No "free dinning" rumor

    how do u know we will find out then?
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    No "free dinning" rumor

    disney dinning has been a blessing for us as well. saves us so much money. the first year we used it my wife kept track of all the money we used on snacks (that was when they gave 2 snacks/day for quick service ddp) and we saved over $1500. couldnt believe it!
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    No "free dinning" rumor

    i heard a rumor that the free dinning plan would not be extended this fall. what does everyone think? will disney extend the free dinning plan past 9/29/2012?
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