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    Construction/Demolition at Old Imageworks

    So what is being constructed?
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    AVATAR land - the specifics

    If Avatar was a Disney film, I'd doubt we'd have that many people arguing that the most successful film of all time wasn't popular (???).
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    Haunted Mansion Bike Ghosts & Splash & Yeti & Everest info

    Be nice if people could focus on the new info (what has been fixed) as opposed to a dead horse (the Yeti AA) that has been beaten to death so much it is basically neutrons and electrons at this point. Some people come to this forum for new information I think.
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    Star Wars Weekends guest list announced.

    They could have at least gotten people that worked on the special effects and stuff. Some of the bit-role people as well. I know not all of these people are still working in the industry and have the time for something like that. I don't know why voice actors from a cartoon would be more...
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    Any Updates on Test Track Redo?

    Your intent was not clear at all. You could have just as easily been agreeing with him that the experience would be that negative, which is still a joke. The one who wants to make this into a flame war is you, since you don't like being contradicted in anyway at all. Not a great way for a...
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    Screamscape - Monorail Expansion Rumor

    Do to changes in technology and energy, I'd have to say the traditional wisdom that Disney would never invest more in another Monorail route is probably less true today than it was 20 years ago.
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    Star Wars Weekends guest list announced.

    This list pretty much sucks. Why is the original trilogy so under-represented?
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    Any Updates on Test Track Redo?

    I was referring mainly to the other guy as well, the one that's really upset about it.
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    Any Updates on Test Track Redo?

    I don't really see the comparison. How is one ride being closed comparable to the whole park being closed? Jeez, some people need to calm down. This can't be good for your health. One year I went to the MK and was dissapointed that that Space Mountain was closed, but it wasn't a huge deal...
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    Spaceship Earth Burning Rome Scene

    Which is totally unsubstantiated, because you don't know. You only assume the worst to go along with your doom and gloom mentality. I said you exaggerated, because that's why you did with that image and everything else. The fact that two people contradicted you in this thread proves your...
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    Spaceship Earth Burning Rome Scene

    I'm going with dreamcomestrue over Goofydad's pessimistic exaggerations. If you send things like letters, petitions, etc. through the correct channels, they are much more likely to become aware of the problem if they use an actual standard corporate structure, which they do. And yes, I think...
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    Spaceship Earth Burning Rome Scene

    This is where these things get frustrating. You're assuming they know fans are upset because they "observe web chatter." I have seen no evidence beyond paranoia that fan postings in forums have ever lead anything to being fixed. You need to send the complaints directly Disney so it reaches...
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    More Marvel at Disney World? Maybe?

    It's going to be Twilight in Spiderman form. Marc Webb only directed a bs teen angst movie before. Raimi is an icon. You people don't know how good you had it honestly. This is like going from Tim Burton to Joel Schumacher. Although, actually Shcumacer is a better director and was more...
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    More Marvel at Disney World? Maybe?

    The director of this film isn't Nolan. This film is being directed by a nobody. I don't know why the fans have such faith this film will be good. You complain about "Emo Parker," which was funny, but the trailer for the new film looks emo as heck. It's going to be a Spiderman movie about...
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    Could a new sponsorship be in the works with this new Disney Parks partnership with..

    Because choosing inferior video quality over video quality that looks like an actual film print is worth it due to the fact that a few Sony employees gave you a hard time with repairing your TV? If you really want to stick it to them, you can go back to VHS. lol
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    Spaceship Earth Burning Rome Scene

    Are people sure the dog in the Land hasn't just been taken away for a temporary refurbishment? I have to think removing one stationary animatronic and fixing it elsewhere makes more sense then shutting down the entire ride. Also the reports of the Rome burning smell seem inconsistent at best.
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